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Created July 31, 2017 23:59
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import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import bwapi.*;
public class SommerinoCamperino extends DefaultBWListener {
static class Line {
private double slope;
private double intercept;
public double getSlope() {
return slope;
public double getIntercept() {
return intercept;
public static Line fromObservations(List<Position> observations) {
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
int sum_xy = 0;
int sum_xx = 0;
int sum_x = 0;
int sum_y = 0;
int n = observations.size();
// Slope:
for (Position pos : observations) {
sum_xy += pos.getX() * pos.getY();
sum_xx += pos.getX() * pos.getX();
sum_x += pos.getX();
sum_y += pos.getY();
a = (sum_xy - ((sum_x * sum_y) / n)) / (double)
((sum_xx - (sum_x^2)) / (double) n);
b = (sum_y - (a * sum_x)) / (double) n;
return new Line(a, b);
Line(double slope, double intercept) {
this.slope = slope;
this.intercept = intercept;
double eval(double x) {
return slope * x + intercept;
private Mirror mirror = new Mirror();
private Game game;
private Player self;
enum State {
private State state = State.INIT;
public void run() {
public void onUnitCreate(Unit unit) {}
public void onStart() {
game = mirror.getGame();
self = game.self();
protected boolean attackEverythingInSight() {
Player enemy = game.enemy();
List<Unit> eus = enemy.getUnits();
if (!eus.isEmpty()) {
Unit eu = eus.get(0);
for (Unit myUnit : self.getUnits()) {
if (myUnit.getLastCommandFrame() >= game.getFrameCount() || myUnit.isAttackFrame())
if (myUnit.getLastCommand().getUnitCommandType() == UnitCommandType.Attack_Unit)
return true;
return false;
public void onUnitDiscover(Unit u) {
if (!u.isVisible())
public void onUnitDestroy(Unit u) {
if (u.getPlayer() == self) {
game.sendText("OH SHIT!");
} else {
private void spreadUnits(Game state, List<Unit> units, int distance) {
if (units.size() < 2)
List<Position> wantPositions = new LinkedList<Position>();
for (int i=0; i < units.size(); i++) {
Unit u0 = units.get(i);
Unit closest = u0;
int minDistance = -1;
for (int j=i+1; j < units.size(); j++) {
Unit u1 = units.get(j);
int curDistance = u0.getDistance(u1);
if (curDistance > distance)
if ((minDistance < 0) || (minDistance > curDistance)) {
minDistance = curDistance;
closest = u1;
int missingDistance = minDistance - distance;
Position wantPos = new Position(
u0.getX() + missingDistance * Math.abs((closest.getX() - u0.getX())),
u0.getY() + missingDistance * Math.abs((closest.getY() - u0.getY())));
if (u0.isIdle() && (u0.getDistance(wantPos) > distance))
int offset = 0;
for (Position pos : wantPositions) {
state.drawCircleMap(pos, 2, bwapi.Color.Cyan);
state.drawTextScreen(10, 30+offset, pos.toString());
offset += 10;
private void alignUnits(Game state, List<Unit> units, TilePosition pos) {
if (units.size() < 2)
units.sort(new Comparator<Unit>() {
public int compare(Unit o1, Unit o2) {
int comp = o1.getX() - o2.getX();
if (comp == 0)
comp = o1.getY() - o2.getY();
return comp;
List<Position> positions = new LinkedList<Position>();
for (Unit u : units) {
Line current = Line.fromObservations(positions);
Unit u0 = units.get(0);
Unit u1 = units.get(units.size() - 1);
state.drawLineMap(new Position(u0.getX(), (int)current.eval(u0.getX())),
new Position(u1.getX(), (int)current.eval(u1.getX())),
private void attackMoveTo(Game state, List<Unit> units, Position to) {
for (Unit u : units) {
if (!u.isIdle())
private void drawEnemies(Game state, Player enemy) {
for (Unit e : enemy.getUnits()) {
if (!e.isVisible())
state.drawBoxMap(e.getX() - 2, e.getY() - 2, e.getX() + 2, e.getY() + 2, bwapi.Color.Red);
private void drawOrders(Game state, List<Unit> units) {
for (Unit u : units) {
if (u.isIdle())
Position pos = u.getOrderTargetPosition();
bwapi.Color c = bwapi.Color.Green;
UnitCommandType ty = u.getLastCommand().getUnitCommandType();
if (ty == UnitCommandType.Attack_Move || ty == UnitCommandType.Attack_Unit)
c = bwapi.Color.Red;
game.drawLineMap(u.getPosition(), pos, c);
public void onFrame() {
game.drawTextScreen(10, 10, "Playing as " + self.getName() + " - " + self.getRace());
Player enemy = game.enemy();
drawEnemies(game, enemy);
drawOrders(game, self.getUnits());
switch (state) {
case INIT:
alignUnits(game, self.getUnits(), enemy.getStartLocation());
spreadUnits(game, self.getUnits(), 3);
state = State.NORMAL;
case NORMAL:
if (!attackEverythingInSight()) {
attackMoveTo(game, self.getUnits(), enemy.getStartLocation().toPosition());
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SommerinoCamperino().run();
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