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Created September 4, 2017 07:46
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The probability that two random numbers in the range [0,1] are 0.35 apart.
* The probability that two numbers in the range [0,1] are 0.35 apart.
* See discussion at
* Which explains this chart
object InterruptProbability {
import scala.util.Random.nextFloat
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val samples = 1e7.toInt
val distance = 0.35f
val percent = twoNodes(samples,distance)
println(f"two nodes $percent%1.2f")
private def twoNodes(samples: Int, distance: Float) = {
val hits = Stream.continually((nextFloat(), nextFloat())).take(samples).foldLeft(0) {
case (count, (x, y)) if Math.abs(x - y) > distance => count + 1
case (count, _) => count
100 * hits.toFloat / samples
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