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// densities of cooking ingredients from The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum
// so you can convert '2 cups sugar' to grams, for example, or in the other
// direction grams could be converted to 'cup flour_scooped'.
butter := 8. oz/cup;
butter_clarified := 6.8 oz/cup;
cocoa_butter := 9. oz/cup;
shortening := 6.75 oz/cup; // vegetable shortening
stickbutter := 1/4 lb;
vegetable_oil := 7.5 oz/cup;
! app-crypt/gnupg
Reasons: !app-crypt/gnupg from app-crypt/gnupg, app-crypt/gpgme, kde-base/kdelibs
Unsuitable candidates:
* app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.11:0::gentoo
Did not meet >=app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.11, use existing if possible, installing to / from kde-base/kdelibs
Did not meet !app-crypt/gnupg, use existing if possible, installing to / from !app-crypt/gnupg from app-crypt/gnupg
* app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.16-r1:0::gentoo
Did not meet !app-crypt/gnupg, use existing if possible, installing to / from !app-crypt/gnupg from app-crypt/gnupg
* app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.16-r2:0::gentoo
Did not meet !app-crypt/gnupg, use existing if possible, installing to / from !app-crypt/gnupg from app-crypt/gnupg
package Site::Pages::AJAJ::Lists::Delete;
use strictures 1;
use base qw/ Site::Pages::JSON /;
sub handle_POST {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $uid ) = $self->unroll_session();
my $data = $self->get_json('data');