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Last active April 11, 2020 23:46
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copy bluetooth pairing keys from windows for dual boot -- bash script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#credits \& original idea:
if [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
echo usage: $0 "<WindowsPartition>/Windows/System32/config"
echo if youre already in that directory, you will still have to provide that directory. However, you may then just use \$PWD in its stead.
echo this script will read out all your paired bluetooth device keys from the windows registry and show them to you. optionally, it will drop you into VIM at the approximate location at where you will want to edit stuff. This saves you the hassle of browsing the registry by hand with the chntpw command. However, it may be a good idea to read the original stackexchange post \(see below\). This script is written for ubuntu but may work for other distributions. Good luck!
echo Pain points:
echo - Pair all desired devices, first on linux, then on Windows.
echo - Have chntpw via your package manager
echo - mount your windows drive and supply it as first argument as seen above
echo - turn off all your bluetooth devices!
echo --- then: run this script.
echo --- : at the end you will be asked if you want to be dropped into VIM with a file explorer and the device MAC/keys listed. you can however also proceed manually from there.
echo credits \& more:
exit 0
echo bla?
which chntpw >/dev/null || { echo 'chntpw must be installed'; exit 1; }
if [[ ! -d "$windir" ]]; then
echo "not a valid dir: $windir (first arg)" >&2
$0 --help
exit 1
do_chntpw() (
local dir="${3:-$PWD}"
local path=$1
local cmd=$2
local chntpwscript="$(cat <<END | sed '/^#/d'
cd $path
cd "$dir"
echo "$chntpwscript" | chntpw -e SYSTEM
btwin-controlset() {
do_chntpw '' ls $windir | grep CurrentControlSet >/dev/null
[[ $? == 0 ]] && echo "CurrentControlSet" && return 0
do_chntpw '' ls $windir | grep ControlSet001 >/dev/null
[[ $? == 0 ]] && echo "ControlSet001" && return 0
echo no control set found in windows registry in directory $windir - make sure it is something like .../Windows/System32/config. the following is theoutput of the root 'ls' of the registry: >&2
do_chntpw '' ls $windir >&2
return 1
btwin-getdevice() {
do_chntpw $1 ls $windir | sed -n 's/^\s*<\([0-9a-f]*\)>.*/\1/p' | head -n 1
btwin-paired() {
do_chntpw $1 ls $windir | sed -n 's/.*REG_BINARY\s*<\([0-9a-f]*\)>.*/\1/p'
btwin-getkey() {
local regpath=$1
local pairedaddress=$2
local sedcmd='s/^:[0-9A-F]*\s*\(\([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]\s\)*\).*$/\1/p'
do_chntpw $regpath "hex $pairedaddress" $windir | sed -n "$sedcmd" | sed 's/\s*//g' | btwin-toUnixKey
btwin-toUnixMac() {
local in
while read -r line; do
echo "${line^^}"
btwin-toUnixKey() {
sed 's/../&:/g;s/:$//'
btwin-main() {
if [[ -n "$btwin_controlset" ]]; then
# echo $bthportkeys
# btwin_btmac=btwin-btmac "$\\Services\\BTHPORT\\Parameters"
device="$(btwin-getdevice $bthportkeys)"
if [[ -n "$device" ]]; then
while read -r address; do
# do_chntpw $bthdevicekeys "hex $address" $windir
key="$(btwin-getkey $bthdevicekeys $address)"
unixaddress=$(echo $address | btwin-toUnixMac)
echo $unixaddress $key
done < <(btwin-paired $bthdevicekeys)
echo \# instructions: these are paired MAC/key if everything went right.
echo \# go to /var/lib/bluetooth and figure out the rest
read -p "launch vim at that location with a document of those keys?" -n 1 -r
echo # (optional) move to a new line
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
sudo vim -c 'sp | Explore /var/lib/bluetooth/' - < <(btwin-main)
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