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Last active December 23, 2015 02:19
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Filter VIP nodes of a tree. (non tail-recursive yet)
package example
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import collection.mutable
import annotation.tailrec
* @author Alex Siman <>
* Date: 2013-09-12
object VipTreeApp extends App {
def buildTree: List[Node] = {
val n1 = Node("1", false, None)
val n1_1 = Node("1", true, Some(n1))
val n1_2 = Node("2", false, Some(n1))
val n1_1_1 = Node("1", false, Some(n1_1))
val n1_1_2 = Node("2", true, Some(n1_1))
val n1_2_1 = Node("1", true, Some(n1_2))
val n1_2_1_1 = Node("1", true, Some(n1_2_1))
val n1_2_1_2 = Node("2", false, Some(n1_2_1))
val n1_2_1_3 = Node("3", false, Some(n1_2_1))
val n1_2_1_4 = Node("4", true, Some(n1_2_1))
val n1_2_1_3_1 = Node("1", false, Some(n1_2_1_3))
val n1_2_1_3_2 = Node("2", true, Some(n1_2_1_3))
val n1_2_1_3_3 = Node("3", true, Some(n1_2_1_3))
val n1_2_1_3_4 = Node("4", false, Some(n1_2_1_3))
// Root can be represented as list of nodes.
val tree = List(n1)
// @tailrec
def printTree(nodes: List[Node]) {
def printTreeImpl(nodes: List[Node], level: Int = 1) {
if (nodes.nonEmpty) {
val branchLine = (1 to level * 2).foldLeft("")((acc, i) => acc + "-")
nodes.foreach { node =>
println(branchLine + node.fullName + (if (node.isVip) " *" else ""))
printTreeImpl(node.children, level + 1)
// TODO: Make this @tailrec
// @tailrec
def filterVipNodes(nodes: List[Node]): List[Node] = {
val res = ArrayBuffer[Node]()
nodes.foreach(n => {
val newCs = n.children match {
case Nil => Nil
case cs => filterVipNodes(cs)
if (n.isVip) {
n.children = newCs
res += n
} else if (newCs.nonEmpty) {
res ++= newCs
val tree = buildTree
val vips = filterVipNodes(tree)
class Node(
name: String,
var isVip: Boolean = false,
var parent: Option[Node] = None
) {
val fullName: String = + ".").getOrElse("") + name
private var _children: mutable.Buffer[Node] = ArrayBuffer() += this)
def children: List[Node] = _children.toList
def children_=(newCs: List[Node]) {
_children = newCs.toBuffer
object Node {
def apply(
name: String,
isVip: Boolean = false,
parent: Option[Node] = None
): Node = new Node(
name = name,
isVip = isVip,
parent = parent
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Cool stuff. Very thanks for it. I will use it in my program

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