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Created November 16, 2012 19:36
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Rotations/Quaternionsfunktioen für Octave/MATLAB
% DISCLAIMER: Nur in Octave getestet. Könnte auch in MATLAB funktionieren, muss aber nicht...
% Achse-Winkeldarstellung zu Rotationsmatrix.
function rv = achsewinkel_to_rotmatrix(achse, winkel)
x = achse(1);
y = achse(2);
z = achse(3);
c = cos(winkel);
s = sin(winkel);
omc = 1-c;
rv = [ ...
(x^2)*omc+c, x*y*omc-(z*s), x*z*omc+(y*s); ...
y*x*omc+z*s, (y^2)*omc+c, y*z*omc-(x*s); ...
z*x*omc-(y*s), z*y*omc+(x*s), (z^2)*omc+c];
% Grad nach Radianten
function rv = deg(d)
rv = (d/180) * pi;
% Quaternionen Multiplizieren
function rv = quat_mult(x, y)
r1 = x(1)*y(1) - x(2)*y(2) - x(3)*y(3) - x(4)*y(4);
r2 = x(1)*y(2) + x(2)*y(1) + x(3)*y(4) - x(4)*y(3);
r3 = x(1)*y(3) - x(2)*y(4) + x(3)*y(1) + x(4)*y(2);
r4 = x(1)*y(4) + x(2)*y(3) - x(3)*y(2) + x(4)*y(1);
rv = [r1;r2;r3;r4];
% Konjugiertes Quaternion bilden
function rv = quat_conj(x)
rv = [x(1), -x(2), -x(3), -x(4)];
% Quaternion in Rotationsmatrix umrechnen
function rv = quat_to_rotmat(x)
a = x(1);
b = x(2);
c = x(3);
d = x(4);
rv = [1-2*(c^2+d^2), 2*(b*c-a*d), 2*(b*d+a*c); ...
2*(b*c+a*d), 1-2*(d^2+b^2), 2*(c*d-a*b); ...
2*(b*d-a*c), 2*(c*d+a*b), 1-2*(b^2+c^2)];
% Ein Quaternion invertieren
function rv = quat_inverse(x)
a = x(1);
b = x(2);
c = x(3);
d = x(4);
A = [a, -b, -c, -d; ...
b, a, -d, c; ...
c, d, a, -b; ...
d, -c, b, a];
b = [1;0;0;0];
rv = A \ b;
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