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Last active December 26, 2022 19:18
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Mock HN API Request
// The test
let body = format!(
"about" : "This is a test {}",
"created" : 1173923446,
"delay" : 0,
"id" : {},
"karma" : 2937,
"submitted" : [ 8265435, 8168423, 4289 ]
hex, new_hn_username
let mock_server = MockServer::start().await;
let template = ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_raw(body, "application/json");
let hnpath = format!(
"{}/v0/user/{}.json?print=pretty", mock_server.uri(),
let req = test::TestRequest::post()
.uri(&format!("/verify-hn/{}", hex))
let resp = test::call_service(&app, req).await;
assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::FOUND);
// Handler that's being tested /verify-hn/jsliufliflifyeg9879
pub async fn change_hn_username() -> HttpResult {
match form.hex.is_some() {
let result = user
.claim(&pool, redis, config, form) <--- // Function below
// Function where HN API is accessed
pub async fn claim() -> Result<(bool, Option<String>), CustomError> {
let templ_str = &config.user_url; // <----{username}.json?print=pretty
let templ = new_string_template::template::Template::new(templ_str);
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("username", new_hn_username.as_ref().unwrap());
let rendered = templ.render(&map).expect("Expected Result to be Ok");
println!("{:?}", rendered);
let map = reqwest::get(&rendered) // <--- This is never mocked.
println!("{:?}", map); // <---- None during tests. It's fetching from
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