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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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minor fix to code from Session state in Scala,1. Immutable Session State at
object SessionDemo {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val timeoutSeconds = 10
def usage() {
System.out.println(s"|timoutSeconds: ${timeoutSeconds}")
System.out.println(s"|+ <key> <value> // add a value under a key")
System.out.println(s"|- <key> // expire a value")
System.out.println(s"| <key> // get no refresh N.B. put ' ' before <key>")
System.out.println(s"|( <key> ) // get with refresh")
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var sessions: SessionState[String, String] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val debug = System.getProperty("debug", "false").toBoolean
val sc = new Scanner(
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
if (debug) System.err.println(s"DEBUG before $sessions")
try {
val line = sc.nextLine()
val ab = line.split(" ")
line.charAt(0) match {
case '+' =>
if (ab.length == 3) {
val key = ab(1)
val value = ab(2)
sessions + (key, value) match {
case Success(newsessions) =>
sessions = newsessions
case Failure(ex) =>
System.err.println(s"Problem setting value: ${ex.getMessage}")
} else usage()
case '-' =>
if (ab.length == 2) {
val key = ab(1)
sessions = sessions - key
} else usage()
case '(' =>
if (ab.length == 3) {
val key = ab(1)
sessions = sessions(key) match {
case (newSessions, Some(value)) =>
case (newSessions, None) =>
} else usage()
case ' ' =>
val key = line.trim
sessions.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case Some(value) =>
case None =>
} catch {
case e: Exception => System.err.println(e)
if (debug) System.err.println(s"DEBUG after $sessions")
import org.scalatest._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import java.util.Scanner
class SessionSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"A SessionState" should "create a copy holding a value when you add to it" in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val trySessionState = emptyState.put(key, value)
trySessionState match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
"A SessionState" should "create a copy holding a value when you add to it with plus opperator" in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val trySessionState = emptyState + (key, value)
trySessionState match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
"A SessionState" should "be immutable" in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val trySessionState = emptyState.put(key, value)
trySessionState match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
emptyState.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
// good
case Some(v) =>
"A SessionState" should "not allow duplicate entries" in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val trySessionState = emptyState.put(key, value)
val newSessionState = trySessionState match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
newSessionState.put(key, value) match {
case Failure(ex) => ex match {
case SessionAlreadyExistsException =>
// good
case _ =>
case Success(v) =>
"A SessionState" should "expire sessions on read" in {
var fakeTime = 0
implicit def currentTime: Long = {
fakeTime = fakeTime + 1
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(2 millisecond)
val firstSessionTry = emptyState.put(key, value)
val firstSession = firstSessionTry match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
firstSession.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case Some(v) => fail()
case None => // good
"A SessionState" should "expire sessions on unrelated write" in {
var fakeTime = 0
implicit def currentTime: Long = {
fakeTime = fakeTime + 1
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 millisecond)
val firstSessionTry = emptyState.put(key, value)
val firstSession: SessionStateInstance[String, Long] = firstSessionTry match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
sessionstate.asInstanceOf[SessionStateInstance[String, Long]]
firstSession.size should be(1)
fakeTime = 100
val secondSessionTry = firstSession.put("some-key", 987L)
val seondSession: SessionStateInstance[String, Long] = secondSessionTry match {
case Success(newsessions) =>
newsessions.asInstanceOf[SessionStateInstance[String, Long]]
case Failure(ex) => fail()
firstSession.size should be(1)
"A SessionState" should "expire upon expire" in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 days)
val firstSession = emptyState.put(key, value) match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
firstSession.expire(key) match {
case secondSession: SessionState[String, Long] => secondSession.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case Some(newsessions) =>
case None => // good
case _ => fail()
"A SessionState" should "expire sessions on expire with minus operator " in {
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 hours)
