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Présentation du #nunuxpro du 10/06/2013 à 20h à la cantine de Nantes#hype
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<title>Génération JVM</title>
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<h1>JVM generation</h1>
<img src="" />
By <a href="">Benoît Simard</a>
/ <a href="">@logisima</a>
<h1>Compile once, run everywhere</h1>
<img src=""/>
<blockquote>Since 1996</blockquote>
<h1>Byte code machine</h1>
<blockquote>Code => Compiler => Byte Code</blockquote>
<img src=""/>
<h1>Virtual Machine</h1>
<div id="gears"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 960,
h = 500,
r = 80,
x = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / 3),
y = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / 3),
speed = 4,
start =;
var svg ="#gears").insert("svg:svg", "form")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")scale(.55)")
.data([{radius: Infinity}]);
.attr("class", "ring")
.data([{teeth: 80, radius: -r * 5, ring: true}])
.attr("class", "gear")
.attr("d", gear);
var byteCode = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "byteCode")
.data([{teeth: 16, radius: r}])
.attr("class", "gear");
.attr("d", gear);
var compiler = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "compiler")
.attr("transform", "translate(0,-" + r * 3 + ")")
.data([{teeth: 32, radius: -r * 2}])
.attr("class", "gear");
.attr("d", gear);
.attr("x", -r-20)
.attr("y", -r/2)
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("transform", "rotate(45)")
.text("Compiler (JIT)");
var profiler = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "profiler")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + -r * 3 * x + "," + -r * 3 * y + ")")
.data([{teeth: 32, radius: -r * 2}])
.attr("class", "gear");
.attr("d", gear);
.attr("x", -r+20)
.attr("y", -r/2)
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("transform", "rotate(45)")
var optimiser = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "optimiser")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + r * 3 * x + "," + -r * 3 * y + ")")
.data([{teeth: 32, radius: -r * 2}])
.attr("class", "gear");
.attr("d", gear);
.attr("x", -r)
.attr("y", -r/2)
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("transform", "rotate(45)")
function gear(d) {
var n = d.teeth,
r2 = Math.abs(d.radius),
r0 = r2 - 8,
r1 = r2 + 8,
r3 = d.ring ? (r3 = r0, r0 = r1, r1 = r3, r2 + 20) : 20,
da = Math.PI / n,
a0 = -Math.PI / 2 + (d.ring ? Math.PI / n : 0),
i = -1,
path = ["M", r0 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0)];
while (++i < n) path.push(
"A", r0, ",", r0, " 0 0,1 ", r0 * Math.cos(a0 += da), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r2 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r2 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r1 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r1 * Math.sin(a0),
"A", r1, ",", r1, " 0 0,1 ", r1 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r1 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r2 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r2 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r0 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0));
path.push("M0,", -r3, "A", r3, ",", r3, " 0 0,0 0,", r3, "A", r3, ",", r3, " 0 0,0 0,", -r3, "Z");
return path.join("");
d3.timer(function() {
var angle = ( - start) * speed,
transform = function(d) { return "rotate(" + angle / d.radius + ")"; };
svg.selectAll(".gear").attr("transform", transform);
svg.attr("transform", transform); // fixed ring
<h1>JVM memory</h1>
<img src=""/>
<blockquote>Class metadata, interned String, ...</blockquote>
<div id="JVM">
<div id="permgen">Permanent (PermGen)</div>
<img style="margin-top: 50px;" src=""/>
<section class="heap">
<blockquote>Application Objects</blockquote>
<div id="JVM">
<div id="permgen">Permanent (PermGen)</div>
<div id="heap">Heap</div>
<section class="oldyoung">
<h1>Old / Young</h1>
<div id="JVM">
<div id="permgen">Permanent (PermGen)</div>
<div id="heap">
<div id="old">Old / Tenured</div>
<div id="young">Young / New</div>
<h1>Most of object die young !</h1>
<img style="margin-top: 50px;" src=""/>
<h1>JVM is generational !</h1>
<img style="margin-top: 50px;" src=""/>
<h1>Life Cycle memory</h1>
<img src=""/>
<section class="eden">
<h1>Eden, survivor 0 & 1</h1>
<div id="JVM">
<div id="permgen">Permanent (PermGen)</div>
<div id="heap">
<div id="old">Old / Tenured</div>
<div id="young">
<div id="eden" style="float:left;width:80%;">Eden</div>
<div id="survivor0" style="float:left;width:9%;">S0</div>
<div id="survivor1" style="float:left;width:10%;">S1</div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;"> </div>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:40%;">
<span class="title">Allocation</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:70%;">
<span class="title">Allocation</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:100%;">
<span class="title important">100% = GC !</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>Object without a reference are deleted</h4>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:15%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:25%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:13%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:20%;"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar"></div>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>First generation !</h4>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<psan class="title">RAZ</psan>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:33%;">
<span class="title ">Allocation</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:100%;">
<span class="title important">GC !</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>Object without a reference are deleted</h4>
<h5>In Eden & Survivor 0</h5>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:15%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:25%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:13%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:20%;"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar"></div>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539)">
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:40%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>Second generation !</h4>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<span class="title">RAZ</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:33%;">
<span class="title">Allocation</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="width:78%;">
<div class="bar item" style="width:100%;">
<span class="title important">GC !</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>Object without a reference are deleted</h4>
<h5>In Eden & Survivor 1</h5>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung" style="background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:15%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:25%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:13%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:20%;"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar"></div>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #FFFFFF, #808080);">
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539)">
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:40%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:15%;" class="bar"></div>
<div id="genOld"></div>
<h4>First generation ' !</h4>
<h4>Promotion to old for survivor 1</h4>
<div style="width:78%;float:left">Eden</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S0</div>
<div style="width:10%;float:left">S1</div>
<div id="genYoung">
<div id="genEden" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);width:78%;">
<span class="title">RAZ</span>
<div id="survivor0" style="width:10%;">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div id="survivor1" style="width:10%;"></div>
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:5%;" class="bar item"></div>
<h3>2 generation to have "old object"</h3>
<img src=""/>
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item">
<span class="title important">Pretty full = Full GC !</span>
<h4>Object without a reference are deleted</h4>
<div id="genOld" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);">
<div style="width:2%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:17%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:3%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:23%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<h4>Compact (optional)</h4>
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:2%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:3%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<h1>Garbage Collector</h1>
<img src=""/>
<h1>GC stop all the world !</h1>
<img src=""/>
Freeze, don't move !
