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Created January 5, 2017 12:21
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// Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights reserved.
// IMPORTANT: This file MUST be written out from ESTK with the option to write the UTF-8
// signature turned ON (Edit > Preferences > Documents > UTF-8 Signature). Otherwise,
// the script fails when run from Photoshop with "JavaScript code was missing" on
// non-English Windows systems.
// Extract CSS from the current layer selection and copy it to the clipboard.
@@@BUILDINFO@@@ CopyCSSToClipboard.jsx
$.localize = true;
// Constants for accessing PS event functionality. In the interests of speed
// we're defining just the ones used here, rather than sucking in a general defs file.
const classApplication = app.charIDToTypeID('capp');
const classDocument = charIDToTypeID('Dcmn');
const classLayer = app.charIDToTypeID('Lyr ');
const classLayerEffects = app.charIDToTypeID('Lefx');
const classProperty = app.charIDToTypeID('Prpr');
const enumTarget = app.charIDToTypeID('Trgt');
const eventGet = app.charIDToTypeID('getd');
const eventHide = app.charIDToTypeID('Hd ');
const eventSelect = app.charIDToTypeID('slct');
const eventShow = app.charIDToTypeID('Shw ');
const keyItemIndex = app.charIDToTypeID ('ItmI');
const keyLayerID = app.charIDToTypeID('LyrI');
const keyTarget = app.charIDToTypeID('null');
const keyTextData = app.charIDToTypeID('TxtD');
const typeNULL = app.charIDToTypeID('null');
const typeOrdinal = app.charIDToTypeID('Ordn');
const ktextToClipboardStr = app.stringIDToTypeID( "textToClipboard" );
const unitAngle = app.charIDToTypeID('#Ang');
const unitDensity = app.charIDToTypeID('#Rsl');
const unitDistance = app.charIDToTypeID('#Rlt');
const unitNone = app.charIDToTypeID('#Nne');
const unitPercent = app.charIDToTypeID('#Prc');
const unitPixels = app.charIDToTypeID('#Pxl');
const unitMillimeters= app.charIDToTypeID('#Mlm');
const unitPoints = app.charIDToTypeID('#Pnt');
const enumRulerCm = app.charIDToTypeID('RrCm');
const enumRulerInches = app.charIDToTypeID('RrIn');
const enumRulerPercent = app.charIDToTypeID('RrPr');
const enumRulerPicas = app.charIDToTypeID('RrPi');
const enumRulerPixels = app.charIDToTypeID('RrPx');
const enumRulerPoints = app.charIDToTypeID('RrPt');
// SheetKind definitions from USheet.h
const kAnySheet = 0;
const kPixelSheet = 1;
const kAdjustmentSheet = 2;
const kTextSheet = 3;
const kVectorSheet = 4;
const kSmartObjectSheet = 5;
const kVideoSheet = 6;
const kLayerGroupSheet = 7;
const k3DSheet = 8;
const kGradientSheet = 9;
const kPatternSheet = 10;
const kSolidColorSheet = 11;
const kBackgroundSheet = 12;
const kHiddenSectionBounder = 13;
// Tables to convert Photoshop UnitTypes into CSS types
var unitIDToCSS = {};
unitIDToCSS[unitAngle] = "deg";
unitIDToCSS[unitDensity] = "DEN "; // Not supported in CSS
unitIDToCSS[unitDistance] = "DIST"; // Not supported in CSS
unitIDToCSS[unitNone] = ""; // Not supported in CSS
unitIDToCSS[unitPercent] = "%";
unitIDToCSS[unitPixels] = "px";
unitIDToCSS[unitMillimeters] = "mm";
unitIDToCSS[unitPoints] = "pt";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerCm] = "cm";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerInches] = "in";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerPercent] = "%";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerPicas] = "pc";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerPixels] = "px";
unitIDToCSS[enumRulerPoints] = "pt";
// Pixel units in Photoshop are hardwired to 72 DPI (points),
// regardless of the doc resolution.
var unitIDToPt = {};
unitIDToPt[unitPixels] = 1;
unitIDToPt[enumRulerPixels] = 1;
unitIDToPt[Units.PIXELS] = 1;
unitIDToPt[unitPoints] = 1;
unitIDToPt[enumRulerPoints] = 1;
unitIDToPt[Units.POINTS] = 1;
unitIDToPt[unitMillimeters] = UnitValue(1, "mm").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[Units.MM] = UnitValue(1, "mm").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[enumRulerCm] = UnitValue(1, "cm").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[Units.CM] = UnitValue(1, "cm").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[enumRulerInches] = UnitValue(1, "in").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[Units.INCHES] = UnitValue(1, "in").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[stringIDToTypeID("inchesUnit")] = UnitValue(1, "in").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[enumRulerPicas] = UnitValue(1, "pc").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[Units.PICAS] = UnitValue(1, "pc").as('pt');
unitIDToPt[unitDistance] = 1;
unitIDToPt[unitDensity] = 1;
// Fortunately, both CSS and the DOM unit values use the same
// unit abbreviations.
var DOMunitToCSS = {};
DOMunitToCSS[Units.CM] = "cm";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.INCHES] = "in";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.MM] = "mm";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.PERCENT] = "%";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.PICAS] = "pc";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.PIXELS] = "px";
DOMunitToCSS[Units.POINTS] = "pt";
DOMunitToCSS[TypeUnits.MM] = "mm";
DOMunitToCSS[TypeUnits.PIXELS] = "px";
DOMunitToCSS[TypeUnits.POINTS] = "pt";
// A sample object descriptor path looks like:
// AGMStrokeStyleInfo.strokeStyleContent.'Clr '.'Rd '
// This converts either OSType or string IDs.
makeID = function( keyStr )
if (keyStr[0] == "'") // Keys with single quotes 'ABCD' are charIDs.
return app.charIDToTypeID( eval(keyStr) );
return app.stringIDToTypeID( keyStr );
// Clean up some pretty noisy FP numbers...
function round1k( x ) { return Math.round( x * 1000 ) / 1000; }
// Strip off the unit string and return UnitValue as an actual number
function stripUnits( x ) { return Number( x.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, "") ); }
// Convert a "3.0pt" style string or number to a DOM UnitValue
function makeUnitVal( v )
if (typeof v == "string")
return UnitValue( stripUnits( v ), v.replace(/[0-9.-]+/g, "" ) );
if (typeof v == "number")
return UnitValue( v, DOMunitToCSS[app.preferences.rulerUnits] );
// Convert a pixel measurement into a UnitValue in rulerUnits
function pixelsToAppUnits( v )
if (app.preferences.rulerUnits == Units.PIXELS)
return UnitValue( v, "px" );
// Divide by doc's DPI, convert to inch, then convert to ruler units.
var appUnits = DOMunitToCSS[app.preferences.rulerUnits];
return UnitValue( (UnitValue( v / app.activeDocument.resolution, "in" )).as(appUnits), appUnits );
// Format a DOM UnitValue as a CSS string, using the rulerUnits units.
UnitValue.prototype.asCSS = function()
var cssUnits = DOMunitToCSS[app.preferences.rulerUnits];
return round1k( ) + cssUnits;
// Return the absolute value of a UnitValue as a UnitValue
UnitValue.prototype.abs = function()
return UnitValue( Math.abs( this.value ), this.type );
// It turns out no matter what your PS units pref is set to, the DOM/PSEvent
// system happily hands you values in whatever whacky units it feels like.
// This normalizes the unit output to the ruler setting, for consistency in CSS.
// Note: This isn't a method because "desc" can either be an ActionDescriptor
// or an ActionList (in which case the "ID" is the index).
function getPSUnitValue( desc, ID )
var srcUnitsID = desc.getUnitDoubleType( ID );
if (srcUnitsID == unitNone) // Um, unitless unitvalues are just...numbers.
return round1k( desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID ));
// Angles and percentages are typically things like gradient parameters,
// and should be left as-is.
if ((srcUnitsID == unitAngle) || (srcUnitsID == unitPercent))
return round1k(desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID )) + unitIDToCSS[srcUnitsID];
// Skip conversion if coming and going in pixels
if (((srcUnitsID == unitPixels) || (srcUnitsID == enumRulerPixels))
&& (app.preferences.rulerUnits == Units.PIXELS))
return round1k(desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID )) + "px";
// Other units to pixels must first convert to points,
// then expanded by the actual doc resolution (measured in DPI)
if (app.preferences.rulerUnits == Units.PIXELS)
return round1k( desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID ) * unitIDToPt[srcUnitsID]
* app.activeDocument.resolution / 72 ) + "px";
var DOMunitStr = DOMunitToCSS[app.preferences.rulerUnits];
// Pixels must be explictly converted to other units
if ((srcUnitsID == unitPixels) || (srcUnitsID == enumRulerPixels))
return pixelsToAppUnits( desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID ) ).as(DOMunitStr) + DOMunitStr;
// Otherwise, let Photoshop do generic conversion.
