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Last active July 23, 2020 10:14
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Hello world example for OrbitDB
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
const IpfsClient = require('ipfs-http-client')
const OrbitDB = require('orbit-db')
const ipfs = IpfsClient('/ip4/')
// Your identity id can be retrieved with:
// console.log(
type Orbit = {
orbitdb: any
db: any
type Message = {
hash: string
value: object
export function HelloOrbit({ orbitdb, db }: Orbit) {
const [ hashes, setHashes ] = useState<string[]>([])
const [ messages, setMessages ] = useState<Message[]>([])
// useEffect(() => {
// reloadMessages()
// }, [ hashes.length ])
const reloadMessages = () => {
const allMessages = db.iterator({ limit: -1, reverse: true })
.map((e: any) => {
// console.log('e', e)
return {
hash: e.hash,
value: e.payload.value
const addToLog = async () => {
const msg = { name: 'Alex at ' + new Date().toLocaleString() }
const hash = await db.add(msg, { pin: true })
console.log('Added to OrbitDB log under hash:', hash)
const newHashes = hashes.concat(hash)
console.log('New hashes:', newHashes)
return <>
<div>Hashes count: {hashes.length}</div>
<div><button onClick={addToLog}>Add to log</button></div>
<div><ol>{{ hash, value }) =>
<li key={hash}>
<span style={{ color: 'grey' }}> • Hash: <code>{hash}</code></span>
export default function OrbitContext() {
const [ orbit, setOrbit ] = useState<Orbit>()
useEffect(() => {
async function initOrbitDB() {
// Oleh's pub key:
// 3044022022b77f26a744e429c0ae88c66215038190a5114d2e05e44b96af72b77bc43a4b02206d73182b74d40e11690af11afe95d0fa372287b13d754c92ff98c7254eaf6890
// Oleh's id:
// 03c4097f9403cd349a867455fa80272171fbb20a604e8a572aff8d30ac073a0b7b
const orbitdb = await OrbitDB.createInstance(ipfs)
// const db = await orbitdb.log('hello') // this works!
const peerId = '03c4097f9403cd349a867455fa80272171fbb20a604e8a572aff8d30ac073a0b7b'
// const orbitdbAddress = '/orbitdb/zdpuAm1NMQu9PdB2momKYNJVd5M4uaW66T5zLat57QFzzh2GN/user.posts'
const orbitdbAddress = '/orbitdb/zdpuAp8VSUcBgwBsdpQSksyYUSNzxWqjTNJYjcwUsmW5QJ9BB/user.posts3'
const db = await, {
// create: true,
type: 'eventlog',
replicate: true,
sync: true,
// overwrite (boolean): Overwrite an existing database (Default: false)
// replicate (boolean): Replicate the database with peers, requires IPFS PubSub. (Default: true)
const id2 = '020a7d38d293dcac543896c8e7a00a3060524d38c28ede9bfd54b183a0961bdbaa'
// const pubKey2 = '04017de8cf04aa7c09b8c9b52ba546105a8d3a1c40d6a4e76ca42832e03b4339fe9b279ac39c699a069e8b749a620693fcf1164660831a40eb5346787e61bdf6a6'
// await db.access.grant('write', id2)
// Doesn't work
// const db = await orbitdb.create('user.posts3', 'eventlog', {
// accessController: {
// write: [
// // Give access to ourselves
// // Give access to the second peer
// id2
// ]
// },
// // overwrite: true,
// // replicate: false,
// meta: { hello: 'meta hello' }
// })
await db.load()
// database is now ready to be queried
setOrbit({ orbitdb, db })
if (window) {
(window as any).orbitdb = orbitdb;
(window as any).db = db;
// console.log('HINT: See window.orbitdb and window.db')
console.log('orbitdb.identity:', orbitdb.identity)
console.log('OrbitDB db:', db)
}, [ false ])
const status = orbit
? <b style={{ color: 'green' }}>READY</b>
: <em style={{ color: 'red' }}>Connecting...</em>
return <>
<div>OrbitDB: {status}</div>
{orbit && <HelloOrbit {...orbit} />}
// To get all store entries:
// console.log('All entries:\n',
// db.iterator({ limit: -1 })
// .collect()
// .map((e) => e.payload.value))
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