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Last active April 9, 2022 13:10
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Vertex Animation Export Maxscript
macroScript VtxAniExport
category: "VertexAnimation"
-- Export texture and a set of parameters to enable vertex animation
-- Reference:
-- Reference:
rollout _rollout "Vertex Animation Export"
label objectName "Object" align:#center
spinner channel "Index Channel:" range:[0,99,2] type:#integer
spinner startFrame "Start Frame:" range:[0,1000,0] type:#integer
spinner endFrame "End Frame:" range:[0,1000,63] type:#integer
-- e.g. centimeter in max -> meter in unity => scale = 0.01
spinner unitScale "Unit Scale" range:[0, 1000, 0.01] type:#float
button export "Export"
edittext vertCountText "Vertex Count" text:"..." readOnly:true
edittext frameCountText "Frame Count" text:"..." readOnly:true
edittext offsetText "Offset" text:"..." readOnly:true
edittext scaleText "Scale" text:"..." readOnly:true
-- support editable_mesh only for now
fn checkMesh mesh =
local ret = isvalidnode mesh and ( classof mesh == editable_mesh )
print ret
on export pressed do
if selection.count == 1 and checkMesh selection[1] then
local target = selection[1]
print target
objectName.text =
local vertexCount = getNumVerts target
print vertexCount
vertCountText.text = vertexCount as string
local modifiersEnabled = #()
-- disable all modifiers temporarily to get original initial positions
for i = 1 to target.modifiers.count do
append modifiersEnabled target.modifiers[i].enabled
target.modifiers[i].enabled = false
-- record initial positions
local initPositions = #()
for i = 1 to vertexCount do
local pos = meshop.getVert target i
append initPositions pos
meshop.setVertColor target channel.value i [(i - 0.5) * (1.0 / vertexCount) * 255.0,0,0]
-- re-enable modifiers
for i = 1 to target.modifiers.count do
target.modifiers[i].enabled = modifiersEnabled[i]
local offsetsByFrames = #()
local maxValue = 0.0
local minValue = 0.0
-- process frames, record position offsets
for f = startFrame.value to endFrame.value do
local offsets = #()
slidertime = f
for i = 1 to vertexCount do
local pos = meshop.getVert target i
local offset = pos - initPositions[i]
offset *= unitScale.value
append offsets offset
minValue = amin minValue offset.x
minValue = amin minValue offset.y
minValue = amin minValue offset.z
maxValue = amax maxValue offset.x
maxValue = amax maxValue offset.y
maxValue = amax maxValue offset.z
append offsetsByFrames offsets
format "minValue = %\n" minValue
format "maxValue = %\n" maxValue
min2max = maxValue - minValue
offsetValue = minValue
scaleValue = min2max
offsetText.text = offsetValue as string
scaleText.text = scaleValue as string
local width = vertexCount
local height = endFrame.value - startFrame.value + 1
frameCountText.text = height as string
-- save offsets as texture
local filePath = getSaveFileName types:"BMP (*.BMP)|*.BMP"
if filePath == undefined then
messagebox "please select a file location"
local texture = bitmap width height filename:filePath hdr:false gamma:1.0
for h = 1 to height do
local colors = #()
for w = 1 to width do
local offset = offsetsByFrames[h][w]
local x = (offset.x - minValue) / min2max * 255.0
local y = (offset.y - minValue) / min2max * 255.0
local z = (offset.z - minValue) / min2max * 255.0
local w = 0
append colors (color x y z w)
setPixels texture [0, h - 1] colors
save texture gamma:1.0
close texture
messagebox "Select a Editable Mesh first"
createDialog _rollout
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