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Last active December 20, 2016 16:10
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Example for using color lists in sass
// using colors in the scss
body{ background: color(White);
// Give the p elements a black text color
p{ color: color(Black); }
// Set a half transparent green background
ul{ background-color: color(Green,.5);
//automatically create all classes from social with their colors
@each $color in $social-colors{
&.#{nth($color,1){ color: nth($color,2); }}
// Orrr use the color function. By giving the third argument another than the default color-set
&.#{nth($color,1){ color: color(nth($color,1),1,$social-colors); }}
// This one will give a warning in the console.
div{ color: color(Purplish); }
// This one wont:
div{ color: color(Purplish,1,$colors,false); }
// This one will just give a boolean (true or false) back if the color exists
div{ color: color(Purplish,1,$colors,false,true); }
// this can be used when making another list of elements, and check if this value also has a color. You can create the class, or just not..
// example:
$animals: "dog","cat","horse","Frog";
$animal-colors: {"dog": brown, "cat": orange, "frog": green }
@each $animal in $animals{
@if color($animal,1,$animal-colors,false,true);
.#{$animal} { background-color: color($animal,1,$animal-colors) }
// will generate:
.dog{ background-color: brown; }
.cat{ background-color: orange; }
.frog{ background-color: green; }
@function color($value, $rgba: false, $colorset: $colors, $warning: true, $boolean: false){
$color: map-get($colorset, $value);
@if $warning == true{
@if $color == null{
@warn 'color: "#{$value}" doesn\'t exist';
@if $boolean == true{
@if $color == null{
@return false;
} @else { @return true; }
} @else {
@if $rgba != false{
@return rgba($color,$rgba);
} @else{
@return $color;
"Black": #252324,
"White": #ffffff,
"Creme": #dadbcf,
"Red": #ee5858,
"Green": #5ec369,
"Blue": #509ad1,
"Turquoise": #50cfd1,
"Purple": #8d50d1,
"Yellow": #d8ba48
$social-colors: (
"500px": #ff4c4c,
"behance": #1769ff,
"dribbble": #ea4c89,
"facebook": #3b5998,
"flickr": #ff0084,
"foursquare": #0072b1,
"github": #0f0d0e,
"googleplus": #dd4b39,
"twitter": #00aced,
"linkedin": #007bb6,
"instagram": #517fa4,
"pinterest": #cb2027,
"redbubble": #fe0000,
"skype": #12A5F4,
"snapchat": #fffc00,
"soundcloud": #ff7700,
"society6": #000000,
"spotify": #2ebd59,
"tumblr": #32506d,
"vimeo": #aad450,
"vine": #00bf8f,
"vkontakte": #45668e,
"youtube": #bb0000,
"wordpress": #21759b
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