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Last active March 19, 2018 20:29
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loads an .env file containing key=value environment variables into an openshift secret `NAME=example ./ .env`
if [ "$NAME" = "" ]
echo "You must set NAME of the secet as an env var"
exit 1
echo "Creating secet/$NAME"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "No .env argument supplied. Exiting"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "$1 is not a file. Exiting"
exit 1
# oddly bash refused to run on file `.env` so copy it to a temp file first
cp $1 $FILE
awk "BEGIN {FS = \"=\" ; print \"apiVersion: v1\nkind: Secret\nmetadata:\n name: $NAME\nstringData:\"} NF==2 && \$1 !~ /#.*/ && \$2 !~ /^$/{print \" \" \$1 \": \x22\" \$2 \"\x22\"}" $FILE | sed 's/""/"/g' | oc create -f -
rm $FILE
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