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Last active May 21, 2019 20:36
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RxErrorHandlingCallAdaptorFactory+RxJava2 global retrofit error handler.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import retrofit2.Converter;
import retrofit2.Response;
import retrofit2.Retrofit;
public class RetrofitException extends RuntimeException {
private final String url;
private final Response response;
private final Kind kind;
private final Retrofit retrofit;
public static RetrofitException httpError(String url, Response response, Retrofit retrofit) {
String message = response.code() + " " + response.message();
return new RetrofitException(message, url, response, Kind.HTTP, null, retrofit);
public static RetrofitException networkError(IOException exception) {
return new RetrofitException(exception.getMessage(), null, null, Kind.NETWORK, exception, null);
public static RetrofitException malformedJsonError(MalformedJsonException exception) {
return new RetrofitException(exception.getMessage(), null, null, Kind.NETWORK, exception, null);
public static RetrofitException unexpectedError(Throwable exception) {
return new RetrofitException(exception.getMessage(), null, null, Kind.UNEXPECTED, exception, null);
public enum Kind {
* An {@link IOException} occurred while communicating to the server.
* A non-200 HTTP status code was received from the server.
* An internal error occurred while attempting to execute a request. It is best practice to
* re-throw this exception so your application crashes.
private RetrofitException(String message, String url, Response response, Kind kind, Throwable exception, Retrofit retrofit) {
super(message, exception);
this.url = url;
this.response = response;
this.kind = kind;
this.retrofit = retrofit;
* The request URL which produced the error.
public String getUrl() {
return url;
* Response object containing status code, headers, body, etc.
public Response getResponse() {
return response;
* The event kind which triggered this error.
public Kind getKind() {
return kind;
* The Retrofit this request was executed on
public Retrofit getRetrofit() {
return retrofit;
* HTTP response body converted to specified {@code type}. {@code null} if there is no
* response.
* @throws IOException if unable to convert the body to the specified {@code type}.
public <T> T getErrorBodyAs(Class<T> type) throws IOException {
if (response == null || response.errorBody() == null) {
return null;
Converter<ResponseBody, T> converter = retrofit.responseBodyConverter(type, new Annotation[0]);
return converter.convert(response.errorBody());
import android.content.Context;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import io.reactivex.Completable;
import io.reactivex.CompletableSource;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.ObservableSource;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import io.reactivex.SingleSource;
import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull;
import io.reactivex.functions.Function;
import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.CallAdapter;
import retrofit2.Response;
import retrofit2.Retrofit;
import retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.HttpException;
import retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.RxJava2CallAdapterFactory;
public class RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory extends CallAdapter.Factory {
public Context context;
private RxJava2CallAdapterFactory original;
public RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory(Context context) {
this.context = context;
original = RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create();
public RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory() {
original = RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create();
public static CallAdapter.Factory create(Context context) {
return new RxErrorHandlingCallAdapterFactory();
public CallAdapter<?, ?> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
return new RxCallAdapterWrapper(retrofit, original.get(returnType, annotations, retrofit), context);
private static class RxCallAdapterWrapper<R> implements CallAdapter<R, Object> {
private final Retrofit retrofit;
private final CallAdapter<R, Object> wrapped;
private Context context;
public RxCallAdapterWrapper(Retrofit retrofit, CallAdapter<R, Object> wrapped, Context context) {
this.retrofit = retrofit;
this.wrapped = wrapped;
this.context = context;
public Type responseType() {
return wrapped.responseType();
public Object adapt(Call<R> call) {
Object result = wrapped.adapt(call);
if (result instanceof Single) {
return ((Single) result).onErrorResumeNext(new Function<Throwable, SingleSource>() {
public SingleSource apply(@NonNull Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
return Single.error(asRetrofitException(throwable, context));
if (result instanceof Observable) {
return ((Observable) result).onErrorResumeNext(new Function<Throwable, ObservableSource>() {
public ObservableSource apply(@NonNull Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
return Observable.error(asRetrofitException(throwable, context));
if (result instanceof Completable) {
return ((Completable) result).onErrorResumeNext(new Function<Throwable, CompletableSource>() {
public CompletableSource apply(@NonNull Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
return Completable.error(asRetrofitException(throwable, context));
return result;
private RetrofitException asRetrofitException(Throwable throwable, Context context) {
if (throwable instanceof UnknownHostException) {
return RetrofitException.networkError((IOException) throwable);
// We had non-200 http error
if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
HttpException httpException = (HttpException) throwable;
Response response = httpException.response();
return RetrofitException.httpError(response.raw().request().url().toString(), response, retrofit);
// A network error happened
if (throwable instanceof IOException) {
return RetrofitException.networkError((IOException) throwable);
// We don't know what happened. We need to simply convert to an unknown error
return RetrofitException.unexpectedError(throwable);
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mustanshir commented May 7, 2018

'retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.HttpException' class is deprecated instead we should use 'retrofit2.HttpException' class

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