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Created January 29, 2013 04:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Tries to decrypt a Caesar cipher without the key.
# Uses brute force and compare the results against the English letter frequency.
# Letters in the English alphabet
# Frequency per letter in the English alphabet
english = {
'a': 0.082, 'b': 0.015, 'c': 0.028, 'd': 0.043, 'e': 0.127, 'f': 0.022,
'g': 0.020, 'h': 0.061, 'i': 0.070, 'j': 0.002, 'k': 0.008, 'l': 0.040,
'm': 0.024, 'n': 0.067, 'o': 0.075, 'p': 0.019, 'q': 0.001, 'r': 0.060,
's': 0.063, 't': 0.091, 'u': 0.028, 'v': 0.010, 'w': 0.023, 'x': 0.001,
'y': 0.020, 'z': 0.001
# Calculate a alphabet frequency for a string
def frequency(cipher):
freq = {}
letter_counter = 0
for letter in cipher:
if letter >= 'a' and letter <= 'z':
letter_counter += 1
if freq.has_key(letter):
freq[letter] += 1.0
freq[letter] = 1.0
for letter in freq:
freq[letter] = freq[letter]/letter_counter
return freq
# Quantificate the distance between two alphabet frequencies
def distance(frequency_a, frequency_b):
sum = 0
for letter in frequency_a:
if frequency_b.has_key(letter):
sum += abs(frequency_a[letter]-frequency_b[letter])
return sum
# Decrypts cipher using key
def caesar_decrypt(cipher, key):
message = ""
for letter in cipher:
original = letter
if letter >= 'a' and letter <= 'z':
original = chr(ord('a') + ((ord(letter)+key)%LETTERS))
message += original
return message
# Find the key that decryptes the cipher to a message with minimal distance
# to the English frequency
def break_caesar(cipher):
best_distance = float("inf")
best_key = 0
best_message = ""
for key in xrange(LETTERS):
message = caesar_decrypt(cipher, key)
freq = frequency(message)
current_distance = distance(freq, english)
if current_distance < best_distance:
best_distance = current_distance
best_key = key
best_message = message
return best_message, best_key, best_distance
print break_caesar('qefp fp qeb cfopq qbuq')
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