return round1k( UnitValue( desc.getUnitDoubleValue( ID ),
).as( DOMunitStr ) ) + DOMunitStr;
// Attempt decoding of reference types. This generates an object with two keys,
// "refclass" and "value". So a channel reference looks like:
// { refclass:'channel', value: 1 }
// Note the dump method compresses this to the text "{ channel: 1 }", but internally
// the form above is used. This is because ExtendScript doesn't have a good method
// for enumerating keys.
function getReference( ref )
var v;
switch (ref.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.CLASSTYPE: v = typeIDToStringID( ref.getDesiredClass() ); break;
case ReferenceFormType.ENUMERATED: v = ref.getEnumeratedValue(); break;
case ReferenceFormType.IDENTIFIER: v = ref.getIdentifier(); break;
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: v = ref.getIndex(); break;
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: v =ref.getName(); break;
case ReferenceFormType.OFFSET: v = ref.getOffset(); break;
case ReferenceFormType.PROPERTY: v = ref.getProperty(); break;
default: v = null;
return { refclass: typeIDToStringID( ref.getDesiredClass() ), value: v };
// For non-recursive types, return the value. Note unit types are
// returned as strings with the unit suffix, if you want just the number
// you'll need to strip off the type and convert it to Number()
// Note: This isn't a method because "desc" can either be an ActionDescriptor
// or an ActionList (in which case the "ID" is the index).
function getFlatType( desc, ID )
switch (desc.getType( ID ))
case DescValueType.BOOLEANTYPE: return desc.getBoolean( ID );
case DescValueType.STRINGTYPE: return desc.getString( ID );
case DescValueType.INTEGERTYPE: return desc.getInteger( ID );
case DescValueType.DOUBLETYPE: return desc.getDouble( ID );
case DescValueType.UNITDOUBLE: return getPSUnitValue( desc, ID );
case DescValueType.ENUMERATEDTYPE: return typeIDToStringID( desc.getEnumerationValue(ID) );
case DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE: return getReference( desc.getReference( ID ) );
case DescValueType.RAWTYPE: return desc.getData( ID );
case DescValueType.ALIASTYPE: return desc.getPath( ID );
case DescValueType.CLASSTYPE: return typeIDToStringID( desc.getClass( ID ) );
default: return desc.getType(ID).toString();
//////////////////////////////////// ActionDescriptor //////////////////////////////////////
ActionDescriptor.prototype.getFlatType = function( ID )
return getFlatType( this, ID );
ActionList.prototype.getFlatType = function( index )
// Share the ActionDesciptor code via duck typing
return getFlatType( this, index );
// Traverse the object described the string in the current layer.
// Objects take the form of the nested descriptor IDs (the code above figures out the types on the fly).
// So
// AGMStrokeStyleInfo.strokeStyleContent.'Clr '.'Rd '
// translates to doing a eventGet of stringIDToTypeID("AGMStrokeStyleInfo") on the current layer,
// then doing:
// desc.getObject(s2ID("AGMStrokeStyleInfo"))
// .getObject(s2ID("strokeStyleContent)).getObject(c2ID('Clr ')).getDouble('Rd ');
ActionDescriptor.prototype.getVal = function( keyList, firstListItemOnly )
if (typeof(keyList) == 'string') // Make keyList an array if not already
keyList = keyList.split('.');
if (typeof( firstListItemOnly ) == "undefined")
firstListItemOnly = true;
// If there are no more keys to traverse, just return this object.
if (keyList.length == 0)
return this;
keyStr = keyList.shift();
keyID = makeID(keyStr);
if (this.hasKey( keyID))
switch (this.getType( keyID ))
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
return this.getObjectValue( keyID ).getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly );
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
var xx = this.getList( keyID ); // THIS IS CREEPY - original code below fails in random places on the same document.
return /*this.getList( keyID )*/xx.getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly );
default: return this.getFlatType( keyID );
return null;
// Traverse the actionList using the keyList (see below)
ActionList.prototype.getVal = function( keyList, firstListItemOnly )
if (typeof(keyList) == 'string') // Make keyList an array if not already
keyList = keyList.split('.');
if (typeof( firstListItemOnly ) == "undefined")
firstListItemOnly = true;
// Instead of ID, pass list item #. Duck typing.
if (firstListItemOnly)
switch (this.getType( 0 ))
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
return this.getObjectValue( 0 ).getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly );
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
return this.getList( 0 ).getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly );
default: return this.getFlatType( 0 );
var i, result = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.count; ++i)
switch (this.getType(i))
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
result.push( this.getObjectValue( i ).getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly ));
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
result.push( this.getList( i ).getVal( keyList, firstListItemOnly ));
result.push( this.getFlatType( i ) );
return result;
ActionDescriptor.prototype.extractBounds = function()
function getbnd(desc, key) { return makeUnitVal( desc.getVal( key ) ); }
return [getbnd(this,"left"), getbnd(this,"top"), getbnd(this,"right"), getbnd(this,"bottom")];
ActionDescriptor.dumpValue = function( flatValue )
if ((typeof flatValue == "object") && (typeof flatValue.refclass == "string"))
return "{ " + flatValue.refclass + ": " + flatValue.value + " }";
return flatValue;
// Debugging - recursively walk a descriptor and dump out all of the keys
// Note we only dump stringIDs. If you look in UActions.cpp:CInitialStringToIDEntry,
// there is a table converting most (all?) charIDs into stringIDs.
ActionDescriptor.prototype.dumpDesc = function( keyName )
var i;
if (typeof( keyName ) == "undefined")
keyName = "";
for (i = 0; i < this.count; ++i)
var key = this.getKey(i);
var ref;
var thisKey = keyName + "." + app.typeIDToStringID( key ) ;
switch (this.getType( key ))
case DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE:
this.getObjectValue( key ).dumpDesc( thisKey );
case DescValueType.LISTTYPE:
this.getList( key ).dumpDesc( thisKey );
case DescValueType.REFERENCETYPE:
ref = this.getFlatType( key );
$.writeln( thisKey + ":ref:" + ref.refclass + ":" + ref.value );
$.writeln( thisKey
+ ": " + ActionDescriptor.dumpValue( this.getFlatType( key ) ) );
ActionList.prototype.dumpDesc = function( keyName )
var i;
if (typeof( keyName ) == "undefined")
keyName = "";
if (this.count == 0)
$.writeln( keyName + " <empty list>" );
for (i = 0; i < this.count; ++i)
try {
if (this.getType(i) == DescValueType.OBJECTTYPE)
this.getObjectValue(i).dumpDesc( keyName + "[" + i + "]" );
if (this.getType(i) == DescValueType.LISTTYPE)
this.getList(i).dumpDesc( keyName + "[" + i + "]" );
$.writeln( keyName + "[" + i + "]:"
+ ActionDescriptor.dumpValue( this.getFlatType( i ) ) );
catch (err)
$.writeln("Error "+keyName+"["+i+"]: " + err.message);
//////////////////////////////////// ProgressBar //////////////////////////////////////
// "ProgressBar" provides an abstracted interface to the progress bar DOM. It keeps
// track of the total steps and number of steps completed so task steps can simply call
// nextProgress().
function ProgressBar()
this.totalProgressSteps = 0;
this.currentProgress = 0;
// You must set cssToClip.totalProgressSteps to the total number of
// steps to complete before calling this or nextProgress().
// Returns true if aborted.
ProgressBar.prototype.updateProgress = function( done )
if (this.totalProgressSteps == 0)
return false;
return !app.updateProgress( done, this.totalProgressSteps );
// Returns true if aborted.
ProgressBar.prototype.nextProgress = function()
return this.updateProgress( this.currentProgress );
//////////////////////////////////// PSLayer //////////////////////////////////////
// The overhead for using Photoshop DOM layers is high, and can be
// really high if you need to switch the active layer. This class provides
// a cache and accessor functions for layers bypassing the DOM.
function PSLayerInfo( layerIndex, isBG )
this.index = layerIndex;
this.boundsCache = null;
this.descCache = {};
if (isBG)
this.layerID = "BG";
this.layerKind = kBackgroundSheet;
// See TLayerElement::Make() to learn how layers are located by PS events.
