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Created November 7, 2016 12:29
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aqa completed task 1
# Skeleton Program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2015 examination
# this code should be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material
# written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team
# developed in the Python 3.4 programming environment
import sys
DEBUG = False # enable debug printing
def print_name(func):
def callme(*args):
print('entering function: {0.__name__} with {1} params of type {2}'.format(
func, len(args), [type(i) for i in args]), file=sys.stderr)
values = func(*args)
print('exiting function: {0.__name__} with {1} params of type {2}'.format(
func, len(args), [type(i) for i in args]), file=sys.stderr)
return values
return callme
def expand_arguments(func):
def callme(*args):
return func(*args, *args)
return callme
def CreateBoard():
'''generate a 2d array of length BOARDDIMENSION+1 * BOARDDIMENSSION+1'''
Board = [[" " for i in range(BOARDDIMENSION + 1)] for j in range(BOARDDIMENSION + 1)]
return Board
def DisplayWhoseTurnItIs(WhoseTurn):
'''prints whose turn it is'''
if WhoseTurn == "W":
print("It is White's turn")
print("It is Black's turn")
def GetTypeOfGame():
'''ask user for type of game'''
TypeOfGame = input(
"Do you want to play the sample game (enter Y for Yes)? ")
return TypeOfGame
def DisplayWinner(WhoseTurn):
'''print winner of game'''
if WhoseTurn == "W":
print("Black's Sarrum has been captured. White wins!")
print("White's Sarrum has been captured. Black wins!")
def CheckIfGameWillBeWon(Board, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if game is won'''
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][1] == "S":
return True
return False
def DisplayBoard(Board):
'''print game board'''
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
print(" _______________________")
print(RankNo, end=" ")
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
print("|" + Board[RankNo][FileNo], end="")
print(" _______________________")
print("\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n\n")
def CheckRedumMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, ColourOfPiece):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = False
if ColourOfPiece == "W":
if FinishRank == StartRank - 1:
if FinishFile == StartFile and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] == " ":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "B":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif FinishRank == StartRank + 1:
if FinishFile == StartFile and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] == " ":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "W":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckRedumMoveIsLegal
def CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal = False
if abs(FinishFile - StartFile) <= 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) <= 1:
CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal
def CheckGisgigirMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
RankDifference = FinishRank - StartRank
FileDifference = FinishFile - StartFile
if RankDifference == 0:
if FileDifference >= 1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(1, FileDifference):
if Board[StartRank][StartFile + Count] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif FileDifference <= -1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(-1, FileDifference, -1):
if Board[StartRank][StartFile + Count] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif FileDifference == 0:
if RankDifference >= 1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(1, RankDifference):
if Board[StartRank + Count][StartFile] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif RankDifference <= -1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(-1, RankDifference, -1):
if Board[StartRank + Count][StartFile] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
return GisgigirMoveIsLegal
def CheckNabuMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckNabuMoveIsLegal = False
if abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 1:
CheckNabuMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckNabuMoveIsLegal
def CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is lagal'''
CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal = False
if (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 0) or (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 0 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 1):
CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal
def CheckEtluMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckEtluMoveIsLegal = False
if (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 2 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 0) or (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 0 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 2):
CheckEtluMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckEtluMoveIsLegal
def CheckMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn, *args):
'''coordinator for legal move functions'''
MoveIsLegal = True
if (FinishFile == StartFile) and (FinishRank == StartRank):
MoveIsLegal = False
if not all(map(lambda x: x in range(1,BOARDDIMENSION+1), args[1:-1])):
return False
PieceType = Board[StartRank][StartFile][1]
PieceColour = Board[StartRank][StartFile][0]
if WhoseTurn == "W":
if PieceColour != "W":
MoveIsLegal = False
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "W":
MoveIsLegal = False
if PieceColour != "B":
MoveIsLegal = False
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "B":
MoveIsLegal = False
