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Created March 24, 2016 11:53
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Walking turret snippet
require "util"
function gun_turret_extension(inputs)
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-extension.png",
priority = "medium",
width = 65,
height = 63,
direction_count = 4,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 5,
line_length = inputs.line_length and inputs.line_length or 0,
animation_speed = inputs.speed and inputs.speed or 1,
run_mode = inputs.run_mode and inputs.run_mode or "forward",
shift = {0.078125, -0.859375},
axially_symmetrical = false
function gun_turret_extension_mask(inputs)
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-extension-mask.png",
width = 24,
height = 31,
direction_count = 4,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 5,
line_length = inputs.line_length and inputs.line_length or 0,
animation_speed = inputs.speed and inputs.speed or 1,
run_mode = inputs.run_mode and inputs.run_mode or "forward",
shift = {0.0625, -0.890625},
axially_symmetrical = false,
apply_runtime_tint = true
function gun_turret_extension_shadow(inputs)
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png",
width = 89,
height = 49,
direction_count = 4,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 5,
line_length = inputs.line_length and inputs.line_length or 0,
animation_speed = inputs.speed and inputs.speed or 1,
run_mode = inputs.run_mode and inputs.run_mode or "forward",
shift = {1.26563, 0.015625},
axially_symmetrical = false,
draw_as_shadow = true
function gun_turret_attack(inputs)
layers =
width = 66,
height = 64,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64,
shift = {0.0625, -0.875},
stripes =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-1.png",
width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
height_in_frames = 32,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-2.png",
width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
height_in_frames = 32,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-mask.png",
line_length = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
width = 29,
height = 27,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64,
shift = {0.078125, -1.01563},
apply_runtime_tint = true
width = 91,
height = 50,
frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64,
shift = {1.29688, 0},
draw_as_shadow = true,
stripes =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-shadow-1.png",
width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
height_in_frames = 32,
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-gun-shadow-2.png",
width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
height_in_frames = 32,
type = "item",
name = "walking-turret",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png",
flags = {"goes-to-quickbar"},
subgroup = "defensive-structure",
order = "b[turret]-a[walking-turret]",
place_result = "walking-turret",
stack_size = 10
type = "unit",
name = "walking-turret",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png",
flags = {"placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid"},
minable = {mining_time = 0.5, result = "walking-turret"},
max_health = 400,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
collision_box = {{-0.7, -0.7 }, {0.7, 0.7}},
selection_box = {{-1, -1 }, {1, 1}},
rotation_speed = 0.015,
preparing_speed = 0.08,
folding_speed = 0.08,
dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
inventory_size = 1,
automated_ammo_count = 10,
attacking_speed = 0.5,
movement_speed = 0.085,
distance_per_frame = 0.15,
folded_animation =
layers =
gun_turret_extension{frame_count=1, line_length = 1},
gun_turret_extension_mask{frame_count=1, line_length = 1},
gun_turret_extension_shadow{frame_count=1, line_length = 1}
run_animation =
layers =
preparing_animation =
layers =
prepared_animation = gun_turret_attack{frame_count=1},
folding_animation =
layers =
gun_turret_extension{run_mode = "backward"},
gun_turret_extension_mask{run_mode = "backward"},
gun_turret_extension_shadow{run_mode = "backward"}
base_picture =
layers =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-base.png",
priority = "high",
width = 90,
height = 75,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {0.0625, -0.046875},
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-base-mask.png",
line_length = 1,
width = 52,
height = 47,
frame_count = 1,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {0.0625, -0.234375},
apply_runtime_tint = true
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
dying_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
pollution_to_join_attack = 1,
distraction_cooldown = 300,
vision_distance = 30,
attack_parameters =
type = "projectile",
cooldown = 6,
projectile_creation_distance = 1.39375,
projectile_center = {0.0625, -0.0875}, -- same as gun_turret_attack shift
damage_modifier = 2,
animation = gun_turret_attack{},
ammo_type =
category = "bullet",
action =
type = "direct",
action_delivery =
type = "instant",
source_effects =
type = "create-explosion",
entity_name = "explosion-gunshot"
target_effects =
type = "create-entity",
entity_name = "explosion-hit"
type = "damage",
damage = { amount = 5 , type = "physical"}
range = 3,
sound = make_heavy_gunshot_sounds(),
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