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty( classProperty, keyLayerID );
ref.putIndex( classLayer, layerIndex );
this.layerID = executeActionGet( ref ).getVal("layerID");
this.layerKind = this.getLayerAttr("layerKind");
this.visible = this.getLayerAttr("visible");
PSLayerInfo.layerIDToIndex = function( layerID )
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty( classProperty, keyItemIndex );
ref.putIdentifier( classLayer, layerID );
return executeActionGet( ref ).getVal("itemIndex");
PSLayerInfo.prototype.makeLayerActive = function()
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier( classLayer, this.layerID );
desc.putReference( typeNULL, ref );
executeAction( eventSelect, desc, DialogModes.NO );
PSLayerInfo.prototype.getLayerAttr = function( keyString, layerDesc )
var layerDesc;
var keyList = keyString.split('.');
if ((typeof(layerDesc) == "undefined") || (layerDesc == null))
// Cache the IDs, because some (e.g., Text) take a while to get.
if (typeof this.descCache[keyList[0]] == "undefined")
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty( classProperty, makeID(keyList[0]));
ref.putIndex( classLayer, this.index );
layerDesc = executeActionGet( ref );
this.descCache[keyList[0]] = layerDesc;
layerDesc = this.descCache[keyList[0]];
return layerDesc.getVal( keyList );
PSLayerInfo.prototype.getBounds = function( ignoreEffects )
var boundsDesc;
if (typeof ignoreEffects == "undefined")
ignoreEffects = false;
if (ignoreEffects)
boundsDesc = this.getLayerAttr("boundsNoEffects");
if (this.boundsCache)
return this.boundsCache;
boundsDesc = this.getLayerAttr("bounds");
if (this.getLayerAttr("artboardEnabled"))
boundsDesc = this.getLayerAttr("artboard.artboardRect");
var bounds = boundsDesc.extractBounds();
if (! ignoreEffects)
this.boundsCache = bounds;
return bounds;
// Get a list of descriptors. Returns NULL if one of them is unavailable.
PSLayerInfo.prototype.getLayerAttrList = function( keyString )
var i, keyList = keyString.split('.');
var descList = [];
// First item from the layer
var desc = this.getLayerAttr( keyList[0] );
if (! desc)
return null;
descList.push( desc );
if (keyList.length == 1)
return descList;
for (i = 1; i < keyList.length; ++i)
desc = descList[i-1].getVal( keyList[i] );
if (desc == null) return null;
descList.push( desc );
return descList;
PSLayerInfo.prototype.descToColorList = function( colorDesc, colorPath )
function roundColor( x ) { x = Math.round(x); return (x > 255) ? 255 : x; }
var i, rgb = ["'Rd '", "'Grn '","'Bl '"]; // Note double quotes around single quotes
var rgbTxt = [];
// See if the color is really there
colorDesc = this.getLayerAttr( colorPath, colorDesc );
if (! colorDesc)
return null;
for (i in rgb)
rgbTxt.push( roundColor(colorDesc.getVal( rgb[i] )) );
return rgbTxt;
// If the desc has a 'Clr ' object, create CSS "rgb( rrr, ggg, bbb )" output from it.
PSLayerInfo.prototype.descToCSSColor = function( colorDesc, colorPath )
var rgbTxt = this.descToColorList( colorDesc, colorPath );
if (! rgbTxt)
return null;
return "rgb(" + rgbTxt.join(", ") + ")";
PSLayerInfo.prototype.descToRGBAColor = function( colorPath, opacity, colorDesc )
var rgbTxt = this.descToColorList( colorDesc, colorPath );
rgbTxt = rgbTxt ? rgbTxt : ["0","0","0"];
if (! ((opacity > 0.0) && (opacity < 1.0)))
opacity = opacity / 255.0;
if (opacity == 1.0)
return "rgb(" + rgbTxt.join( ", ") + ")";
return "rgba(" + rgbTxt.join( ", ") + ", " + round1k( opacity ) + ")";
function DropShadowInfo( xoff, yoff, dsDesc )
this.xoff = xoff;
this.yoff = yoff;
this.dsDesc = dsDesc;
PSLayerInfo.getEffectOffset = function( fxDesc )
var xoff, yoff, angle;
// Assumes degrees, PS users aren't into radians.
if (fxDesc.getVal( "useGlobalAngle" ))
angle = stripUnits( cssToClip.getAppAttr( "globalAngle.globalLightingAngle" ) ) * (Math.PI/180.0);
angle = stripUnits( fxDesc.getVal( "localLightingAngle" ) ) * (Math.PI/180.0);
// Photoshop describes the drop shadow in polar coordinates, while CSS uses cartesian coords.
var distance = fxDesc.getVal( "distance" );
var distUnits = distance.replace( /[\d.]+/g, "" );
distance = stripUnits( distance );
return [round1k(-Math.cos(angle) * distance) + distUnits,
round1k( Math.sin(angle) * distance) + distUnits];
// New lfx: dropShadowMulti, frameFXMulti, gradientFillMulti, innerShadowMulti, solidFillMulti,
PSLayerInfo.prototype.getDropShadowInfo = function( shadowType, boundsInfo, psEffect )
psEffect = (typeof psEffect == "undefined") ? "dropShadow" : psEffect;
var lfxDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "layerEffects");
var dsDesc = lfxDesc ? lfxDesc.getVal( psEffect ) : null;
var lfxOn = this.getLayerAttr( "layerFXVisible" );
// Gather the effect and effectMulti descriptors into a single list.
// It will be one or the other
var dsDescList = null;
if (lfxDesc)
dsDescList = dsDesc ? [dsDesc] : lfxDesc.getVal(psEffect + "Multi", false);
// If any of the other (non-drop-shadow) layer effects are on, then
// flag this so we use the proper bounds calculation.
if ((typeof shadowType != "undefined") && (typeof boundsInfo != "undefined")
&& (shadowType == "box-shadow") && lfxDesc && lfxOn && !dsDescList)
var i, fxList = ["dropShadow", "innerShadow", "outerGlow", "innerGlow",
"bevelEmboss", "chromeFX", "solidFill", "gradientFill"];
for (i in fxList)
if (lfxDesc.getVal( fxList[i] + ".enabled"))
boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect = true;
// Search multis as well
if (! boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect)
var fxMultiList = ["dropShadowMulti", "frameFXMulti", "gradientFillMulti",
"innerShadowMulti", "solidFillMulti"];
for (i in fxMultiList)
var j, fxs = lfxDesc.getVal( fxMultiList[i] );
for (j = 0; j < fxs.length; ++j)
if (fxs[j].getVal("enabled"))
boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect = true;
if (boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect) break;
// Bail out if effect turned off (no eyeball)
if (! dsDescList || !lfxOn)
return null;
var i, dropShadows = [];
for (i = 0; i < dsDescList.length; ++i)
if (dsDescList[i].getVal("enabled"))
var offset = PSLayerInfo.getEffectOffset( dsDescList[i] );
dropShadows.push( new DropShadowInfo( offset[0], offset[1], dsDescList[i] ) );
return (dropShadows.length > 0) ? dropShadows : null;
// Return text with substituted descriptors. Note items delimited
// in $'s are substituted with values looked up from the layer data
// e.g.:
// border-width: $AGMStrokeStyleInfo.strokeStyleLineWidth$;"
// puts the stroke width into the output. If the descriptor isn't
// found, no output is generated.
PSLayerInfo.prototype.replaceDescKey = function( cssText, baseDesc )
// Locate any $parameters$ to be substituted.
var i, subs = cssText.match(/[$]([^$]+)[$]/g);
var replacementFailed = false;
function testAndReplace( item )
if (item != null)
cssText = cssText.replace(/[$]([^$]+)[$]/, item );
replacementFailed = true;
if (subs)
// Stupid JS regex leaves whole match in capture group!
for (i = 0; i < subs.length; ++i)
subs[i] = subs[i].split("$")[1];
if (typeof(baseDesc) == "undefined")
baseDesc = null;
if (! subs)
alert('Missing substitution text in CSS/SVG spec');
for (i = 0; i < subs.length; ++i)
// Handle color as a special case
if (subs[i].match(/'Clr '/))
testAndReplace( this.descToCSSColor( baseDesc, subs[i] ) );
else if (subs[i].match(/(^|[.])color$/))
testAndReplace( this.descToCSSColor( baseDesc, subs[i] ) );
testAndReplace( this.getLayerAttr( subs[i], baseDesc ) );
return [replacementFailed, cssText];
// If useLayerFX is false, then don't check it. By default it's checked.
