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Last active May 6, 2021 13:15
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import requests
import json
import dateutil.parser
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import tabulate
import geopy.distance
from operator import itemgetter
ST_GENIS = (46.2440083, 6.0253162)
my_location = ST_GENIS
seconds_in_day = 60*60*24
department_list_json = requests.get("").json()
department_list = {}
for dep in department_list_json:
department_list[dep["code_departement"]] = dep["nom_departement"]
departments = ["01", "38", "73", "74", "39", "71", "69"]
# departments = ["74"]
responses = {}
print("Searching appointments within 24h..")
table_header = ["Vaccine", "Distance", "Day", "Time", "Name", "Location"]
found_appointments = []
for dep in departments:
now =
response = requests.get("" + dep + ".json")
responses[dep] = response
if response.status_code == 200:
response_json = response.json()
available_centres = response_json["centres_disponibles"]
for centre in available_centres:
next_available_appointment = centre["prochain_rdv"]
appointment_time = dateutil.parser.parse(next_available_appointment)
time_interval_day = ((appointment_time - now).total_seconds())/seconds_in_day
if time_interval_day < 1:
location = (centre["location"]["latitude"], centre["location"]["longitude"])
distance = round(geopy.distance.distance(location, my_location).km)
vaccine_types = ",".join(centre["vaccine_type"])
entry = [
str(distance) + " km",
str( + "/" + str(appointment_time.month),
str(appointment_time.hour) + ":" + str(appointment_time.minute),
centre["location"]["city"] + ", " + department_list[dep]
extract_distance = lambda tuple: float(tuple[1][:-3])
sorted_appointments = sorted(found_appointments, key=extract_distance)
print(tabulate.tabulate(sorted_appointments, headers=table_header))
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