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Created July 9, 2015 10:33
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Simple countdown clock in Coffeescript
window.startClock = (finalTime, startingDiffHrs) ->
$ = init()
drawCircle = (coord) ->
sw 2
s circle coord...
fcol 0, 0, 0
f circle coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]/20
for i in [1..10]
a = 2*PI/10 * i
r = coord[2]
x = coord[0] + r * sin a
y = coord[1] - r * cos a
_r = if i % 2 is 0 then 7 / 8 * r else 10 / 11 * r
_x = coord[0] + _r * sin a
_y = coord[1] - _r * cos a
s line x, y, _x, _y
$.font = "bold 16px Monospace"
fcol 255, 0, 0
_x = x - 30 if i < 5
$.fillText (startingDiffHrs/24/10 * (10-i)), _x, _y
drawHours = (cx, cy, cr) ->
date = new Date()
# difference in seconds
diffs = (finalTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000
# Hour 0:00 is -30 days
perc = (startingDiffHrs*3600 - diffs) / (startingDiffHrs*3600)
a = if abs(perc) <= 1 then 2*PI * perc else 0.1
r = cr * 6 / 10
[x, y] = [cx + r*sin(a), cy - r*cos(a)]
sw 10
s line cx, cy, x, y
drawSeconds = (cx, cy, cr) ->
secs = new Date().getSeconds()
a = 2*PI * (secs / 60)
r = cr * 14 / 15
[x, y] = [cx + r*sin(a), cy - r*cos(a)]
sw 4
s line cx, cy, x, y
drawNumbers = (cx, cy, cr) ->
diff = (finalTime - new Date()) / 1000
rdays = floor(diff/86400)
diff -= rdays*86400
rhrs = floor(diff/3600)
diff -= rhrs*3600
rmin = floor(diff/60)
diff -= rmin*60
rsec = floor(diff)
step = 130
x = (600 - step*4) / 2
y = cy + 5/3*cr
$.font = "40px Monospace"
fcol 0, 0, 0, 0.7
$.fillText "#{rdays}d,", x, y
$.fillText "#{rhrs}h,", x + step, y
$.fillText "#{rmin}m,", x + 2*step, y
$.fillText "#{rsec}s", x + 3*step, y
drawAll = (coord) ->
f = ->
drawCircle coord
drawHours coord...
drawSeconds coord...
drawNumbers coord...
setTimeout f, 1000
drawAll [300, 300, 150]
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