PSLayerInfo.prototype.gradientDesc = function( useLayerFX )
if (typeof useLayerFX == "undefined")
useLayerFX = true;
var descList = this.getLayerAttr( "adjustment" );
if (descList && descList.getVal("gradient"))
return descList;
else // If there's no adjustment layer, see if we have one from layerFX...
if (useLayerFX)
descList = this.getLayerAttr( "layerEffects.gradientFill" );
return descList;
function GradientInfo( gradDesc )
this.angle = gradDesc.getVal("angle");
this.opacity = gradDesc.getVal("opacity");
this.opacity = this.opacity ? stripUnits(this.opacity)/100.0 : 1;
if (this.angle == null)
this.angle = "0deg";
this.type = gradDesc.getVal("type");
// Get rid of the new "gradientType:" prefix
this.type = this.type.replace(/^gradientType:/,"");
if ((this.type != "linear") && (this.type != "radial"))
this.type = "linear"; // punt
this.reverse = gradDesc.getVal("reverse") ? true : false;
// Extendscript operator overloading
GradientInfo.prototype["=="] = function( src )
return (this.angle === src.angle)
&& (this.type === src.type)
&& (this.reverse === src.reverse);
PSLayerInfo.prototype.gradientInfo = function( useLayerFX )
var gradDesc = this.gradientDesc( useLayerFX );
// Make sure null is returned if we aren't using layerFX and there's no adj layer
if (! useLayerFX && gradDesc && !gradDesc.getVal("gradient"))
return null;
return (gradDesc && (!useLayerFX || gradDesc.getVal("enabled"))) ? new GradientInfo( gradDesc ) : null;
// Gradient stop object, made from PS gradient.colors/gradient.transparency descriptor
function GradientStop( desc, maxVal )
this.r = 0; this.g = 0; this.b = 0; this.m = 100;
this.location = 0; this.midPoint = 50;
if (typeof desc != "undefined")
var colorDesc = desc.getVal("color");
if (colorDesc)
this.r = Math.round(colorDesc.getVal("red"));
this.g = Math.round(colorDesc.getVal("green"));
this.b = Math.round(colorDesc.getVal("blue"));
var opacity = desc.getVal("opacity");
this.m = opacity ? stripUnits(opacity) : 100;
this.location = (desc.getVal("location") / maxVal) * 100;
this.midPoint = desc.getVal("midpoint");
GradientStop.prototype.copy = function( matte, location )
var result = new GradientStop();
result.r = this.r;
result.g = this.g;
result.b = this.b;
result.m = (typeof matte == "undefined") ? this.m : matte;
result.location = (typeof location == "undefined") ? this.location : location;
result.midPoint = this.midPoint;
return result;
GradientStop.prototype["=="] = function( src )
return (this.r === src.r) && (this.g === src.g)
&& (this.b === src.b) && (this.m === src.m)
&& (this.location === src.location)
&& (this.midPoint === src.midPoint);
// Lerp ("linear interpolate")
GradientStop.lerp = function(t, a, b)
{ return Math.round(t * (b - a) + a); } // Same as (1-t)*a + t*b
GradientStop.prototype.interpolate = function( dest, t1 )
var result = new GradientStop();
result.r = GradientStop.lerp( t1, this.r, dest.r );
result.g = GradientStop.lerp( t1, this.g, dest.g );
result.b = GradientStop.lerp( t1, this.b, dest.b );
result.m = GradientStop.lerp(t1, this.m, dest.m );
return result;
GradientStop.prototype.colorString = function( noTransparency )
if (typeof noTransparency == "undefined")
noTransparency = false;
var compList = (noTransparency || (this.m == 100))
? [this.r, this.g, this.b]
: [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.m/100];
var tag = (compList.length == 3) ? "rgb(" : "rgba(";
return tag + compList.join(",") + ")";
GradientStop.prototype.toString = function()
return this.colorString() + " " + Math.round(this.location) + "%";
GradientStop.reverseStoplist = function( stopList )
// Fix locations to ascending order
for (var s in stopList)
stopList[s].location = 100 - stopList[s].location;
return stopList;
GradientStop.dumpStops = function( stopList )
for (var i in stopList)
$.writeln( stopList[i] );
// Gradient format: linear-gradient( <angle>, rgb( rr, gg, bb ) xx%, rgb( rr, gg, bb ), yy%, ... );
PSLayerInfo.prototype.gradientColorStops = function()
// Create local representation of PS stops
function makeStopList( descList, maxVal )
var s, stopList = [];
for (s in descList)
stopList.push( new GradientStop( descList[s], maxVal ) );
// Replace Photoshop "midpoints" with complete new stops
for (s = 1; s < stopList.length; ++s)
if (stopList[s].midPoint != 50)
var newStop = stopList[s-1].interpolate( stopList[s], 0.5 );
newStop.location = GradientStop.lerp( stopList[s].midPoint/100.0,
stopList[s].location );
stopList.splice( s, 0, newStop );
s += 1; // Skip new stop
return stopList;
var gdesc = this.gradientDesc();
var psGrad = gdesc ? gdesc.getVal("gradient") : null;
if (psGrad)
// var maxVal = psGrad.getVal( "interpolation" ); // I swear it used to find this.
var maxVal = 4096;
var c, colorStops = makeStopList( psGrad.getVal( "colors", false ), maxVal );
var m, matteStops = makeStopList( psGrad.getVal( "transparency", false ), maxVal );
// Check to see if any matte stops are active
var matteActive = false;
for (m in matteStops)
if (! matteActive)
matteActive = (matteStops[m].m != 100);
if (matteActive)
// First, copy matte values from matching matte stops to the color stops
c = 0;
for (m in matteStops)
while ((c < colorStops.length) && (colorStops[c].location < matteStops[m].location))
if ((c < colorStops.length) && (colorStops[c].location == matteStops[m].location))
colorStops[c].m = matteStops[m].m;
// Make sure the end locations match up
if (colorStops[colorStops.length-1].location < matteStops[matteStops.length-1].location)
colorStops.push( colorStops[colorStops.length-1].copy( colorStops[colorStops.length-1].m, matteStops[matteStops.length-1].location ));
// Now weave the lists together
m = 0; c = 0;
while (c < colorStops.length)
// Must adjust color stop's matte to interpolate matteStops
if (colorStops[c].location < matteStops[m].location)
var t = (colorStops[c].location - matteStops[m-1].location)
/ (matteStops[m].location - matteStops[m-1].location);
colorStops[c].m = GradientStop.lerp( t, matteStops[m-1].m, matteStops[m].m );
// Must add matte stop to color stop list
if (matteStops[m].location < colorStops[c].location)
var t, newStop;
// If matte stops exist in front of the 1st color stop
if (c < 1)
newStop = colorStops[0].copy( matteStops[m].m, matteStops[m].location );
t = (matteStops[m].location - colorStops[c-1].location)
/ (colorStops[c].location - colorStops[c-1].location);
newStop = colorStops[c-1].interpolate( colorStops[c], t );
newStop.m = matteStops[m].m;
newStop.location = matteStops[m].location;
colorStops.splice( c, 0, newStop );
c++; // Step past newly added color stop
// Same, was fixed above
if (matteStops[m].location == colorStops[c].location)
m++; c++;
// If any matte stops remain, add those too.
while (m < matteStops.length)
var newStop = colorStops[c-1].copy( matteStops[m].m, matteStops[m].location );
colorStops.push( newStop );
return colorStops;
return null;
//////////////////////////////////// CSSToClipboard //////////////////////////////////////
// Base object to scope the rest of the functions in.
function CSSToClipboard()
// Constructor moved to reset(), so it can be called via a script.
cssToClip = new CSSToClipboard();
cssToClip.reset = function()
this.pluginName = "CSSToClipboard";
this.cssText = "";
this.indentSpaces = "";
this.browserTags = ["-moz-", "-webkit-", "-ms-"];
this.currentLayer = null;
this.currentPSLayerInfo = null;
this.groupLevel = 0;
this.currentLeft = 0;
this.currentTop = 0;
this.groupProgress = new ProgressBar();
this.aborted = false;
// Work-around for screwy layer indexing.
this.documentIndexOffset = 0;
try {
// This throws an error if there's no background
if (app.activeDocument.backgroundLayer)
this.documentIndexOffset = 1;
catch (err)
// Call Photoshop to copy text to the system clipboard
cssToClip.copyTextToClipboard = function( txt )
var testStrDesc = new ActionDescriptor();
testStrDesc.putString( keyTextData, txt );
executeAction( ktextToClipboardStr, testStrDesc, DialogModes.NO );
cssToClip.copyCSSToClipboard = function()
this.logToHeadlights("Copy to CSS invoked");
this.copyTextToClipboard( this.cssText );
cssToClip.isCSSLayerKind = function( layerKind )
if (typeof layerKind == "undefined")
layerKind = this.currentPSLayerInfo.layerKind;
switch (layerKind)
case kVectorSheet: return true;
case kTextSheet: return true;
case kPixelSheet: return true;
case kLayerGroupSheet: return true;
return false
// Listen carefully: When the Photoshop DOM *reports an index to you*, it uses one based
// indexing. When *you request* layer info with ref.putIndex( classLayer, index ),
// it uses *zero* based indexing. The DOM should probably stick to the zero-based
// index, so the adjustment is made here.
