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Created April 3, 2016 22:22
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#version 330 core
uniform sampler2D fb_texture;
// Scaling to apply to the dither pattern
uniform uint dither_scaling;
in vec3 frag_shading_color;
// Texture page: base offset for texture lookup.
flat in uvec2 frag_texture_page;
// Texel coordinates within the page. Interpolated by OpenGL.
in vec2 frag_texture_coord;
// Clut coordinates in VRAM
flat in uvec2 frag_clut;
// 0: no texture, 1: raw-texture, 2: blended
flat in uint frag_texture_blend_mode;
// 0: 16bpp (no clut), 1: 8bpp, 2: 4bpp
flat in uint frag_depth_shift;
// 0: No dithering, 1: dithering enabled
flat in uint frag_dither;
out vec4 frag_color;
const uint BLEND_MODE_NO_TEXTURE = 0U;
// Read a pixel in VRAM
vec4 vram_get_pixel(int x, int y) {
return texelFetch(fb_texture, ivec2(x, y), 0);
// Take a normalized color and convert it into a 16bit 1555 ABGR
// integer in the format used internally by the Playstation GPU.
uint rebuild_psx_color(vec4 color) {
uint a = uint(floor(color.a + 0.5));
uint r = uint(floor(color.r * 31. + 0.5));
uint g = uint(floor(color.g * 31. + 0.5));
uint b = uint(floor(color.b * 31. + 0.5));
return (a << 15) | (b << 10) | (g << 5) | r;
// Texture color 0x0000 is special in the Playstation GPU, it denotes
// a fully transparent texel (even for opaque draw commands). If you
// want black you have to use an opaque draw command and use `0x8000`
// instead.
bool is_transparent(vec4 texel) {
return rebuild_psx_color(texel) == 0U;
// PlayStation dithering pattern. The offset is selected based on the
// pixel position in VRAM, by blocks of 4x4 pixels. The value is added
// to the 8bit color components before they're truncated to 5 bits.
const int dither_pattern[16] =
int[16](-4, 0, -3, 1,
2, -2, 3, -1,
-3, 1, -4, 0,
3, -1, 2, -2);
vec4 sample_texel(vec2 coords) {
// Number of texel per VRAM 16bit "pixel" for the current depth
uint pix_per_hw = 1U << frag_depth_shift;
// 8 and 4bpp textures contain several texels per 16bit VRAM
// "pixel"
float tex_x_float = coords.x / float(pix_per_hw);
// Texture pages are limited to 256x256 pixels
int tex_x = int(tex_x_float) & 0xff;
int tex_y = int(coords.y) & 0xff;
tex_x += int(frag_texture_page.x);
tex_y += int(frag_texture_page.y);
vec4 texel = vram_get_pixel(tex_x, tex_y);
if (frag_depth_shift > 0U) {
// 8 and 4bpp textures are paletted so we need to lookup the
// real color in the CLUT
uint icolor = rebuild_psx_color(texel);
// A little bitwise magic to get the index in the CLUT. 4bpp
// textures have 4 texels per VRAM "pixel", 8bpp have 2. We need
// to shift the current color to find the proper part of the
// halfword and then mask away the rest.
// Bits per pixel (4 or 8)
uint bpp = 16U >> frag_depth_shift;
// 0xf for 4bpp, 0xff for 8bpp
uint mask = ((1U << bpp) - 1U);
// 0...3 for 4bpp, 1...2 for 8bpp
uint align = uint(fract(tex_x_float) * pix_per_hw);
// 0, 4, 8 or 12 for 4bpp, 0 or 8 for 8bpp
uint shift = (align * bpp);
// Finally we have the index in the CLUT
uint index = (icolor >> shift) & mask;
int clut_x = int(frag_clut.x + index);
int clut_y = int(frag_clut.y);
// Look up the real color for the texel in the CLUT
texel = vram_get_pixel(clut_x, clut_y);
return texel;
void main() {
vec4 color;
if (frag_texture_blend_mode == BLEND_MODE_NO_TEXTURE) {
color = vec4(frag_shading_color, 0.);
} else {
// Look up texture
float u_frac = fract(frag_texture_coord.x);
float v_frac = fract(frag_texture_coord.y);
vec4 texel_00;
if (u_frac + v_frac < 1.0) {
// Use bottom-left
texel_00 = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x + 0, frag_texture_coord.y + 0));
} else {
// Use top-right
texel_00 = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x + 1, frag_texture_coord.y + 1));
float tmp = 1 - v_frac;
v_frac = 1 - u_frac;
u_frac = tmp;
// texel color 0x0000 is always fully transparent (even for opaque
// draw commands)
if (is_transparent(texel_00)) {
// Fully transparent texel, discard
// 3-point filtering
vec4 texel_10 = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x + 1, frag_texture_coord.y + 0));
vec4 texel_01 = sample_texel(vec2(frag_texture_coord.x + 0, frag_texture_coord.y + 1));
if (is_transparent(texel_10)) {
texel_10 = texel_00;
if (is_transparent(texel_01)) {
texel_01 = texel_00;
vec4 texel = texel_00 + u_frac * (texel_10 - texel_00) + v_frac * (texel_01 - texel_00);
// vec4 texel = (texel_00 * (1 - u_frac) + texel_10 * u_frac) * (1 - v_frac)
// + (texel_01 * (1 - u_frac) + texel_11 * u_frac) * v_frac;
if (frag_texture_blend_mode == BLEND_MODE_RAW_TEXTURE) {
color = texel;
// Blend the texel with the shading color. `frag_shading_color`
// is multiplied by two so that it can be used to darken or
// lighten the texture as needed. The result of the
// multiplication should be saturated to 1.0 (0xff) but I think
// OpenGL will take care of that since the output buffer holds
// integers. The alpha/mask bit bit is taken directly from the
// texture however.
color = vec4(frag_shading_color * 2. * texel.rgb, texel.a);
// 4x4 dithering pattern scaled by `dither_scaling`
uint x_dither = (uint(gl_FragCoord.x) / dither_scaling) & 3U;
uint y_dither = (uint(gl_FragCoord.y) / dither_scaling) & 3U;
// The multiplication by `frag_dither` will result in
// `dither_offset` being 0 if dithering is disabled
int dither_offset =
dither_pattern[y_dither * 4U + x_dither] * int(frag_dither);
float dither = float(dither_offset) / 255.;
frag_color = color + vec4(dither, dither, dither, 0.);
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