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Forked from elimisteve/goroutines2.go
Created January 8, 2013 20:08
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Programming Challenge: Launch 4 threads, goroutines, coroutines, or whatever your language uses for concurrency, in addition to the main thread. In the first 3, add numbers together (see sample code below) and pass the results to the 4th thread. That 4th thread should receive the 3 results, add the numbers together, format the results as a strin…
// Steve Phillips / elimisteve
// 2013.01.03
package main
import "fmt"
// intDoubler doubles the given int, then sends it through the given channel
func intDoubler(ch chan int, n int) {
ch <- n*2
func main() {
// Make channel of ints
ch := make(chan int)
answer := make(chan string)
// Spawn 3 goroutines (basically threads) to process data in background
go intDoubler(ch, 10)
go intDoubler(ch, 20)
go func(a, b int) { ch <- a+b }(30, 40) // Take 2 ints, write sum to `ch`
// Create anonymous function on the fly, launch as goroutine!
go func() {
// Save the 3 values passed through the channel as x, y, and z
x, y, z := <-ch, <-ch, <-ch
// Calculate answer, write to `answer` channel
answer <- fmt.Sprintf("%d + %d + %d = %d", x, y, z, x+y+z)
// Print answer resulting from channel read
fmt.Printf("%s\n", <-answer)
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