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Created February 3, 2020 15:09
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Maze solver

Maze solver

Simple algorithm to calculate the number of steps required to go from a point A to a point B inside a maze. It can handle an unreachable destination.

It's based on BFS

class Maze:
def __init__(self, matrix):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.matrix = matrix
self.rows = len(matrix)
self.cols = len(matrix[0])
def getAt(self, x, y):
if 0 <= x < self.cols and 0 <= y < self.rows:
return self.matrix[y][x]
return -1
def moveTo(self, x, y):
if 0 <= x <= self.cols and 0 <= y <= self.rows:
self.x, self.y = x, y
raise ValueError
def solution(maze, src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y):
maze.moveTo(src_x, src_y)
# Create a queue with the source point
queue = [ [src_x, src_y] ]
# Create a matrix, filled with False value
visited = [
[ False for i in range(maze.rows) ] for i in range(maze.cols)
# Count the moves necessary to go from src(x;y) to dest(x;y)
moves = 0
while len(queue) > 0:
# The queue to use at next iteration
newQueue = []
# For each point in the queue...
for [x, y] in queue:
# Point out of the maze or it is a wall
if maze.getAt(x, y) != 1:
# Already visited
if visited[x][y]:
# We reached destination
if x == dest_x and y == dest_y:
return moves
# Flag the current point as visited
visited[x][y] = True
# Visit the points near the current one,
# in the next iteration
newQueue += [
[ x + 1, y ],
[ x - 1, y ],
[ x, y + 1 ],
[ x, y - 1 ]
queue = newQueue
moves += 1
# No solution found
return -1
# Create a test maze
# 1 = Street
# 0 = Wall
maze = Maze([
# Source and destination points
from_x, from_y = 0, 0
to_x, to_y = 7, 5
# Execute the algorithm
steps_required = solution(maze, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y)
if steps_required >= 0:
print(f'{steps_required} steps are required to go from ({from_x};{from_y}) to ({to_x};{to_y})')
print(f'No way found to go from ({from_x};{from_y}) to ({to_x};{to_y})')
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