<h1>3 Types</h1>
<ul class="listH">
<h1>GC compatibilty</h1>
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#000000;"/>
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#000000;">Young</td>
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#000000;"/>
<td style="background-color:#848482;">Serial</td>
<td style="background-color:#848482;">Parallel</td>
<td style="background-color:#000000;">O</td>
<td style="background-color:#848482;">Serial</td>
<td>Serial<br/><span class="gc">-XX:+UseSerialGC</span></td>
<td>Parallel (default)<br/><span class="gc">-XX:+UseParallelGC</span></td>
<td style="background-color:#000000;">l</td>
<td style="background-color:#848482;">Parallel</td>
<td style="background-color:#C11B17;">N/A</td>
<td>ParallelOld<br/><span class="gc">-XX:+UseParallelOldGC</span></td>
<td style="background-color:#000000;">d</td>
<td style="background-color:#848482;">Concurrent</td>
<td>CMS Serial</td>
<td>CMS<br/><span class="gc">-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC</span></td>
<h1 style="text-transform:none;">ParallelOld</h1>
Retrieve more memory in less time
<li>Strategy <u>Mark & Evacuate</u></li>
<li>The execution time is proportional with the number of
object alive</li>
<li>Overhead is calculated in <u>ten milliseconds</u></li>
<li>Strategy <u>Mark, Sweep & Compact</u></li>
<li>The execution time is proportional with the heap size</li>
<li>Overhead is calculated in <u>seconds</u></li>
<h1>Mark, Sweep & Compact</h1>
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item">
<span class="title important">GC !</span>
<blockquote><strong>Marked & sweep: </strong>Alive objects are marked, and others are <strong>deleted</strong></blockquote>
<div id="genOld" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);">
<div style="width:2%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:17%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:3%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:23%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<strong>Compact: </strong>Object are <strong>moved</strong>. This only occured when there is not a sufficient space to insert an object.
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:2%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:3%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:8%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:1%;" class="bar item"></div>
<h1>Mark & Evacuate</h1>
<div id="genOld">
<div style="width:75%;" class="bar item">
<span class="title important">GC !</span>
<blockquote><strong>Marked: </strong>Alive objects are marked (that's all !)</blockquote>
<div id="genOld" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #2C3539);">
<div style="width:2%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:17%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:3%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:23%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:8%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:20%;" class="bar item"></div>
<div style="width:1%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
<strong>Evacuate: </strong>Objects are copied into a <strong>new memory</strong> and pointers references are rewritten
<div id="genOld" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000, #848482);">
<div style="width:2%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
<div style="width:3%;background-color:red;" class="bar"></div>
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For real-time application
<li>Strategy <u>Mark & Evacuate</u></li>
<li>Overhead is calculated in <u>milliseconds</u></li>
<li>Strategy <u>Mark, Sweep & Compact</u></li>
<li>Compact is done in last resort</li>
<li>No overhead (none blocking)</li>
A CMS generation is fired when the young exceeds 45% (InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent).
<h1>Garbage first</h1>
<li>Since java 1.7</li>
<li>Goal : no overhead that exceeds 300ms (-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=300 )</li>
<h1>Garbage first</h1>
<img src=""/>
<li>The heap is partitioned into a set of equal-sized heap regions</li>
<li>Each region can be an even, survivor or old (there s no fixe size)</li>
<h1>Garbage first</h1>
<img src=""/>
<h1>JVM Tuning</h1>
<img src=""/>
<h1>How many JVM param ?</h1>
<blockquote class="fragment">
More than 650 options ...
<img class="fragment" src=""/>
<blockquote class="fragment">
Monitoring & tuning !
<li><strong>GC Time / Minute (mini, moy & max)</strong> &lt; 5% </li>
<li><strong>Number of GC / Minute</strong> if this indicator is high, you have a problem with the memory release or its size</li>
<li><strong>Number of Full GC</strong></li>
<h1>Verbose GC</h1>
-verbose:GC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggs:/var/log/java/gc.log
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
<img src=""/>
-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/heapdump/
jmap -J-d64 -heap<br/>
jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin 15953<br/>
jhat -J-mx768m -stack false heap.bin
<img src=""/>
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