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Created January 20, 2012 16:07
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Fluent APIs for Graph
UndirectedMutableWeightedGraph<BaseLabeledVertex, BaseLabeledWeightedEdge> graph =
newUndirectedMutableWeightedGraph( new AbstractGraphConnection<BaseLabeledVertex, BaseLabeledWeightedEdge>()
public void connect()
BaseLabeledVertex start = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "start" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex a = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "a" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex b = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "b" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex c = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "c" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex d = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "d" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex e = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "e" ) );
BaseLabeledVertex goal = addVertex( new BaseLabeledVertex( "goal" ) );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "start <-> a", 1.5D ) ).from( start ).to( a );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "start <-> d", 2D ) ).from( start ).to( d );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "a <-> b", 2D ) ).from( a ).to( b );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "b <-> c", 3D ) ).from( b ).to( c );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "c <-> goal", 3D ) ).from( c ).to( goal );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "d <-> e", 3D ) ).from( d ).to( e );
addEdge( new BaseLabeledWeightedEdge( "e <-> goal", 2D ) ).from( e ).to( goal );
} );
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