val firstSessionTry = emptyState.put(key, value)
val firstSession: SessionStateInstance[String, Long] = firstSessionTry match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
sessionstate.asInstanceOf[SessionStateInstance[String, Long]]
firstSession.size should be(1)
val secondSession = firstSession - key
secondSession.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case Some(newsessions) =>
case None => // good
"A SessionState" should "refresh expiry when getting with refresh" in {
var fakeTime = 0
implicit def currentTime: Long = {
fakeTime = fakeTime + 1
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 millisecond)
val firstSession = emptyState.put(key, value) match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
fakeTime = 8
val secondSession = firstSession.getValueWithRefresh(key) match {
case (newSession, None) =>
case (newSession, Some(v)) =>
v should be(value)
fakeTime = 17
secondSession.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
"A SessionState" should "refresh expiry when getting with apply sugar" in {
var fakeTime = 0
implicit def currentTime: Long = {
fakeTime = fakeTime + 1
val key = "key0"
val value = 123L
val emptyState: SessionState[String, Long] = SessionState(10 millisecond)
val firstSession = emptyState.put(key, value) match {
case Failure(ex) =>
case Success(sessionstate) =>
sessionstate.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
fakeTime = 8
val tryOfRefresh = firstSession(key) // sugar
val secondSession = tryOfRefresh match {
case (newSession, None) =>
case (session, Some(v)) =>
v should be(value)
fakeTime = 17
secondSession.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case None =>
case Some(v) =>
v should be(value)
object SessionDemo {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val timeoutSeconds = 10
def usage() {
System.out.println(s"|timoutSeconds: ${timeoutSeconds}")
System.out.println(s"|+ <key> <value> // add a value under a key")
System.out.println(s"|- <key> // expire a value")
System.out.println(s"| <key> // get no refresh N.B. put ' ' before <key>")
System.out.println(s"|( <key> ) // get with refresh")
implicit def currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var sessions: SessionState[String, String] = SessionState(10 seconds)
val debug = System.getProperty("debug", "false").toBoolean
val sc = new Scanner(
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
if (debug) System.err.println(s"DEBUG before $sessions")
try {
val line = sc.nextLine()
val ab = line.split(" ")
line.charAt(0) match {
case '+' =>
if (ab.length == 3) {
val key = ab(1)
val value = ab(2)
sessions + (key, value) match {
case Success(newsessions) =>
sessions = newsessions
case Failure(ex) =>
System.err.println(s"Problem setting value: ${ex.getMessage}")
} else usage()
case '-' =>
if (ab.length == 2) {
val key = ab(1)
sessions = sessions - key
} else usage()
case '(' =>
if (ab.length == 3) {
val key = ab(1)
sessions = sessions(key) match {
case (newSessions, Some(value)) =>
case (newSessions, None) =>
} else usage()
case ' ' =>
val key = line.trim
sessions.getValueNoRefresh(key) match {
case Some(value) =>
case None =>
} catch {
case e: Exception => System.err.println(e)
if (debug) System.err.println(s"DEBUG after $sessions")
import scala.util.Try
import scala.collection.immutable.Vector
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
* SessionState[K, V] is an immutable key-value collection where
* entries expire if they are not accessed or refreshed within
* a given period.
* Typically the three operators "+", "-" and "apply" manipulate
* or access the data structure.
* Adapted with changes from Jamie Pullar's SessionState at
trait SessionState[K, V] {
* Expiry time of entries in milliseconds
* @return
def expiryInterval: Int
* Returns the corresponding value for the key.
* Does not refresh the session expiry time. Consider using apply
* instead to increase the session time with mySessionState(someKey).
* @param key
* @param datetime current time in milliseconds
* @return
def getValueNoRefresh(key: K)(implicit datetime: Long): Option[V]
* Returns the corresponding value for the key and rejuvenates the
* session increasing its expiry time to (datetime+expiryInterval).
* Does rejuvenate the session expiry time. Overloaded as the "apply"
* method so that you can invoke as mySessionState(someKey).
* @param key
* @param datetime current datetime in milliseconds
* @return
def getValueWithRefresh(key: K)(implicit datetime: Long): (SessionState[K, V], Option[V])
* Returns the corresponding value for the key and rejuvenates the
* session increasing its expiry time to (datetime+ expiryInterval).
* Does rejuvenate the session expiry time. Overloaded as the "apply"
* method so that you can invoke as mySessionState(someKey).
* @param sessionKey
* @param datetime current datetime in milliseconds
* @return
def apply(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): (SessionState[K, V], Option[V]) =
* Adds a session value and under a session key.
