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Created July 30, 2013 11:32
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Add Conversion Tracking to an iframe with VWO and iframetracker.js
* jQuery iframe click tracking plugin demo
* Version 1.0 (2013-03-30)
* Copyright © 2013 Vincent Paré
// Registering new tracking handler
$.fn.iframeTracker = function(handler){
// Storing the new handler into handler list
// Binding boundary listener
.bind('mouseover', {handler: handler}, function(e){ = true;
try{; } catch(ex){}
.bind('mouseout', {handler: handler}, function(e){ = false;
try{; } catch(ex){}
// Iframe tracker common object
$.iframeTracker = {
// Attributes
focusRetriever: null, // Element used for restoring focus on window (element)
focusRetrieved: false, // Says if the focus was retrived on the current page (bool)
handlersList: [], // Store a list of every trakers (created by calling $(selector).iframeTracker...)
isIE8AndOlder: false, // true for Internet Explorer 8 and older
// Init (called once on document ready)
init: function(){
// Determine browser version (IE8-) ($.browser.msie is deprecated since jQuery 1.9)
if( $.browser.msie == true && $.browser.version < 9 ){
this.isIE8AndOlder = true;
} catch(ex){
var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie) ([\w.]+)/i);
if( matches[2] < 9 ){
this.isIE8AndOlder = true;
} catch(ex2){}
// Listening window blur
// Focus retriever
$('body').append('<div style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; overflow:hidden;"><input style="position:absolute; left:-300px;" type="text" value="" id="focus_retriever" /></div>');
this.focusRetriever = $('#focus_retriever');
this.focusRetrieved = false;
$(document).mousemove(function(e){ // Focus back to page
if( document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){
$.iframeTracker.focusRetrieved = true;
// Blur doesn't works correctly on IE8-, so we need to trigger it manually
if( this.isIE8AndOlder ){
// Keep focus on window (fix bug IE8- elements focusables)
if( this.isIE8AndOlder ){
$('body').click(function(e){ $(window).focus(); });
$('form').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });
// Blur on window => calling blurCallback for every handler with over=true
windowLoseFocus: function(event){
for(var i in this.handlersList){
if( this.handlersList[i].over == true ){
try{ this.handlersList[i].blurCallback(); } catch(ex){}
// Init the iframeTracker on document ready
blurCallback: function(){
//Add VWO conversion goal to iframe tacking
window._vis_opt_queue = window._vis_opt_queue || [];
window._vis_opt_queue.push(function() {_vis_opt_goal_conversion(201);});
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