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Created June 7, 2015 13:49
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tiny hash map library
/* experimental hash library in ANSI C
* @author silverweed
* @license GNU GPL v3
#include "hash.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEBUG 1
#if DEBUG >= 1
#include <stdio.h>
static int bucket_get_int(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
static float bucket_get_float(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
static double bucket_get_double(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
static char bucket_get_char(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
static char* bucket_get_string(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
/********** Hash table methods ***********/
/** Creates a new hashtable, zeroes all its buckets and returns
* a pointer to it.
HashTable* new_hash_table() {
HashTable *tab = (HashTable*)malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
unsigned short i;
for (i = 0; i < MAP_N_BUCKETS; ++i) {
tab->buckets[i].elems = 0;
tab->buckets[i].list = NULL;
return tab;
/** Removes an element from the hash table and deallocates it */
void hash_remove(HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
BucketElement *it = table->buckets[h].list;
BucketElement *tmp;
if (strcmp(it->key, key) == 0) {
if (it->val.stringval != NULL)
table->buckets[h].list = it->next;
for ( ; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
if (it->next->key == key) {
tmp = it->next;
if (tmp->val.stringval != NULL)
it->next = tmp->next;
/** Inserts a new string in the hash table */
void hash_put_int(HashTable *table, const char *key, int val) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
/** Check if this value was already in map */
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(&table->buckets[h], key);
#if DEBUG >= 2
fprintf(stderr, "hash_put: key = %s, val = %d, hash = %d\n", key, val, h);
if (elem != NULL)
elem->val.intval = val;
bucket_push_front_int(&table->buckets[h], key, val);
void hash_put_float(HashTable *table, const char *key, float val) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(&table->buckets[h], key);
#if DEBUG >= 2
fprintf(stderr, "hash_put: key = %s, val = %f, hash = %d\n", key, val, h);
if (elem != NULL)
elem->val.floatval = val;
bucket_push_front_float(&table->buckets[h], key, val);
void hash_put_double(HashTable *table, const char *key, double val) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(&table->buckets[h], key);
#if DEBUG >= 2
fprintf(stderr, "hash_put: key = %s, val = %f, hash = %d\n", key, val, h);
if (elem != NULL)
elem->val.doubleval = val;
bucket_push_front_double(&table->buckets[h], key, val);
void hash_put_char(HashTable *table, const char *key, char val) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(&table->buckets[h], key);
#if DEBUG >= 2
fprintf(stderr, "hash_put: key = %s, val = %c, hash = %d\n", key, val, h);
if (elem != NULL)
elem->val.charval = val;
bucket_push_front_char(&table->buckets[h], key, val);
void hash_put_string(HashTable *table, const char *key, char *val) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(&table->buckets[h], key);
#if DEBUG >= 2
fprintf(stderr, "hash_put: key = %s, val = %s, hash = %d\n", key, val, h);
if (elem != NULL) {
elem->val.stringval = (char*)malloc(sizeof(val));
strcpy(elem->val.stringval, val);
} else
bucket_push_front_string(&table->buckets[h], key, val);
int hash_get_int(const HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
return bucket_get_int(&table->buckets[h], key);
float hash_get_float(const HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
return bucket_get_float(&table->buckets[h], key);
double hash_get_double(const HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
return bucket_get_double(&table->buckets[h], key);
char hash_get_char(const HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
return bucket_get_char(&table->buckets[h], key);
char* hash_get_string(const HashTable *table, const char *key) {
map_hash_t h = calc_hash(key);
return bucket_get_string(&table->buckets[h], key);
/******** Bucket methods *********/
/** Allocates a new bucket element containing `str` and returns its pointer */
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_int(const char *str, int val) {
BucketElement *elem = (BucketElement*)malloc(sizeof(BucketElement));
elem->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->key, str);
elem->val.stringval = NULL;
elem->val.intval = val;
elem->next = NULL;
return elem;
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_float(const char *str, float val) {
BucketElement *elem = (BucketElement*)malloc(sizeof(BucketElement));
elem->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->key, str);
elem->val.stringval = NULL;
elem->val.floatval = val;
elem->next = NULL;
return elem;
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_double(const char *str, double val) {
BucketElement *elem = (BucketElement*)malloc(sizeof(BucketElement));
elem->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->key, str);
elem->val.stringval = NULL;
elem->val.doubleval = val;
elem->next = NULL;
return elem;
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_char(const char *str, char val) {
BucketElement *elem = (BucketElement*)malloc(sizeof(BucketElement));
