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Created September 24, 2021 21:11
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Fast and efficient ChaCha20 implementation in pure Dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
/// A pure-Dart implementation of the ChaCha20 algorithm as specified by RFC
/// 7539.
/// To encrypt or decrypt a full message, call [encrypt] or [decrypt].
/// This codec supports an optimized, memory-efficient conversion of streaming
/// data as well:
/// ```dart
/// late final List<int> encrypted;
/// final outputSink = ByteConversionSink.withCallback((r) => encrypted = r);
/// final encryptingSink = ChaCha20(key, iv).encoder
/// .startChunkedConversion(outputSink);
/// for (List<int> event in messages) {
/// encryptingSink.add(event);
/// }
/// encryptingSink.close();
/// // encrypted data is now available in encrypted
/// ```
/// Chunked conversions are especially efficient for streams:
/// ```dart
/// Stream<List<int>> encrypt(Stream<String> input) {
/// final enc = utf8.fuse(ChaCha20(key, iv)).encoder;
/// return input.transform(enc);
/// }
/// ```
class ChaCha20 extends Codec<List<int>, List<int>> {
final Uint8List _key;
final Uint8List _iv;
final int _initialCounter;
ChaCha20(this._key, this._iv, {int initialCounter = 0})
: _initialCounter = initialCounter {
if (_key.length != 32) {
throw ArgumentError('Must have a length of 32', 'key');
if (_iv.length != 12) {
throw ArgumentError('Must have a length of 32', 'iv');
Converter<List<int>, List<int>> get decoder =>
_Converter(_key, _iv, _initialCounter);
Converter<List<int>, List<int>> get encoder => decoder;
/// Encrypts the [plaintext] bytes with the ChaCha20 algorithm, using the key,
/// IV and initial counter set in the [ChaCha20] constructor.
/// As this is a symmetric encryption scheme, this is equivalent to [decrypt].
List<int> encrypt(List<int> plaintext) {
return encoder.convert(plaintext);
/// Decrypts the [plaintext] bytes with the ChaCha20 algorithm, using the key,
/// IV and initial counter set in the [ChaCha20] constructor.
/// As this is a symmetric encryption scheme, this is equivalent to [encrypt].
List<int> decrypt(List<int> ciphertext) {
return encrypt(ciphertext);
class _Converter extends Converter<List<int>, List<int>> {
final Uint8List key;
final Uint8List iv;
final int initialBlock;
_Converter(this.key, this.iv, this.initialBlock);
Uint8List convert(List<int> input) {
final output = Uint8List(input.length);
final sink = _FixedLengthByteSink(output);
return output;
Sink<List<int>> startChunkedConversion(Sink<List<int>> sink) {
final generator = _KeyStreamGenerator(key, iv, initialBlock);
if (sink is ByteConversionSink) {
return _ChaCha20ConversionSink(sink, generator);
} else {
return _RegularChaCha20Sink(sink, generator);
const _stateLengthInWords = 16;
const _stateLengthInBytes = _stateLengthInWords * 4;
/// ChaCha20 works by generating a random byte array from an internal state.
/// This byte array is then xor-ed with the message for encryption or
/// decryption.
class _KeyStreamGenerator {
final Uint8List key;
final Uint8List nonce;
final Uint32List state = Uint32List(_stateLengthInWords);
/// The serialized [state], which forms the current block in the key stream.
/// A memory-optimized sink may directly mutate this array by xor-ing a
/// message into this. The state will be reset when [nextBlock] is called.
final Uint8List serializedState = Uint8List(_stateLengthInBytes);
int blockCounter;
_KeyStreamGenerator(this.key, this.nonce, [this.blockCounter = 0]);
/// Encodes the key, nonce and counter into the [_state] matrix.
void _createState() {
// The first four words are constants:
state[0] = 0x61707865;
state[1] = 0x3320646e;
state[2] = 0x79622d32;
state[3] = 0x6b206574;
// The next eight words are taken from the key by reading it in 4-byte
// chunks (little endian).
final keyData = key.buffer.asByteData(key.offsetInBytes);
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
state[4 + i] = keyData.getUint32(i * 4, Endian.little);
// Word 12 is a block counter
state[12] = blockCounter;
// Words 13-15 are a nonce
final nonceData = nonce.buffer.asByteData(nonce.offsetInBytes);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
state[13 + i] = nonceData.getUint32(i * 4, Endian.little);
/// Performs 20 quarter rounds (interleaved with column and diagonal rounds).