// Oh god, it gets worse...the indexing is zero based if there's no background layer.
cssToClip.setCurrentLayer = function( layer )
this.currentLayer = layer;
this.currentPSLayerInfo = new PSLayerInfo(layer.itemIndex - this.documentIndexOffset, layer.isBackgroundLayer);
cssToClip.getCurrentLayer = function()
if (! this.currentLayer)
this.setCurrentLayer( app.activeDocument.activeLayer );
return this.currentLayer;
// These shims connect the original cssToClip with the new PSLayerInfo object.
cssToClip.getLayerAttr = function( keyString, layerDesc )
{ return this.currentPSLayerInfo.getLayerAttr( keyString, layerDesc ); }
cssToClip.getLayerBounds = function( ignoreEffects )
{ return this.currentPSLayerInfo.getBounds( ignoreEffects ); }
cssToClip.descToCSSColor = function( colorDesc, colorPath )
{ return this.currentPSLayerInfo.descToCSSColor( colorDesc, colorPath ); }
// Like getLayerAttr, but returns an app attribute. No caching.
cssToClip.getPSAttr = function( keyStr, objectClass )
var keyList = keyStr.split('.');
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putProperty( classProperty, makeID( keyList[0] ) );
ref.putEnumerated( objectClass, typeOrdinal, enumTarget );
var resultDesc = executeActionGet( ref );
return resultDesc.getVal( keyList );
cssToClip.getAppAttr = function( keyStr )
{ return this.getPSAttr( keyStr, classApplication ); }
cssToClip.getDocAttr = function( keyStr )
{ return this.getPSAttr( keyStr, classDocument ); }
cssToClip.pushIndent = function()
this.indentSpaces += " ";
cssToClip.popIndent = function()
if (this.indentSpaces.length < 2)
alert("Error - indent underflow");
this.indentSpaces = this.indentSpaces.slice(0,-2);
cssToClip.addText = function( text, browserTagList )
var i;
if (typeof browserTagList == "undefined")
browserTagList = null;
if (browserTagList)
for (i in browserTagList)
this.cssText += (this.indentSpaces + browserTagList[i] + text + "\n");
this.cssText += (this.indentSpaces + text + "\n");
// $.writeln(text); // debug
cssToClip.addStyleLine = function( cssText, baseDesc, browserTagList )
var result = this.currentPSLayerInfo.replaceDescKey( cssText, baseDesc );
var replacementFailed = result[0];
cssText = result[1];
if (! replacementFailed)
this.addText( cssText, browserTagList );
return !replacementFailed;
// Text items need to try both the base and the default descriptors
cssToClip.addStyleLine2 = function( cssText, baseDesc, backupDesc )
if (! this.addStyleLine( cssText, baseDesc ) && backupDesc)
this.addStyleLine( cssText, backupDesc );
// Text is handled as a special case, to take care of rounding issues.
// In particular, we're avoiding 30.011 and 29.942, which round1k would miss
// Seriously fractional text sizes (as specified by "roundMargin") are left as-is
cssToClip.addTextSize = function( baseDesc, backupDesc )
var roundMargin = 0.2; // Values outside of this are left un-rounded
var sizeText = this.getLayerAttr("size", baseDesc );
if (! sizeText)
sizeText = this.getLayerAttr("size", backupDesc );
if (! sizeText)
var unitRxp = /[\d.-]+\s*(\w+)/g;
var units = unitRxp.exec(sizeText);
if (! units) return;
units = units[1];
var textNum = stripUnits(sizeText);
var roundOff = textNum - (textNum|0);
if ((roundOff < roundMargin) || (roundOff > (1.0-roundMargin)))
this.addText( "font-size: " + Math.round(textNum) + units +";");
this.addStyleLine2( "font-size: $size$;", baseDesc, backupDesc );
// Checks the geometry, and returns "ellipse", "roundrect"
// or "null" (if the points don't match round rect/ellipse pattern).
// NOTE: All of this should go away when the DAG metadata is available
// to just tell you what the radius is.
// NOTE2: The path for a shape is ONLY visible when that shape is the active
// layer. So you must set the shape in question to be the active layer before
// calling this function. This really slows down the script, unfortunately.
cssToClip.extractShapeGeometry = function()
// We accept a shape as conforming if the coords are within "magnitude"
// of the overall size.
function near(a,b, magnitude)
a = Math.abs(a); b = Math.abs(b);
return Math.abs(a-b) < (Math.max(a,b)/magnitude);
function sameCoord( pathPt, xy )
return (pathPt.rightDirection[xy] == pathPt.anchor[xy])
&& (pathPt.leftDirection[xy] == pathPt.anchor[xy]);
function dumpPts( pts ) // For debug viewing in Matlab
function pt2str( pt ) { return "[" + Math.floor(pt[0]) + ", " + Math.floor(pt[1]) + "]"; }
var i;
for (i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i)
$.writeln( "[" + [pt2str(pts[i].rightDirection), pt2str(pts[i].anchor), pt2str(pts[i].leftDirection)].join( "; " ) + "];" );
// Control point location for Bezier arcs.
// See problem 1,
const kEllipseDist = 4*(Math.sqrt(2) - 1)/3;
if (app.activeDocument.pathItems.length == 0)
return null; // No path
// Grab the path name from the layer name (it's auto-generated)
var i, pathName = localize("$$$/ShapeLayerPathName=^0 Shape Path");
var path = app.activeDocument.pathItems[pathName.replace(/[^]0/,];
// If we have a plausible path, walk the geometry and see if it matches a shape we know about.
if ((path.kind == PathKind.VECTORMASK) && (path.subPathItems.length == 1))
var subPath = path.subPathItems[0];
if (subPath.closed && (subPath.pathPoints.length == 4)) // Ellipse?
function next(index) { return (index + 1) % 4; }
function prev(index) { return (index > 0) ? (index-1) : 3; }
var pts = subPath.pathPoints;
// dumpPts( pts );
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
var xy = i % 2; // 0 = x, 1 = y, alternates as we traverse the oval sides
if (! sameCoord( pts[i], 1-xy )) return null;
if (! near( pts[i].leftDirection[xy] - pts[i].anchor[xy],
(pts[next(i)].anchor[xy] - pts[i].anchor[xy]) * kEllipseDist, 100)) return null;
if (! near( pts[i].anchor[xy] - pts[i].rightDirection[xy],
(pts[prev(i)].anchor[xy] - pts[i].anchor[xy]) * kEllipseDist, 100)) return null;
// Return the X,Y radius
return [pts[1].anchor[0] - pts[0].anchor[0], pts[1].anchor[1] - pts[0].anchor[1], "ellipse"];
else if (subPath.closed && (subPath.pathPoints.length == 8)) // RoundRect?
var pts = subPath.pathPoints;
//dumpPts( pts );
function sameCoord2( pt, xy, io )
return (sameCoord( pt, xy )
&& ( ((io == 0) && (pt.rightDirection[1-xy] == pt.anchor[1-xy]))
|| ((io == 1) && (pt.leftDirection[1-xy] == pt.anchor[1-xy])) ) );
function next(index) { return (index + 1) % 8; }
function prev(index) { return (index > 0) ? (index-1) : 7; }
function arm( pt, xy, io ) { return (io == 0) ? pt.rightDirection[xy] : pt.leftDirection[xy]; }
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
var io = i % 2; // Incoming / Outgoing vector on the anchor point
var hv = (i >> 1) % 2; // Horizontal / Vertical side of the round rect
if (! sameCoord2( pts[i], 1-hv, 1-io )) return null;
if (io == 0)
if( ! near( arm( pts[i], hv, io ) - pts[i].anchor[hv],
(pts[prev(i)].anchor[hv] - pts[i].anchor[hv])*kEllipseDist, 10 ) )
return null;
if( ! near( arm( pts[i], hv, io ) - pts[i].anchor[hv],
(pts[next(i)].anchor[hv] - pts[i].anchor[hv])*kEllipseDist, 10 ) )
return null;
return [pts[2].anchor[0] - pts[1].anchor[0], pts[2].anchor[1] - pts[1].anchor[1], "round rect"];
// Gradient format: linear-gradient( <angle>, rgb( rr, gg, bb ) xx%, rgb( rr, gg, bb ), yy%, ... );
cssToClip.gradientToCSS = function()
var colorStops = this.currentPSLayerInfo.gradientColorStops();
var gradInfo = this.currentPSLayerInfo.gradientInfo();
if (colorStops && gradInfo)
if (gradInfo.reverse)
colorStops = GradientStop.reverseStoplist( colorStops );
if (gradInfo.type == "linear")
return gradInfo.type + "-gradient( " + gradInfo.angle + ", " + colorStops.join(", ") + ");";
// Radial - right now gradient is always centered (50% 50%)
if (gradInfo.type == "radial")
return gradInfo.type + "-gradient( 50% 50%, circle closest-side, " + colorStops.join(", ") + ");";
return null;
// Translate Photoshop drop shadow. May need work with layerEffects.scale,
// and need to figure out what's up with the global angle.
cssToClip.addDropShadow = function( shadowType, boundsInfo )
var dsInfo = this.currentPSLayerInfo.getDropShadowInfo( shadowType, boundsInfo, "dropShadow" );
var isInfo = this.currentPSLayerInfo.getDropShadowInfo( shadowType, boundsInfo, "innerShadow" );
if (! (dsInfo || isInfo))
function map( lst, fn )
var i, result = [];
for (i = 0; i < lst.length; ++i)
result.push( fn(lst[i] ) );
return result;
function getShadowCSS( info, skipSpread )
// Translate PS parameters to CSS style
var opacity = info.dsDesc.getVal("opacity");
// LFX reports "opacity" as a percentage, so convert it to decimal
opacity = opacity ? stripUnits(opacity)/100.0 : 1;
var colorSpec = cssToClip.currentPSLayerInfo.descToRGBAColor( "color", opacity, info.dsDesc );
var size = stripUnits(info.dsDesc.getVal("blur"));
var chokeMatte = stripUnits(info.dsDesc.getVal("chokeMatte"));
var spread = size * chokeMatte / 100;
var blurRad = size - spread;
// Hack - spread is not used for text shadows.
