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Created November 12, 2021 09:55
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version = "3.0.6"
maxColumn = 100
importSelectors = singleLine
includeCurlyBraceInSelectChains = true
danglingParentheses.defnSite = true
danglingParentheses.callSite = true
danglingParentheses.ctrlSite = false
optIn.breakChainOnFirstMethodDot = true
optIn.breaksInsideChains = true
align.tokens = [
{code = "=>", owner = "Case"}
{code = "%", owner = "Term.ApplyInfix"},
{code = "%%", owner = "Term.ApplyInfix"}
rewrite.rules = [RedundantBraces, RedundantParens, SortModifiers, PreferCurlyFors]
rewrite.redundantBraces.stringInterpolation = true
rewrite.redundantBraces.generalExpressions = false
verticalMultiline.atDefnSite = false
verticalMultiline.arityThreshold = 100
verticalMultiline.newlineBeforeImplicitKW = false
verticalMultiline.newlineAfterImplicitKW = false
verticalMultiline.newlineAfterOpenParen = false
verticalAlignMultilineOperators = false
binPack.parentConstructors = Never
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