void _shuffleState() {
var x00 = state[0];
var x01 = state[1];
var x02 = state[2];
var x03 = state[3];
var x04 = state[4];
var x05 = state[5];
var x06 = state[6];
var x07 = state[7];
var x08 = state[8];
var x09 = state[9];
var x10 = state[10];
var x11 = state[11];
var x12 = state[12];
var x13 = state[13];
var x14 = state[14];
var x15 = state[15];
for (var i = 10; i > 0; i--) {
// QUARTERROUND ( 0, 4, 8,12)
x00 += x04;
x12 = (x12 ^ x00).rotateLeft32(16);
x08 += x12;
x04 = (x04 ^ x08).rotateLeft32(12);
x00 += x04;
x12 = (x12 ^ x00).rotateLeft32(8);
x08 += x12;
x04 = (x04 ^ x08).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 1, 5, 9,13)
x01 += x05;
x13 = (x13 ^ x01).rotateLeft32(16);
x09 += x13;
x05 = (x05 ^ x09).rotateLeft32(12);
x01 += x05;
x13 = (x13 ^ x01).rotateLeft32(8);
x09 += x13;
x05 = (x05 ^ x09).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 2, 6,10,14)
x02 += x06;
x14 = (x14 ^ x02).rotateLeft32(16);
x10 += x14;
x06 = (x06 ^ x10).rotateLeft32(12);
x02 += x06;
x14 = (x14 ^ x02).rotateLeft32(8);
x10 += x14;
x06 = (x06 ^ x10).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 3, 7,11,15)
x03 += x07;
x15 = (x15 ^ x03).rotateLeft32(16);
x11 += x15;
x07 = (x07 ^ x11).rotateLeft32(12);
x03 += x07;
x15 = (x15 ^ x03).rotateLeft32(8);
x11 += x15;
x07 = (x07 ^ x11).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 0, 5,10,15)
x00 += x05;
x15 = (x15 ^ x00).rotateLeft32(16);
x10 += x15;
x05 = (x05 ^ x10).rotateLeft32(12);
x00 += x05;
x15 = (x15 ^ x00).rotateLeft32(8);
x10 += x15;
x05 = (x05 ^ x10).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 1, 6,11,12)
x01 += x06;
x12 = (x12 ^ x01).rotateLeft32(16);
x11 += x12;
x06 = (x06 ^ x11).rotateLeft32(12);
x01 += x06;
x12 = (x12 ^ x01).rotateLeft32(8);
x11 += x12;
x06 = (x06 ^ x11).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 2, 7, 8,13)
x02 += x07;
x13 = (x13 ^ x02).rotateLeft32(16);
x08 += x13;
x07 = (x07 ^ x08).rotateLeft32(12);
x02 += x07;
x13 = (x13 ^ x02).rotateLeft32(8);
x08 += x13;
x07 = (x07 ^ x08).rotateLeft32(7);
// QUARTERROUND ( 3, 4, 9,14)
x03 += x04;
x14 = (x14 ^ x03).rotateLeft32(16);
x09 += x14;
x04 = (x04 ^ x09).rotateLeft32(12);
x03 += x04;
x14 = (x14 ^ x03).rotateLeft32(8);
x09 += x14;
x04 = (x04 ^ x09).rotateLeft32(7);
state[0] = x00;
state[1] = x01;
state[2] = x02;
state[3] = x03;
state[4] = x04;
state[5] = x05;
state[6] = x06;
state[7] = x07;
state[8] = x08;
state[9] = x09;
state[10] = x10;
state[11] = x11;
state[12] = x12;
state[13] = x13;
state[14] = x14;
state[15] = x15;
/// Creates a new block in the keystream.
/// The block will be written into [_serializedState].
void nextBlock() {
// Create the new state, and store a copy of it in previousState before
// mutating it.
final previousState = Uint32List.fromList(state);
// Add the previous state to the current state, 4 words at a time
final newList = state.buffer.asInt32x4List();
final oldList = previousState.buffer.asInt32x4List();
assert(newList.length == 4 && oldList.length == 4);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
newList[i] = newList[i] + oldList[i];
// Write the serialized state, encoding each number in little endian order
final serializedData = serializedState.buffer.asByteData();
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
serializedData.setUint32(i * 4, state[i], Endian.little);
/// XORs a full block of 16 words from [dest] and [other] into [dest].