elem->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->key, str);
elem->val.stringval = NULL;
elem->val.charval = val;
elem->next = NULL;
return elem;
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_string(const char *str, char *val) {
BucketElement *elem = (BucketElement*)malloc(sizeof(BucketElement));
elem->key = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->key, str);
elem->val.stringval = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(str));
strcpy(elem->val.stringval, val);
elem->next = NULL;
return elem;
/** Adds an element in the head of a bucket. */
void bucket_push_front_int(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, int val) {
BucketElement *elem = new_bucket_element_int(key, val);
elem->next = bkt->list;
bkt->list = elem;
void bucket_push_front_float(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, float val) {
BucketElement *elem = new_bucket_element_float(key, val);
elem->next = bkt->list;
bkt->list = elem;
void bucket_push_front_double(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, double val) {
BucketElement *elem = new_bucket_element_double(key, val);
elem->next = bkt->list;
bkt->list = elem;
void bucket_push_front_char(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, char val) {
BucketElement *elem = new_bucket_element_char(key, val);
elem->next = bkt->list;
bkt->list = elem;
void bucket_push_front_string(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, char *val) {
BucketElement *elem = new_bucket_element_string(key, val);
elem->next = bkt->list;
bkt->list = elem;
/** Retreives an element by key from a given bucket */
BucketElement* bucket_get_element(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *bp;
#if DEBUG >= 1
int k = 0;
for (bp = bkt->list; bp != NULL; bp = bp->next) {
if (strcmp(bp->key, key) == 0) {
#if DEBUG >= 1
fprintf(stderr, "map: found %s after %d elements\n", key, k);
return bp;
#if DEBUG >= 1
return NULL;
/** Retreives an element value by key from a given bucket */
static int bucket_get_int(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(bkt, key);
return elem == NULL ? 0 : elem->val.intval;
static float bucket_get_float(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(bkt, key);
return elem == NULL ? 0. : elem->val.floatval;
static double bucket_get_double(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(bkt, key);
return elem == NULL ? 0. : elem->val.doubleval;
static char bucket_get_char(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(bkt, key);
return elem == NULL ? '\0' : elem->val.charval;
static char* bucket_get_string(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key) {
BucketElement *elem = bucket_get_element(bkt, key);
return elem == NULL ? NULL : elem->val.stringval;
/******** Other functions **********/
map_hash_t calc_hash(const char *str) {
map_hash_t h, i;
const unsigned int l = strlen(str);
for (i = 0, h = 0; i < l; ++i) {
h += (unsigned int)str[i];
return h % MAP_N_BUCKETS;
/* experimental hash library in ANSI C
* @author silverweed
* @license GNU GPL v3
#pragma once
#include <string.h>
#define MAP_N_BUCKETS 256
typedef unsigned short map_hash_t;
/** Map entry char* => T */
typedef struct BucketElement {
char *key;
union {
int intval;
char charval;
float floatval;
double doubleval;
char* stringval;
} val;
struct BucketElement *next;
} BucketElement;
typedef struct {
BucketElement *list;
unsigned int elems;
} Bucket;
typedef struct {
Bucket buckets[MAP_N_BUCKETS];
} HashTable;
/*** Hash table methods ***/
HashTable* new_hash_table();
void hash_remove(HashTable *table, const char *key);
void hash_put_int(HashTable *table, const char *key, int val);
void hash_put_float(HashTable *table, const char *key, float val);
void hash_put_double(HashTable *table, const char *key, double val);
void hash_put_char(HashTable *table, const char *key, char val);
void hash_put_string(HashTable *table, const char *key, char *val);
int hash_get_int(const HashTable *table, const char *key);
float hash_get_float(const HashTable *table, const char *key);
double hash_get_double(const HashTable *table, const char *key);
char hash_get_char(const HashTable *table, const char *key);
char* hash_get_string(const HashTable *table, const char *key);
/*** Bucket methods ***/
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_int(const char *key, int val);
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_float(const char *key, float val);
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_double(const char *key, double val);
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_char(const char *key, char val);
BucketElement* new_bucket_element_string(const char *key, char *val);
void bucket_push_front_int(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, int val);
void bucket_push_front_float(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, float val);
void bucket_push_front_double(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, double val);
void bucket_push_front_char(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, char val);
void bucket_push_front_string(Bucket *bkt, const char *key, char *val);
BucketElement *bucket_get_element(const Bucket *bkt, const char *key);
/*** Other ***/
map_hash_t calc_hash(const char *str);
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