var spreadStr = skipSpread ? "" : spread+ "px "
return info.xoff+" " + info.yoff + " "
+ blurRad + "px " + spreadStr + colorSpec;
function insetShadowCSS( info ) { return "inset " + getShadowCSS( info ); }
function textShadowCSS( info ) { return getShadowCSS( info, true ); }
// You say CSS was designed by committee? Really?
if (shadowType == "box-shadow")
var i, shadows = [];
if (dsInfo)
shadows = map( dsInfo, getShadowCSS );
if (isInfo) // push.apply == extend
shadows.push.apply( shadows, map( isInfo, insetShadowCSS ) );
this.addText( shadowType + ": " + shadows.join(",") + ";" );
boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect = true;
// CSS doesn't support inner shadow, just drop shadow
if (dsInfo && (shadowType == "text-shadow")) {
var shadows = map( dsInfo, textShadowCSS );
this.addText(shadowType + ": " + shadows.join(",") + ";" );
cssToClip.addOpacity = function( opacity )
opacity = (typeof opacity == "number") ? opacity : this.getLayerAttr("opacity");
if ((typeof opacity == "number") && (opacity < 255))
this.addText( "opacity: " + round1k(opacity / 255) + ";" );
cssToClip.addRGBAColor = function( param, opacity, colorDesc )
this.addText( param + ': ' + this.currentPSLayerInfo.descToRGBAColor( "color", opacity, colorDesc ) +';' );
function BoundsParameters()
this.borderWidth = 0;
this.textOffset = null;
this.hasLayerEffect = false;
this.textLine = false;
this.rawTextBounds = null;
this.textHasDecenders = false;
this.textFontSize = 0;
this.textLineHeight = 1.2;
cssToClip.addObjectBounds = function( boundsInfo )
var curLayer = this.getCurrentLayer();
var bounds = this.getLayerBounds( boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect );
if (boundsInfo.rawTextBounds)
// If the text has been transformed, rawTextBounds is set. We need
// to set the CSS bounds to reflect the *un*transformed text, placed about
// the center of the transformed text's bounding box.
var cenx = bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0])/2;
var ceny = bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1])/2;
var txtWidth = boundsInfo.rawTextBounds[2] - boundsInfo.rawTextBounds[0];
var txtHeight= boundsInfo.rawTextBounds[3] - boundsInfo.rawTextBounds[1];
bounds[0] = cenx - (txtWidth/2);
bounds[1] = ceny - (txtHeight/2);
bounds[2] = bounds[0] + txtWidth;
bounds[3] = bounds[1] + txtHeight;
if (boundsInfo.textLine
&& !boundsInfo.hasLayerEffect
&& (boundsInfo.textFontSize !== 0))
var actualTextPixelHeight = (bounds[3] -bounds[1]).as('px');
var textBoxHeight = boundsInfo.textFontSize * boundsInfo.textLineHeight;
var correction = (actualTextPixelHeight - textBoxHeight)/2;
// If the text doesn't have decenders, then the correction by the PS baseline will
// be off (the text is instead centered vertically in the CSS text box). This applies
// a different correciton for this case.
if (boundsInfo.textOffset)
if (boundsInfo.textHasDecenders)
var lineHeightCorrection = (boundsInfo.textFontSize - (boundsInfo.textFontSize * boundsInfo.textLineHeight))/2;
boundsInfo.textOffset[1] += lineHeightCorrection;
boundsInfo.textOffset[1] = UnitValue( correction, 'px' );
if ((this.groupLevel == 0) && boundsInfo.textOffset)
this.addText("position: absolute;" );
this.addText("left: " + (bounds[0] + boundsInfo.textOffset[0]).asCSS() +";");
this.addText("top: " + (bounds[1] + boundsInfo.textOffset[1]).asCSS() + ";");
// Go through the DOM to ensure we're working in Pixels
var left = bounds[0];
var top = bounds[1];
if (boundsInfo.textOffset == null)
boundsInfo.textOffset = [0, 0];
// Intuitively you'd think this would be "relative", but you'd be wrong.
// "Absolute" coordinates are relative to the container.
this.addText("position: absolute;");
this.addText("left: " + (left
- this.currentLeft
+ boundsInfo.textOffset[0]).asCSS() +";");
this.addText("top: " + (top
- this.currentTop
+ boundsInfo.textOffset[1]).asCSS() + ";");
// Go through the DOM to ensure we're working in Pixels
var width = bounds[2] - bounds[0];
var height = bounds[3] - bounds[1];
// In CSS, the border width is added to the -outside- of the bounds. In order to match
// the default behavior in PS, we adjust it here.
if (boundsInfo.borderWidth > 0)
width -= 2*boundsInfo.borderWidth;
height -= 2*boundsInfo.borderWidth;
// Don't generate a width for "line" (paint) style text.
if (! boundsInfo.textLine)
this.addText( "width: " + ((width < 0) ? 0 : width.asCSS()) + ";");
this.addText( "height: " + ((height < 0) ? 0 : height.asCSS()) + ";");
// Only called for shape (vector) layers.
cssToClip.getShapeLayerCSS = function( boundsInfo )
// If we have AGM stroke style info, generate that.
var agmDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "AGMStrokeStyleInfo" );
boundsInfo.borderWidth = 0;
var opacity = this.getLayerAttr("opacity" );
if (agmDesc && agmDesc.getVal( "strokeEnabled"))
// Assumes pixels!
boundsInfo.borderWidth = makeUnitVal(agmDesc.getVal( "strokeStyleLineWidth" ));
this.addStyleLine( "border-width: $strokeStyleLineWidth$;", agmDesc );
this.addStyleLine( "border-color: $strokeStyleContent.color$;", agmDesc );
var cap = agmDesc.getVal( "strokeStyleLineCapType" );
var dashes = agmDesc.getVal( "strokeStyleLineDashSet", false );
if (dashes && dashes.length > 0)
if ((cap == "strokeStyleRoundCap") && (dashes[0] == 0))
this.addStyleLine("border-style: dotted;" );
if ((cap == "strokeStyleButtCap") && (dashes[0] > 0))
this.addStyleLine("border-style: dashed;");
this.addStyleLine("border-style: solid;");
// Check for layerFX style borders
var fxDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "layerEffects.frameFX" );
if (fxDesc && fxDesc.getVal( "enabled" )
&& (fxDesc.getVal( "paintType" ) == "solidColor"))
opacity = (stripUnits( fxDesc.getVal("opacity") ) / 100) * opacity;
boundsInfo.borderWidth = makeUnitVal(fxDesc.getVal( "size" )); // Assumes pixels!
this.addStyleLine("border-style: solid;");
this.addStyleLine("border-width: $size$;", fxDesc );
this.addStyleLine("border-color: $color$;", fxDesc );
// The Path for a shape *only* becomes visible when that shape is the active layer,
// so we need to make the current layer active before we extract geometry information.
// Yes, I know this is painfully slow, modifying the DOM or PS to behave otherwise is hard.
var saveLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = this.getCurrentLayer();
var shapeGeom = this.extractShapeGeometry();
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = saveLayer;
// We assume path coordinates are in pixels, they're not stored as UnitValues in the DOM.
if (shapeGeom)
// In CSS, the borderRadius needs to be added to the borderWidth, otherwise ovals
// turn into rounded rects.
if (shapeGeom[2] == "ellipse")
this.addText("border-radius: 50%;");
var radius = Math.round((shapeGeom[0]+shapeGeom[1])/2);
// Note: path geometry is -always- in points ... unless the ruler type is Pixels.
radius = (app.preferences.rulerUnits == Units.PIXELS)
? radius = pixelsToAppUnits( radius )
: radius = UnitValue( radius, "pt" );
cssToClip.addText( "border-radius: " + radius.asCSS() +";");
var i, gradientCSS = this.gradientToCSS();
if (!agmDesc // If AGM object, only fill if explictly turned on
|| (agmDesc && agmDesc.getVal("fillEnabled")))
if (gradientCSS)
for (i in this.browserTags)
this.addText( "background-image: " + this.browserTags[i] + gradientCSS);
var fillOpacity = this.getLayerAttr("fillOpacity") / 255.0;
if (fillOpacity < 1.0)
this.addRGBAColor( "background-color", fillOpacity, this.getLayerAttr( "adjustment" ));
this.addStyleLine( "background-color: $adjustment.color$;" );
this.addOpacity( opacity );
this.addDropShadow( "box-shadow", boundsInfo );
// Only called for text layers.
