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Created May 26, 2020 16:12
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Tagging in Clojure
(ns walkmap.tag
"Code for tagging, untagging, and finding tags on objects. Note the use of
the namespaced keyword, `:walkmap.tag/tags`, denoted in this file `::tags`.
This is in an attempt to avoid name clashes with other uses of this key."
(:require [clojure.set :refer [difference union]]))
(defn tagged?
"True if this `object` is tagged with each of these `tags`."
[object & tags]
(map? object)
(every? keyword? tags)
(let [ot (::tags object)]
(set? ot)
(every? ot tags)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be keyword(s): " (map type tags)))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be a map: " (type object))))))
(defn tag
"Return an object like this `object` but with these `tags` added to its tags,
if they are not already present."
[object & tags]
(map? object)
(every? keyword? tags)
(assoc object ::tags (union (set tags) (::tags object)))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be keyword(s): " (map type tags)))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be a map: " (type object))))))
(defn untag
"Return an object like this `object` but with these `tags` removed from its
tags, if present."
[object & tags]
(map? object)
(every? keyword? tags)
(assoc object ::tags (difference (::tags object) (set tags)))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be keywords: " (map type tags)))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Must be a map: " (type object))))))
(ns walkmap.tag-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[walkmap.tag :refer :all]))
(deftest tag-tests
(testing "Tagging"
(is (set? (:walkmap.tag/tags (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz)))
"The value of `:walkmap.tag/tags should be a set.")
(is (= (count (:walkmap.tag/tags (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz))) 4)
"All the tags passed should be added.")
(is (:walkmap.tag/tags (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz) :ban)
"`:ban` should be present in the set, and, as it is a set, it
should be valid to apply it to a keyword.")
(is (not ((:walkmap.tag/tags (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz)) :cornflakes))
"`:cornflakes should not be present.")
(is (true? (tagged? (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz) :bar))
"`tagged?` should return an explicit `true`, not any other value.")
(is (tagged? (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz) :bar :froboz)
"We should be able to test for the presence of more than one tag")
(is (= (tagged? (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz) :bar :cornflakes) false)
"If any of the queried tags is missing, false should be returned")
(is (tagged? (tag (tag {} :foo) :bar) :foo :bar)
"We should be able to add tags to an already tagged object")
(is (false? (tagged? (tag {} :foo :bar) :cornflakes))
"`tagged?` should return an explicit `false` if a queried tag is missing.")
(let [object (tag {} :foo :bar :ban :froboz)]
(is (= (untag object :cornflakes) object)
"Removing a missing tag should have no effect.")
(is (tagged? (untag object :foo) :bar :ban :froboz)
"All tags not explicitly removed should still be present.")
(is (false? (tagged? (untag object :bar) :bar))
"But the tag which has been removed should be removed."))
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (tag [] :foo))
"An exception should be thrown if `object` is not a map: `tag`.")
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (tagged? [] :foo))
"An exception should be thrown if `object` is not a map: `tagged?`.")
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (untag [] :foo))
"An exception should be thrown if `object` is not a map: `untag`.")
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (tag {} :foo "bar" :ban))
"An exception should be thrown if any of `tags` is not a keyword: `tag`.")
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (tagged? {} :foo "bar" :ban))
"An exception should be thrown if any of `tags` is not a keyword: `tagged?`.")
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (untag {} :foo "bar" :ban))
"An exception should be thrown if any of `tags` is not a keywordp: `untag`.")))
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There are lots of ways to tag things in Clojure, but I wanted to ensure that tags didn't collide with other keys. I'm rather pleased with this solution.

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