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Last active January 30, 2020 21:28
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clojure regular expression rule matcher
(ns main
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[ :as csv]
[ :as io])
; From java cli with clojure 1.8.0
; On windows:
; java -cp "clojure-1.8.0.jar;data.csv-0.1.4.jar;." clojure.main
; On linux:
; java -cp clojure-1.8.0.jar:data.csv-0.1.4.jar:. clojure.main
; In REPL:
; (require 'main)
; If edit
; (require '[main :reload :all])
; (main/-main "in-file.csv" "out-file.csv"
; {"Mat1" #{"Missing re"}
; "Mat2" #{" Missing re"}})
;; Test data
(def results (group-by-key
(import-csv! "resources/in-file.csv"))))
(def items [[" Mat1 " " abc "]
[" Mat2 " " 123 "]])
(def mat-res {"Mat1" #{"Missing re"}
"Mat2" #{" Missing re"}})
; ; Import
(defn import-csv!
([filepath] (import-csv! filepath \tab))
([filepath separator] (with-open [reader (io/reader filepath)]
(csv/read-csv reader :separator separator)))))
; (import-csv! "resources/in-file.csv")
; ;; Export
(defn export-csv!
([filepath items] (export-csv! filepath items \tab))
([filepath items separator] (with-open [writer (io/writer filepath)]
(csv/write-csv writer items :separator separator))))
; (export-csv! "resources/out-file.csv" items)
(defn csv-data->maps [csv-data]
(map zipmap
(->> (first csv-data) ;; First row is the header
(map keyword) ;; Drop if you want string keys instead
(rest csv-data)))
; From "map to csv clojure"
(def data
[{:a "Completed" :b 1 :c "Friday" :d 4}
{:a "Started" :b 1 :c "Monday" :d 4}
{:a "In Progress" :b 1 :c "Sunday" :d 1}
{:a "Completed" :b 3 :c "Tuesday" :d 9}])
(defn write-csv [path row-data]
(let [columns [:a :b :c :d]
headers (map name columns)
rows (mapv #(mapv % columns) row-data)]
(with-open [file (io/writer path)]
(csv/write-csv file (cons headers rows)))))
(write-csv "/tmp/results.csv" data)
(defn group-by-key [key group-name coll]
#(zipmap [key group-name] %)
(group-by key coll)))
; (group-by-key :sn
; :arts
; (csv-data->maps
; (import-csv! "resources/in-file.csv")))
;; functions
(defn includes-re [re s] (not (nil? (re-find re s))))
(defn check-all-rules [res mat sn]
(let [set-of-rules (seq (get res mat))]
(zipmap set-of-rules
(map includes-re
(repeat sn)))))
(defn passing-rules [result]
(vec (keys (filter #(true? (val %)) result))))
(defn make-result-map [res [mat sn]]
(zipmap [:mat :sn :passing-rules] [mat sn (passing-rules
(defn result-map-to-str-vec
[{:keys [mat sn passing-rules]}]
[mat sn (count passing-rules) (s/join ";" passing-rules)])
;; Main
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[& args]
(if-not (empty? args)
(let [[in-file out-file res] args
result-map (mapv #(make-result-map res %)
(import-csv! in-file))
out-string (cons ["mat" "sn" "count passing-rules" "passing-rules"]
(map result-map-to-str-vec result-map))]
(println in-file)
(println out-file)
(println result-map)
(export-csv! out-file out-string))
; In case there are no command line arguments
(throw (Exception. "Need at least one command line argument!"))))
; (-main "resources/in-file.csv" "resources/out-file.csv" mat-res)
;; delete outfile
;; ( "rm" "resources/out-file.csv")
;; Revers the first character String functions
(defn reverse-first
"Revers the first character String functions"
[substring string]
(if (s/starts-with? string substring)
(s/replace string #"^(.)(.*)" "$2$1")
; (reverse-first "." ".test")
;; update the art map
; (update-in (first results) [:arts 0 :article] #(reverse-first "." %))
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