cssToClip.getTextLayerCSS = function( boundsInfo )
function isStyleOn( textDesc, defTextDesc, styleKey, onText )
var styleText = textDesc.getVal( styleKey );
if (! styleText && defTextDesc)
styleText = defTextDesc.getVal( styleKey );
return (styleText && ( onText ) >= 0));
// If the text string is empty, then trying to access the attributes fails, so exit now.
var textString = this.getLayerAttr("textKey.textKey");
if (textString.length === 0)
var cssUnits = DOMunitToCSS[app.preferences.rulerUnits];
boundsInfo.textOffset = [UnitValue( 0, cssUnits ), UnitValue( 0, cssUnits )];
var leadingOffset = 0;
var opacity = (this.getLayerAttr("opacity")/255.0) * (this.getLayerAttr("fillOpacity")/255.0);
var textDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "textKey.textStyleRange.textStyle" );
var defaultDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "textKey.paragraphStyleRange.paragraphStyle.defaultStyle" );
if (! defaultDesc)
defaultDesc = this.getLayerAttr("textKey.textStyleRange.textStyle.baseParentStyle");
if (textDesc)
// this.addStyleLine2( "font-size: $size$;", textDesc, defaultDesc );
this.addTextSize( textDesc, defaultDesc );
this.addStyleLine2( 'font-family: "$fontName$";', textDesc, defaultDesc );
if (opacity == 1.0)
this.addStyleLine2( "color: $color$;", textDesc, defaultDesc ); // Color can just default to black
if (textDesc.getVal("color"))
this.addRGBAColor( "color" , opacity, textDesc );
this.addRGBAColor( "color", opacity, defaultDesc );
// This table is: [PS Style event key ; PS event value keyword to search for ; corresponding CSS]
var styleTable = [["fontStyleName", "Bold", "font-weight: bold;"],
["fontStyleName", "Italic", "font-style: italic;"],
["strikethrough", "StrikethroughOn", "text-decoration: line-through;"],
["underline", "underlineOn", "text-decoration: underline;"],
// Need RE, otherwise conflicts w/"smallCaps"
["fontCaps", /^allCaps/, "text-transform: uppercase;"],
["fontCaps", "smallCaps", "font-variant: small-caps;"],
// These should probably also modify the font size?
["baseline", "superScript", "vertical-align: super;"],
["baseline", "subScript", "vertical-align: sub;"]];
var i;
for (i in styleTable)
if (isStyleOn( textDesc, defaultDesc, styleTable[i][0], styleTable[i][1] ))
this.addText( styleTable[i][2] );
// Synthesize the line-height from the "leading" (line spacing) / font-size
var fontSize = textDesc.getVal( "size" );
if (! fontSize && defaultDesc) fontSize = defaultDesc.getVal( "size" );
var fontLeading = textDesc.getVal( "leading" );
if (fontSize)
fontSize = stripUnits(fontSize);
if (fontSize && fontLeading)
leadingOffset = fontLeading;
boundsInfo.textLineHeight = round1k(stripUnits(fontLeading) / fontSize);
this.addText("line-height: " + boundsInfo.textLineHeight + ";");
if (fontSize)
boundsInfo.textFontSize = fontSize;
var pgraphStyle = this.getLayerAttr( "textKey.paragraphStyleRange.paragraphStyle" );
if (pgraphStyle)
this.addStyleLine( "text-align: $align$;", pgraphStyle );
var lineIndent = pgraphStyle.getVal( "firstLineIndent" );
if (lineIndent && (stripUnits(lineIndent) != 0))
this.addStyleLine( "text-indent: $firstLineIndent$;", pgraphStyle );
// PS startIndent for whole 'graph, CSS is?
// Update boundsInfo
this.addDropShadow( "text-shadow", boundsInfo );
// text-indent text-align letter-spacing line-height
var baseDesc = this.getLayerAttr( "textKey" );
function txtBnd( id ) { return makeUnitVal(baseDesc.getVal(id)); }
boundsInfo.textOffset = [txtBnd("bounds.left") - txtBnd("boundingBox.left"),
txtBnd("") - txtBnd("") + makeUnitVal(leadingOffset)];
if (this.getLayerAttr( "textKey.textShape.char" ) == "paint")
boundsInfo.textLine = true;
// This seems to be the one reliable indicator that the text has decenders
// below the baseline, indicating the positioning in CSS must be handled
// differently.
if (txtBnd("boundingBox.bottom").as('px') / fontSize > 0.03)
boundsInfo.textHasDecenders = true;
// Matrix: [xx xy 0; yx yy 0; tx ty 1], if not identiy, then add it.
var textXform = this.getLayerAttr( "textKey.transform" );
var vScale = textDesc.getVal("verticalScale");
var hScale = textDesc.getVal("horizontalScale");
vScale = (typeof vScale == "number") ? round1k(vScale/100.0) : 1;
hScale = (typeof hScale == "number") ? round1k(hScale/100.0) : 1;
if (textXform)
function xfm(key) { return textXform.getVal( key ); }
var xformData = this.currentPSLayerInfo.replaceDescKey("[$xx$, $xy$, $yx$, $yy$, $tx$, $ty$]", textXform);
var m = eval(xformData[1]);
m[0] *= hScale;
m[3] *= vScale;
if (! ((m[0] == 1) && (m[1] == 0)
&& (m[2] == 0) && (m[3] == 1)
&& (m[4] == 0) && (m[5] == 0)))
boundsInfo.rawTextBounds = baseDesc.getVal("boundingBox").extractBounds();
this.addText("transform: matrix( " + m.join(",") + ");", this.browserTags );
// Case for text not otherwise transformed.
if ((vScale != 1.0) || (hScale != 1.0))
boundsInfo.rawTextBounds = baseDesc.getVal("boundingBox").extractBounds();
this.addText( "transform: scale(" + hScale + ", " + vScale + ");", this.browserTags );
cssToClip.getPixelLayerCSS = function()
var name = this.getLayerAttr( "name" );
// If suffix isn't present, add one. Assume file is in same folder as parent.
if ( /[.]((\w){3,4})$/ ) < 0) {
this.addStyleLine( 'background-image: url("$name$.png");');
// If the layer has a suffix, assume Generator-style naming conventions
var docSuffix =[.]psd)$/i);
var docFolder = (docSuffix < 0) ?
:, docSuffix);
docFolder += "-assets/"; // The "-assets" is not localized.
// Weed out any Generator parameters, if present.
var m = name.match(/(?:[\dx%? ])*([^.+,\n\r]+)([.]\w+)+$/);
if (m) {
name = m[1]+m[2];
this.addText( 'background-image: url("' + docFolder + name + '");');
var fillOpacity = this.getLayerAttr("fillOpacity")/255.0;
this.addOpacity( this.getLayerAttr("opacity") * fillOpacity );
// This walks the group and outputs all visible items in that group. If the current
// layer is not a group, then it walks to the end of the document (i.e., for dumping
// the whole document).
cssToClip.getGroupLayers = function ( currentLayer, memberTest, processAllLayers)
processAllLayers = (typeof processAllLayers === "undefined") ? false : processAllLayers;
// If processing all of the layers, don't stop at the end of the first group
var layerLevel = processAllLayers ? 2 : 1;
var visibleLevel = layerLevel;
var curIndex = currentLayer.index;
var saveGroup = [];
if (currentLayer.layerKind === kLayerGroupSheet)
if (! currentLayer.visible) {
curIndex--; // Step to next layer in group so layerLevel is correct
var groupLayers = [];
while ((curIndex > 0) && (layerLevel > 0))
var nextLayer = new PSLayerInfo(curIndex, false);
if (memberTest(nextLayer.layerKind))
if (nextLayer.layerKind === kLayerGroupSheet)
if (nextLayer.visible && (visibleLevel === layerLevel)) {
// The layers and section bounds must be swapped
// in order to process the group's layerFX
if (nextLayer.visible && (visibleLevel === layerLevel)) {
if (nextLayer.layerKind === kHiddenSectionBounder)
if (layerLevel < visibleLevel) {
visibleLevel = layerLevel;
if (saveGroup.length > 0) {
return groupLayers;
// Recursively count the number of layers in the group, for progress bar
cssToClip.countGroupLayers = function( layerGroup, memberTest )
if (! memberTest)
memberTest = cssToClip.isCSSLayerKind;
var currentLayer = new PSLayerInfo( layerGroup.itemIndex - cssToClip.documentIndexOffset);
var groupLayers = this.getGroupLayers( currentLayer, memberTest );
var i, visLayers = 0;
for (i = 0; i < groupLayers.length; ++i)
if (typeof groupLayers[i] === "object")
return visLayers;
// The CSS for nested DIVs (essentially; what's going on with groups)
// are NOT specified hierarchically. So we need to finish this group's
// output, then create the CSS for everything in it.