if MoveIsLegal == True:
if PieceType == "R":
MoveIsLegal = CheckRedumMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, PieceColour)
elif PieceType in "SK": # same legal moves
MoveIsLegal = CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "M":
MoveIsLegal = CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "G":
MoveIsLegal = CheckGisgigirMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "N":
MoveIsLegal = CheckNabuMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "E":
MoveIsLegal = CheckEtluMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
return MoveIsLegal
def InitialiseBoard(Board, SampleGame):
'''starts the board for the game'''
if SampleGame == "Y":
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = " "
Board[1][2] = "BG"
Board[1][4] = "BS"
Board[1][8] = "WG"
Board[2][1] = "WR"
Board[3][1] = "WS"
Board[3][2] = "BE"
Board[3][8] = "BE"
Board[6][8] = "BR"
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
if RankNo == 2:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "BR"
elif RankNo == 7:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "WR"
elif RankNo == 1 or RankNo == 8:
if RankNo == 1:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "B"
if RankNo == 8:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "W"
if FileNo == 1 or FileNo == 8:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "G"
elif FileNo == 2 or FileNo == 7:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "E"
elif FileNo == 3 or FileNo == 6:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "N"
elif FileNo == 4:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "M"
elif FileNo == 5:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "S"
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = " "
def GetMove(StartSquare, FinishSquare):
'''asks user for input'''
def try_int(x):
return int(x)
return 0
StartSquare = try_int(
input("Enter coordinates of square containing piece to move (file first): "))
FinishSquare = try_int(
input("Enter coordinates of square to move piece to (file first): "))
return StartSquare, FinishSquare
def MakeMove(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn):
'''coordinator for move function'''
if WhoseTurn == "W" and FinishRank == 1 and Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "R":
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "WK"
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
elif WhoseTurn == "B" and FinishRank == 8 and Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "R":
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "BM"
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
elif Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "K":
# perform witch owner conversion
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "{0}{1}".format(Board[StartRank][StartFile][0],Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][1])
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = Board[StartRank][StartFile]
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
if __name__ == "__main__":
Board = CreateBoard() # 0th index not used
StartSquare = 0
FinishSquare = 0
PlayAgain = "Y"
while PlayAgain == "Y":
WhoseTurn = "W"
GameOver = False
SampleGame = str()
while not SampleGame.isalpha():
SampleGame = input("Do you want to play the sample game (enter Y for Yes)? ") # type: str
SampleGame = SampleGame.upper()
InitialiseBoard(Board, SampleGame)
Board[1][4] = "WK"
NoOfMoves = 0
while not(GameOver):
MoveIsLegal = False
while not(MoveIsLegal):
StartSquare, FinishSquare = GetMove(StartSquare, FinishSquare)
StartRank = StartSquare % 10
StartFile = StartSquare // 10
FinishRank = FinishSquare % 10
FinishFile = FinishSquare // 10
MoveIsLegal = CheckMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn)
if not(MoveIsLegal):
print("That is not a legal move - please try again")
NoOfMoves += 1
GameOver = CheckIfGameWillBeWon(Board, FinishRank, FinishFile)
MakeMove(Board, StartRank, StartFile,
FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn)
print("The number of moves completed so far: {}".format(NoOfMoves))
if GameOver:
if WhoseTurn == "W":
WhoseTurn = "B"
WhoseTurn = "W"
PlayAgain = str()
while not PlayAgain.isalpha():
PlayAgain = input("Do you want to play again (enter Y for Yes)? ") # type: str
PlayAgain = PlayAgain.upper()
# Skeleton Program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2015 examination
# this code should be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material
# written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team
# developed in the Python 3.4 programming environment
import sys
DEBUG = False # enable debug printing
def print_name(func):
def callme(*args):
print('entering function: {0.__name__} with {1} params of type {2}'.format(
func, len(args), [type(i) for i in args]), file=sys.stderr)
values = func(*args)
print('exiting function: {0.__name__} with {1} params of type {2}'.format(
func, len(args), [type(i) for i in args]), file=sys.stderr)
return values
return callme
def expand_arguments(func):
def callme(*args):
return func(*args, *args)
return callme
def CreateBoard():
'''generate a 2d array of length BOARDDIMENSION+1 * BOARDDIMENSSION+1'''
Board = [[" " for i in range(BOARDDIMENSION + 1)] for j in range(BOARDDIMENSION + 1)]
return Board
def DisplayWhoseTurnItIs(WhoseTurn):
'''prints whose turn it is'''
if WhoseTurn == "W":
print("It is White's turn")
print("It is Black's turn")
def GetTypeOfGame():
'''ask user for type of game'''
TypeOfGame = input(
"Do you want to play the sample game (enter Y for Yes)? ")
return TypeOfGame
def DisplayWinner(WhoseTurn):
'''print winner of game'''
if WhoseTurn == "W":
print("Black's Sarrum has been captured. White wins!")
