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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Parse downloaded data on polling stations or Russia into SQLite database
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Description: Parse downloaded data on polling stations or Russia into SQLite database
from sqlalchemy import types, Column, ForeignKey, orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
import datetime
import os
import urllib
import re
import logging
import lxml.html
import simplejson
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
Base = declarative_base()
def down_data(url, to_file, force=False):
if os.path.isfile(to_file) and force == False:
data = open(to_file).read()
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
logging.error('Not download %s', url, exc_info=True)
return ''
if not os.path.isdir( os.path.dirname(to_file) ):
open(to_file, 'wt').write(data)
return data
class al_base():
def set_attrs(self, attrs):
for (k, v) in attrs.items():
if hasattr(self, k):
if v and isinstance(self.__table__.c[k].type, types.DateTime):
v = datetime.datetime.strptime( v[:v.find('.')], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
if v and isinstance(self.__table__.c[k].type, types.Boolean):
v = True if v == 'Y' else False
if getattr(self, k, None) != v:
setattr(self, k, v)
class cikUIK(al_base, Base):
__tablename__ = 'cik_uik'
id = Column( types.Integer(), primary_key=True)
iz_id = Column( types.BigInteger(), index=True )
parent_id = Column( types.Integer(), ForeignKey('', ondelete="SET NULL"), index=True )
type_ik = Column( types.String(10) )
region = Column( types.String(50) )
url = Column( types.String(255) )
name = Column( types.String(255) )
address = Column( types.Text() )
phone = Column( types.String(100) )
fax = Column( types.String(100) )
email = Column( types.String(100) )
end_date = Column( types.String(100) ) #дата окончания полномочий
# self.url = '' % (region, iz_id or '')
def add_or_update(cls, attrs):
if 'iz_id' not in attrs:
return None
uik = Session.query( cls ).filter(cls.iz_id == attrs['iz_id']).first()
if not uik:
uik = cls(iz_id = attrs['iz_id'])
return uik
def local_path(self):
return os.path.join( 'orig', self.region, self.type_ik, str(self.iz_id))
def normalize_attrs(self, attrs):
norm_keys = {
u'Адрес комиссии': 'address',
u'Телефон': 'phone',
u'Факс': 'fax',
u'Адрес электронной почты': 'email',
u'Срок окончания полномочий': 'end_date',
for (k, v) in norm_keys.items():
if k in attrs:
attrs[v] = attrs.pop(k)
return attrs
def parse(self, update=True, recursion=False):'parse %s',
data = down_data(self.url, self.local_path + '.htm').decode('cp1251')
ehtml = lxml.html.fromstring(data)
attrs = {}
div_main = ehtml.xpath('//div[@id="main"]/*/div[@class="center-colm"]')[0]
try: attrs['name'] = div_main.xpath('h2')[0].text
except: pass
#аттрибуты комиссии
for (k, v) in re.findall( '<p><strong>(.*?): </strong>(.*?)</p>', lxml.html.tostring(div_main, encoding=unicode) ):
attrs[k] = v
attrs = self.normalize_attrs( attrs )
if update:
#члены комиссии
people_tbl = ehtml.xpath('//div[@id="main"]/*/div[@class="center-colm"]//table')[0]
for p in people_tbl.xpath('.//tr'):
vals = [x.text_content().strip() for x in p.xpath('.//td') ]
if len(vals) > 0:
people_attrs = dict( zip( ('number', 'fio', 'post', 'party'), vals ) )
people_attrs['ik_id'] =
if recursion:
self.search_childs(data, recursion=True)
return attrs
def search_childs(self, data, recursion=False):
childs = []
if self.type_ik == 'ik':
txt = re.findall(r'"data" : (\[.*\])', data)[0]
vals = simplejson.loads(txt)[0]
'iz_id': vals.get('attr', {}).get('id', ''),
print vals
for child in vals.get('children', [] ):
'url': '' + child.get('data', {}).get('attr', {}).get('href', ''),
'name': child.get('data', {}).get('title', ''),
'iz_id': child.get('attr', {}).get('id', ''),
'region': self.region,
'type_ik': 'tik'
elif self.type_ik == 'tik':
url = "" % (self.region, self.iz_id)
txt = down_data(url, self.local_path + '_childs.js').decode('cp1251')
vals = simplejson.loads(txt)
for child in vals:
'url': '' + child.get('data', {}).get('attr', {}).get('href', ''),
'name': child.get('data', {}).get('title', ''),
'iz_id': child.get('attr', {}).get('id', ''),
'region': self.region,
'type_ik': 'uik'
for child in childs:
uik = cikUIK.add_or_update(child)
if uik and recursion: uik.parse(recursion=True)
class cikPeople(al_base, Base):
__tablename__ = 'cik_people'
id = Column( types.Integer(), primary_key=True)
ik_id = Column( types.Integer(), index=True )
number = Column( types.SmallInteger(), index=True ) #пн
fio = Column( types.Text() ) #фио
post = Column( types.Text() ) #должность
party = Column( types.Text() ) #Кем рекомендован в состав комиссии
def add_or_update(cls, attrs):
if 'ik_id' not in attrs or 'number' not in attrs:
return None
people = Session.query( cls ).filter(cls.ik_id == attrs['ik_id'], cls.number == attrs['number']).first()
if not people:
people = cls(ik_id = attrs['ik_id'], number = attrs['number'])
return people
def init_model(engine):
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