cssToClip.pushGroupLevel = function()
if (this.groupLevel == 0)
var numSteps = this.countGroupLayers( this.getCurrentLayer() )+1;
this.groupProgress.totalProgressSteps = numSteps;
cssToClip.popGroupLevel = function()
var i, saveGroupLayer = this.getCurrentLayer();
var saveLeft = this.currentLeft, saveTop = this.currentTop;
var bounds = this.getLayerBounds();
this.currentLeft = bounds[0];
this.currentTop = bounds[1];
var notAborted = true;
for (i = 0; ((i < saveGroupLayer.layers.length) && notAborted); ++i)
this.setCurrentLayer( saveGroupLayer.layers[i] );
if (this.isCSSLayerKind())
notAborted = this.gatherLayerCSS();
this.setCurrentLayer( saveGroupLayer );
this.currentLeft = saveLeft;
this.currentTop = saveTop;
return notAborted;
cssToClip.layerNameToCSS = function( layerName )
const kMaxLayerNameLength = 50;
// Remove any user-supplied class/ID delimiter
if ((layerName[0] == ".") || (layerName[0] == "#"))
layerName = layerName.slice(1);
// Remove any other creepy punctuation.
var badStuff = /[“”";!.?,'`@’#'$%^&*)(+=|}{><\x2F\s-]/g
var layerName = layerName.replace(badStuff, "_");
// Text layer names may be arbitrarily long; keep it real
if (layerName.length > kMaxLayerNameLength)
layerName = layerName.slice(0, kMaxLayerNameLength-3) ;
// Layers can't start with digits, force an _ in front in that case.
if (layerName.match(/^[\d].*/))
layerName = "_" + layerName;
return layerName;
// Gather the CSS info for the current layer, and add it to this.cssText
// Returns FALSE if the process was aborted.
cssToClip.gatherLayerCSS = function()
// Script can't be called from PS context menu unless there is an active layer
var curLayer = this.getCurrentLayer();
// Skip invisible or non-css-able layers.
var layerKind = this.currentPSLayerInfo.layerKind;
if (layerKind === kBackgroundSheet) // Background == pixels. Never in groups.
layerKind = kPixelSheet;
if ((! this.isCSSLayerKind( layerKind )) || (! curLayer.visible))
return true;
var isCSSid = ([0] == '#'); // Flag if generating ID not class
var layerName = this.layerNameToCSS( );
this.addText( (isCSSid ? "#" : ".") + layerName + " {" );
var boundsInfo = new BoundsParameters();
switch (layerKind)
case kLayerGroupSheet: this.pushGroupLevel(); break;
case kVectorSheet: this.getShapeLayerCSS( boundsInfo ); break;
case kTextSheet: this.getTextLayerCSS( boundsInfo ); break;
case kPixelSheet: this.getPixelLayerCSS(); break;
var aborted = false;
if (this.groupLevel > 0)
aborted = this.groupProgress.nextProgress();
if (aborted)
return false;
// Use the Opacity tag for groups, so it applies to all descendants.
if (layerKind == kLayerGroupSheet)
this.addObjectBounds( boundsInfo );
this.addStyleLine( "z-index: $itemIndex$;" );
var notAborted = true;
// If we're processing a group, now is the time to process the member layers.
if ((curLayer.typename == "LayerSet")
&& (this.groupLevel > 0))
notAborted = this.popGroupLevel();
return notAborted;
// Main entry point
cssToClip.copyLayerCSSToClipboard = function()
var resultObj = new Object();
app.doProgress( localize("$$$/Photoshop/Progress/CopyCSSProgress=Copying CSS..."), "this.copyLayerCSSToClipboardWithProgress(resultObj)");
return resultObj.msg;
cssToClip.copyLayerCSSToClipboardWithProgress = function(outResult)
var saveUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // Web dudes want pixels.
try {
var elapsedTime, then = new Date();
if (! this.gatherLayerCSS())
return; // aborted
elapsedTime = new Date() - then;
catch (err)
// Copy CSS fails if a new doc pops open before it's finished, possible if Cmd-N is selected
// before the progress bar is up. This message isn't optimal, but it was too late to get a
// proper error message translated, so this was close enough.
// alert( localize( "$$$/MaskPanel/MaskSelection/NoLayerSelected=No layer selected" ) );
alert( localize( "$$$/Scripts/CopyCSSToClipboard/Error=Internal error creating CSS: " ) + err.message +
localize( "$$$/Scripts/CopyCSSToClipboard/ErrorLine= at script line ") + err.line );
if (saveUnits)
app.preferences.rulerUnits = saveUnits;
// We can watch this in ESTK without screwing up the app
outResult.msg = ("time: " + (elapsedTime / 1000.0) + " sec");
// ----- End of CopyCSSToClipboard script proper. What follows is test & debugging code -----
// Dump out a layer attribute as text. This is how you learn what attributes are available.
// Note this only works for ActionDescriptor or ActionList layer attributes; for simple
// types just call cssToClip.getLayerAttr().
cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr = function( keyName )
this.setCurrentLayer( app.activeDocument.activeLayer );
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIdentifier( classLayer, );
layerDesc = executeActionGet( ref );
var desc = layerDesc.getVal( keyName, false );
if (! desc)
if ((desc.typename == "ActionDescriptor") || (desc.typename == "ActionList"))
desc.dumpDesc( keyName );
if ((typeof desc != "string") && (desc.length >= 1))
s = []
for (var i in desc)
if ((typeof desc[i] == "object")
&& (desc[i].typename in {"ActionDescriptor":1, "ActionList":1 }))
desc[i].dumpDesc( keyName + "[" +i + "]" );
s.push( desc[i].dumpDesc( keyName ) )
if (s.length > 0)
$.writeln( keyName +": [" + s.join(", ") + "]" );
$.writeln(keyName + ": " + ActionDescriptor.dumpValue(desc) );
// Taken from inspection of ULayerElement.cpp
cssToClip.allLayerAttrs = ['AGMStrokeStyleInfo','adjustment','background','bounds',
// Dump all the available attributes on the layer.
cssToClip.dumpAllLayerAttrs = function()
this.setCurrentLayer( app.activeDocument.activeLayer );
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( classLayer, app.activeDocument.activeLayer.itemIndex );
var desc = executeActionGet( ref );
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.allLayerAttrs.length; ++i)
var attr = this.allLayerAttrs[i];
var attrDesc = null;
try {
attrDesc = this.getLayerAttr( attr );
if (attrDesc)
this.dumpLayerAttr( attr );
$.writeln( attr + ": null" );
catch (err)
$.writeln( attr + ': ' + err.message );
// Walk the document's layers and describe them.
cssToClip.dumpLayers = function( layerSet )
var i, layerID;
if (typeof layerSet == "undefined")
layerSet = app.activeDocument;
for (i= 0; i < layerSet.layers.length; ++i)
if (layerSet.layers[i].typename == "LayerSet")
this.dumpLayers( layerSet.layers[i] );
this.setCurrentLayer( layerSet.layers[i] );
layerID = (layerSet.layers[i].isBackground) ? "BG" : cssToClip.getLayerAttr( "layerID" );
$.writeln("Layer[" + cssToClip.getLayerAttr( "itemIndex" ) + "] ID=" + layerID + " name: " + cssToClip.getLayerAttr( "name" ) );
cssToClip.logToHeadlights = function(eventRecord)
var headlightsActionID = stringIDToTypeID("headlightsLog");
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
desc.putString(stringIDToTypeID("subcategory"), "Export");
desc.putString(stringIDToTypeID("eventRecord"), eventRecord);
executeAction(headlightsActionID, desc, DialogModes.NO);
function testProgress()
app.doProgress( localize("$$$/Photoshop/Progress/CopyCSSProgress=Copying CSS..."),"testProgressTask()" );
function testProgressTask()
var i, total = 10;
var progBar = new ProgressBar();
progBar.totalProgressSteps = total;
for (i = 0; i <= total; ++i)
// if (progBar.updateProgress( i ))
if (progBar.nextProgress())
// Debug. Uncomment one of these lines, and watch the output
// in the ESTK "JavaScript Console" panel.
// Walk the layers
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayers();
// Print out some interesting objects
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "AGMStrokeStyleInfo" );
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "adjustment" ); // Gradient, etc.
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "layerEffects" ); // Layer FX, drop shadow, etc.
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "textKey" );
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "bounds" );
// Some useful individual parameters
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "opacity" ) );
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "fillOpacity" ) );
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "name" ));
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "itemIndex" ));
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr( "layerFXVisible" ));
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr("layerSVGdata" ));
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; $.writeln( cssToClip.dumpLayerAttr("layerVectorPointData" ));
// Debugging tests
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; testProgress();
//runCopyCSSFromScript = true; cssToClip.countGroupLayers( cssToClip.getCurrentLayer() );
// Backdoor to allow using this script as a library;
if ((typeof( runCopyCSSFromScript ) == 'undefined')
|| (runCopyCSSFromScript == false))
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