print("White's Sarrum has been captured. Black wins!")
def CheckIfGameWillBeWon(Board, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if game is won'''
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][1] == "S":
return True
return False
def DisplayBoard(Board):
'''print game board'''
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
print(" _______________________")
print(RankNo, end=" ")
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
print("|" + Board[RankNo][FileNo], end="")
print(" _______________________")
print("\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n\n")
def CheckRedumMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, ColourOfPiece):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = False
if ColourOfPiece == "W":
if FinishRank == StartRank - 1:
if FinishFile == StartFile and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] == " ":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "B":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif FinishRank == StartRank + 1:
if FinishFile == StartFile and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] == " ":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
elif abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "W":
CheckRedumMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckRedumMoveIsLegal
def CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal = False
if abs(FinishFile - StartFile) <= 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) <= 1:
CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal
def CheckGisgigirMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
RankDifference = FinishRank - StartRank
FileDifference = FinishFile - StartFile
if RankDifference == 0:
if FileDifference >= 1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(1, FileDifference):
if Board[StartRank][StartFile + Count] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif FileDifference <= -1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(-1, FileDifference, -1):
if Board[StartRank][StartFile + Count] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif FileDifference == 0:
if RankDifference >= 1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(1, RankDifference):
if Board[StartRank + Count][StartFile] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
elif RankDifference <= -1:
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = True
for Count in range(-1, RankDifference, -1):
if Board[StartRank + Count][StartFile] != " ":
GisgigirMoveIsLegal = False
return GisgigirMoveIsLegal
def CheckNabuMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckNabuMoveIsLegal = False
if abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 1:
CheckNabuMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckNabuMoveIsLegal
def CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is lagal'''
CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal = False
if (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 1 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 0) or (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 0 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 1):
CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal
def CheckEtluMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile):
'''determine if a move is legal'''
CheckEtluMoveIsLegal = False
if (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 2 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 0) or (abs(FinishFile - StartFile) == 0 and abs(FinishRank - StartRank) == 2):
CheckEtluMoveIsLegal = True
return CheckEtluMoveIsLegal
def CheckMoveIsLegal(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn, *args):
'''coordinator for legal move functions'''
MoveIsLegal = True
if (FinishFile == StartFile) and (FinishRank == StartRank):
MoveIsLegal = False
if not all(map(lambda x: x in range(1,BOARDDIMENSION+1), args[1:-1])):
return False
PieceType = Board[StartRank][StartFile][1]
PieceColour = Board[StartRank][StartFile][0]
if WhoseTurn == "W":
if PieceColour != "W":
MoveIsLegal = False
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "W":
MoveIsLegal = False
if PieceColour != "B":
MoveIsLegal = False
if Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][0] == "B":
MoveIsLegal = False
if MoveIsLegal == True:
if PieceType == "R":
