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Created December 17, 2017 13:48
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SSH Cheatsheet
Base Usage
ssh [user]@[host]
Use Specific Key
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [user]@[host]
Use Alternative Port
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p [port] [user]@[host]
Dynamic SOCKS Proxy
This can be used with proxychains to forward client traffic through the remote server.
ssh -D8080 [user]@[host]
Local Port Forwarding
This will bind to [bindaddr]:[port] on the client and forward through the SSH server to the [dsthost]:[dstport]
ssh -L [bindaddr]:[port]:[dsthost]:[dstport] [user]@[host]
Remote Port Forwarding
This will bind to [bindaddr]:[port] on the remote server and tunnel traffic through the ssh client side to [localhost]:[localport]
ssh -R [bindaddr]:[port]:[localhost]:[localport] [user]@[host]
Establish VPN over SSH
The following options must be enabled on the server side.
PermitRootLogin yes
PermitTunnel yes
ssh [user]@[host] -w any:any
You can see the established tun interface by typing ifconfig -a
The interfaces and forwarding must still be configured. This assumes that we are going to forward through the remote server. We are also assuming that the server’s main connection is through eth0, and both client/server stood up tun0. This may be different if you already have existing VPN connections.
ip addr add peer dev tun0
# Once Server is setup, run the following to add routes
route add -net gw
ip addr add peer dev tun0
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Execute a One Liner
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [user]@[host] "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"
File Description
~/.ssh/ Directory for user-specific SSH configuration
~/.ssh/authorized_keys Lists public keys authorized for logging into this user
~/.ssh/config Per-user config file. Can specify how to connect, with which keys etc
~/.ssh/id_* Key files, both public and private
~/.ssh/known_hosts Contains list of public host keys known to user
/etc/ssh/ssh_config Global SSH client configuration
/etc/ssh/sshd_config SSH server configuration
Generating Keys
Adding Authorized Keys
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
The following will remotely copy your public key to authorized_keys on [host]
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [user]@[host]
SSH Escape Sequences
Simply type the following combinations to escape SSH sessions.
Escape Sequence Description
~? List all options
~B Send BREAK to remote host
~R Request Re-key
~V/v Decrease / Increase verbosity
~^Z Suspend SSH
~# List forwarded connections
~& background ssh
~~ Send the escape character instead of escaping the next char
SSH Copy utility for pushing and pulling files remotely
Copy from remote to local
Copy remote file.txt to /tmp/file.txt
scp [user]@[host]:file.txt /tmp/file.txt
Copy from local to remote
Copy local file.txt to remote /tmp/file.txt
scp file.txt [user]@[host]:/tmp/file.txt
Copy recursively (full directories)
The following will copy remote /home/ubuntu/.vim directory and all of its contents to ./vim.
scp -r [user]@[host]:/home/ubuntu/.vim ./vim
Use non-standard port
Uses -P instead of -p switch in regular SSH command. The following uses port 2222.
scp -P 2222 [user]@[host]:/home/ubuntu/ ./
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