void _xorFullBlock(
Uint8List dest, int destOffset, Uint8List other, int otherOffset) {
final effectiveDestOffset = dest.offsetInBytes + destOffset;
final effectiveOtherOffset = other.offsetInBytes + otherOffset;
if (effectiveDestOffset % 16 == 0 && effectiveOtherOffset % 16 == 0) {
// We can xor 256 bit at once using SIMD instructions.
final dest32x4 = dest.buffer.asInt32x4List(effectiveDestOffset, 4);
final other32x4 = other.buffer.asInt32x4List(effectiveOtherOffset, 4);
dest32x4[0] ^= other32x4[0];
dest32x4[1] ^= other32x4[1];
dest32x4[2] ^= other32x4[2];
dest32x4[3] ^= other32x4[3];
} else {
// Fall back to a byte-by-byte xor
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
dest[destOffset + i] ^= other[i];
/// A ChaCha20 sink emitting into a general [Sink].
/// This will copy incoming chunks.
class _RegularChaCha20Sink extends Sink<List<int>> {
final Sink<List<int>> output;
final _KeyStreamGenerator generator;
int _remainingInCurrentKeyStreamBlock = 0;
_RegularChaCha20Sink(this.output, this.generator);
void add(List<int> chunk) {
// Create a copy which we can then encrypt in-place.
final typedCopy = Uint8List.fromList(chunk);
var offset = 0;
// XOR the message with the key stream. Start by using up the current block,
// if available.
final canTakeFromCurrent =
min(_remainingInCurrentKeyStreamBlock, chunk.length);
final offsetInRemaining =
_stateLengthInBytes - _remainingInCurrentKeyStreamBlock;
for (var i = 0; i < canTakeFromCurrent; i++) {
typedCopy[i] ^= generator.serializedState[offsetInRemaining + i];
_remainingInCurrentKeyStreamBlock -= canTakeFromCurrent;
offset += canTakeFromCurrent;
// Efficiently xor full message blocks that might remain
while (offset + _stateLengthInBytes < typedCopy.length) {
_xorFullBlock(typedCopy, offset, generator.serializedState, 0);
offset += _stateLengthInBytes;
// Start an incomplete block for the rest of the message.
if (offset < typedCopy.length) {
final remaining = typedCopy.length - offset;
for (var i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
typedCopy[offset + i] ^= generator.serializedState[i];
_remainingInCurrentKeyStreamBlock = _stateLengthInBytes - remaining;
void close() {
/// A ChaCha20 sink not allocating additional memory for encryption.
/// Messages are xor-ed onto the internal state of the [generator] which is
/// then passed to a downstream sink in [output].
class _ChaCha20ConversionSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase {
final ByteConversionSink output;
final _KeyStreamGenerator generator;
int _offsetInState = _stateLengthInBytes;
_ChaCha20ConversionSink(this.output, this.generator);
void add(List<int> chunk) {
addSlice(chunk, 0, chunk.length, false);
void addSlice(List<int> chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
var offsetInChunk = start;
final serializedState = generator.serializedState;
// Use up the remaining bytes in the available key stream block
final remainingInState = _stateLengthInBytes - _offsetInState;
if (remainingInState != 0) {
final available = min(end - offsetInChunk, remainingInState);
for (var i = 0; i < available; i++) {
serializedState[_offsetInState + i] ^= chunk[offsetInChunk + i];
offsetInChunk += available;
serializedState, _offsetInState, _offsetInState += available, false);
// Continue going in full blocks.
while (offsetInChunk + _stateLengthInBytes < end) {
if (chunk is Uint8List) {
_xorFullBlock(serializedState, 0, chunk, offsetInChunk);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < _stateLengthInBytes; i++) {
serializedState[i] ^= chunk[offsetInChunk + i];
output.addSlice(serializedState, 0, _stateLengthInBytes, false);
offsetInChunk += _stateLengthInBytes;
// Write the remainder of the chunk not fitting into a block.
final remaining = end - offsetInChunk;
if (remaining > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
serializedState[i] ^= chunk[offsetInChunk + i];
output.addSlice(serializedState, 0, remaining, isLast);
_offsetInState = remaining;
void close() {
class _FixedLengthByteSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase {
final Uint8List target;
int _offset = 0;
void add(List<int> chunk) {
target.setAll(_offset, chunk);
_offset += chunk.length;
void addSlice(List<int> chunk, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
target.setAll(_offset, chunk.sublist(start, end));
_offset += end - start;
void close() {}
extension on int {
int rotateLeft32(int amount) {
return this << amount | (this.toUnsigned(32) >> (32 - amount));
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