MoveIsLegal = CheckRedumMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, PieceColour)
elif PieceType in "SK": # same legal moves
MoveIsLegal = CheckSarrumMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "M":
MoveIsLegal = CheckMarzazPaniMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "G":
MoveIsLegal = CheckGisgigirMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "N":
MoveIsLegal = CheckNabuMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
elif PieceType == "E":
MoveIsLegal = CheckEtluMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile)
return MoveIsLegal
def InitialiseBoard(Board, SampleGame):
'''starts the board for the game'''
if SampleGame == "Y":
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = " "
Board[1][2] = "BG"
Board[1][4] = "BS"
Board[1][8] = "WG"
Board[2][1] = "WR"
Board[3][1] = "WS"
Board[3][2] = "BE"
Board[3][8] = "BE"
Board[6][8] = "BR"
for RankNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
for FileNo in range(1, BOARDDIMENSION + 1):
if RankNo == 2:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "BR"
elif RankNo == 7:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "WR"
elif RankNo == 1 or RankNo == 8:
if RankNo == 1:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "B"
if RankNo == 8:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = "W"
if FileNo == 1 or FileNo == 8:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "G"
elif FileNo == 2 or FileNo == 7:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "E"
elif FileNo == 3 or FileNo == 6:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "N"
elif FileNo == 4:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "M"
elif FileNo == 5:
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = Board[RankNo][FileNo] + "S"
Board[RankNo][FileNo] = " "
def GetMove(StartSquare, FinishSquare):
'''asks user for input'''
def try_int(x):
return int(x)
return 0
StartSquare = try_int(
input("Enter coordinates of square containing piece to move (file first): "))
FinishSquare = try_int(
input("Enter coordinates of square to move piece to (file first): "))
return StartSquare, FinishSquare
def MakeMove(Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn):
'''coordinator for move function'''
if WhoseTurn == "W" and FinishRank == 1 and Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "R":
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "WK"
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
elif WhoseTurn == "B" and FinishRank == 8 and Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "R":
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "BM"
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
elif Board[StartRank][StartFile][1] == "K":
# perform witch owner conversion
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = "{0}{1}".format(Board[StartRank][StartFile][0],Board[FinishRank][FinishFile][1])
Board[FinishRank][FinishFile] = Board[StartRank][StartFile]
Board[StartRank][StartFile] = " "
if __name__ == "__main__":
Board = CreateBoard() # 0th index not used
StartSquare = 0
FinishSquare = 0
PlayAgain = "Y"
while PlayAgain == "Y":
WhoseTurn = "W"
GameOver = False
SampleGame = str()
while not SampleGame.isalpha():
SampleGame = input("Do you want to play the sample game (enter Y for Yes)? ") # type: str
SampleGame = SampleGame.upper()
InitialiseBoard(Board, SampleGame)
Board[1][4] = "WK"
NoOfMoves = 0
while not(GameOver):
MoveIsLegal = False
while not(MoveIsLegal):
StartSquare, FinishSquare = GetMove(StartSquare, FinishSquare)
StartRank = StartSquare % 10
StartFile = StartSquare // 10
FinishRank = FinishSquare % 10
FinishFile = FinishSquare // 10
MoveIsLegal = CheckMoveIsLegal(
Board, StartRank, StartFile, FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn)
if not(MoveIsLegal):
print("That is not a legal move - please try again")
NoOfMoves += 1
GameOver = CheckIfGameWillBeWon(Board, FinishRank, FinishFile)
MakeMove(Board, StartRank, StartFile,
FinishRank, FinishFile, WhoseTurn)
print("The number of moves completed so far: {}".format(NoOfMoves))
if GameOver:
if WhoseTurn == "W":
WhoseTurn = "B"
WhoseTurn = "W"
PlayAgain = str()
while not PlayAgain.isalpha():
PlayAgain = input("Do you want to play again (enter Y for Yes)? ") # type: str
PlayAgain = PlayAgain.upper()
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