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Created April 19, 2020 01:37
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Parser combinators
from functools import wraps
from typing import Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Callable, Coroutine, List, Any
NoneType = type(None)
class StringView:
def __init__(self, s: str, idx: int = 0):
self.s = s
self.idx = idx
self.end = len(s)
def at_end(self):
return self.idx == self.end
def peek(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.at_end():
return None
return self.s[self.idx]
def next(self) -> 'ParserResult[str]':
if self.at_end():
return (False, self, None)
r = self.s[self.idx]
sv = StringView(self.s, self.idx + 1)
return (True, sv, r)
T = TypeVar('T')
ParserResult = Tuple[bool, StringView, Optional[T]]
ParserFunction = Callable[[StringView], ParserResult[T]]
def parser_generator(gen_fn: Callable[[], Coroutine[ParserResult[T], StringView, T]]) -> ParserFunction[T]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[T]:
orig_view = view
it, val = gen_fn(), None
while True:
p = it.send(val)
success, view, val = p(view)
if not success:
return (False, orig_view, None)
except StopIteration as e:
return (True, view, e.value)
return lambda: inner
def consume_whitespace() -> ParserFunction[NoneType]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[NoneType]:
orig_view = view
while True:
(success, next_view, char) =
if not success:
return (False, orig_view, None)
if not char.isspace():
return (True, view, None)
view = next_view
return inner
def consume_string(to_consume: str) -> ParserFunction[str]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[str]:
orig_view = view
for wanted_char in to_consume:
(success, view, actual_char) =
if not success or wanted_char != actual_char:
return (False, orig_view, None)
return (True, view, to_consume)
return inner
def read_integer() -> ParserFunction[int]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[int]:
so_far = []
orig_view = view
while True:
(success, next_view, char) =
if not success:
return (False, orig_view, None)
if not char.isnumeric():
return (True, view, int(''.join(so_far)))
view = next_view
return inner
def consume_any_string(*to_consume: str) -> ParserFunction[str]:
return try_parsers(*map(consume_string, to_consume))
def try_parsers(*parsers: ParserFunction[T]) -> ParserFunction[T]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[T]:
orig_view = view
for p in parsers:
(success, view, val) = p(orig_view)
if success:
return (True, view, val)
return (False, orig_view, None)
return inner
def kleene(p: ParserFunction[T]) -> ParserFunction[List[T]]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[List[T]]:
result = []
while True:
(success, next_view, val) = p(view)
if not success:
return (True, view, result)
view = next_view
return inner
def take_until(taker: ParserFunction[T], untiller: ParserFunction[Any]) -> ParserFunction[List[T]]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[List[T]]:
result = []
while True:
(success, _, _) = untiller(view)
if success:
return (True, view, result)
(success, next_view, val) = taker(view)
if not success:
return (False, view, None)
view = next_view
return inner
def char_fits_predicate(predicate: Callable[[str], bool]) -> ParserFunction[str]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[str]:
orig_view = view
(success, view, char) =
if not success or not predicate(char):
return (False, orig_view, None)
return (True, view, char)
return inner
def is_char(char: str) -> ParserFunction[str]:
return char_fits_predicate(lambda c: c == char)
def is_whitespace() -> ParserFunction[str]:
return char_fits_predicate(lambda c: c.isspace())
def any_char() -> ParserFunction[str]:
def inner(view: StringView) -> ParserResult[str]:
return inner
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