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Created March 28, 2013 17:49
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trait IgnoreIfBusyCmd
abstract class IgnoreIfBusyTyped[C <: IgnoreIfBusyCmd](implicit m: Manifest[C]) extends Actor with ActorLogging{
import context.{become, unbecome}
import context.system
class Completed {
override def toString = "Completed"
private val rightClass = m.erasure
protected def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: IgnoreIfBusyCmd if isCmdOfRightType(cmd) =>
val completed = new Completed
become {
case `completed` => unbecome()
future(run(cmd.asInstanceOf[C]), completed)
case x => log.warning("Unknown command received: " + x)
private def isCmdOfRightType[T <: IgnoreIfBusyCmd](cmd: T) = rightClass == cmd.getClass
private def future[T](f: => T, completed: Completed) {
Future(f).onComplete(_ => self ! completed)
protected def run(cmd: C)
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