* Does rejuvenate the session expiry time
* @param sessionKey
* @param value
* @param datetime current datetime in milliseconds
* @return New SessionState if successful, else SessionAlreadyExistsException
def put(key: K, value: V)(implicit datetime: Long): Try[SessionState[K, V]]
* @see Invokes put(key: K, value: V)
* @param sessionKey
* @param value
* @param datetime current datetime in milliseconds
* @return New SessionState if successfull, else SessionAlreadyExistsException
def +(sessionKey: K, value: V)(implicit datetime: Long): Try[SessionState[K, V]] =
put(sessionKey, value)
* Removes the session value if found
* @param key
* @param datetime
* @return New SessionState with the session key removed
def expire(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): SessionState[K, V]
* Removes the session value if found
* @param key
* @param datetime
* @return New SessionState with the session key removed
def -(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): SessionState[K, V] =
object SessionState {
def apply[K, V](duration: FiniteDuration): SessionState[K, V] =
SessionStateInstance[K, V](duration.toMillis.toInt, Vector.empty, Map.empty)
private case class SessionStateInstance[K, V](expiryInterval: Int,
sessionVector: Vector[(K, Long)], valuesWithExpiryMap: Map[K, (V, Long)])
extends SessionState[K, V] {
// vanilla access no refresh of expiry
def getValueNoRefresh(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): Option[V] =
valuesWithExpiryMap.get(sessionKey) collect {
case (value, expiry) if (expiry > datetime) => Some(value)
} getOrElse (None)
// gets the value and bumps the expiry by interval
def getValueWithRefresh(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): (Sessions[K, V], Option[V]) = {
valuesWithExpiryMap.get(sessionKey) collect {
case (value, expiry) if (expiry > datetime) =>
(SessionStateInstance(this.expiryInterval, sessionVector,
valuesWithExpiryMap + (sessionKey ->
(value, datetime + this.expiryInterval))), Some(value))
} getOrElse {
(this, None)
// puts a value into the session and expires any old session keys
def put(sessionKey: K, value: V)(implicit datetime: Long): Try[SessionState[K, V]] =
valuesWithExpiryMap.get(sessionKey) collect {
case (value, expiry) if (expiry > datetime) =>
} getOrElse {
val cleared = clearedExpiredSessions(datetime)
cleared.sessionVector :+ (sessionKey, datetime + this.expiryInterval),
cleared.valuesWithExpiryMap + (sessionKey ->
(value, datetime + this.expiryInterval))))
// fast delete can leave the queue and map out of sync which will be fixed up on next clear operation
def expire(sessionKey: K)(implicit datetime: Long): SessionState[K, V] = {
val cleared = clearedExpiredSessions(datetime)
if (cleared.valuesWithExpiryMap.contains(sessionKey))
cleared.valuesWithExpiryMap - sessionKey)
else cleared
// used for unit testing
def size = {
private def clearedExpiredSessions(datetime: Long): SessionStateInstance[K, V] =
clearedExpiredSessions(datetime, sessionVector, valuesWithExpiryMap)
// forward scans the vector dropping expired values and puts it back
// into the same state as the updated map. halts when it finds unexpired
// values
private def clearedExpiredSessions(now: Long, sessionQueue: Vector[(K, Long)], valuesWithExpiryMap: Map[K, (V, Long)]): SessionStateInstance[K, V] = {
sessionQueue.headOption collect {
// if we have an expired key
case (key, end) if (end < now) =>
// double check with map
valuesWithExpiryMap.get(key) map {
case (_, expiry) if (expiry < now) =>
// drop the expired value
clearedExpiredSessions(now, sessionQueue.drop(1), valuesWithExpiryMap - key)
case (_, expiry) =>
// push the key to the back and possibly out of order which will delay collection by up to interval
clearedExpiredSessions(now, sessionQueue.drop(1) :+ (key, expiry), valuesWithExpiryMap)
} getOrElse {
// if it was not found in the map drop it from the front and check the next value
clearedExpiredSessions(now, sessionQueue.drop(1), valuesWithExpiryMap)
} getOrElse {
// no more expired keys at the front of the vector stop recursion
SessionStateInstance(this.expiryInterval, sessionQueue, valuesWithExpiryMap)
case object SessionAlreadyExistsException extends Exception("Session key already exists")
case object SessionNotFound extends Exception("Session key not found")
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