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Last active March 11, 2024 12:23
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Save simonewebdesign/8507139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install Sublime Text 3 on Linux via POSIX shell script -
# Sublime Text 3 Install (last update: Monday 13 March 2017)
# No need to download this script, just run it on your terminal:
# curl -L | sh
# Detect the architecture
if [[ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]]; then
# Fetch the latest build version number (thanks daveol)
BUILD=$(echo $(curl | sed -rn "s#.*The latest build is ([0-9]+)..*#\1#p")
# Download the tarball, unpack and install
curl -o $HOME/st3.tar.bz2 $URL
if tar -xf $HOME/st3.tar.bz2 --directory=$HOME; then
sudo mv $HOME/sublime_text_3 $INSTALLATION_DIR
sudo ln -s $INSTALLATION_DIR/sublime_text /usr/local/bin/subl
rm $HOME/st3.tar.bz2
# Add to applications list and set icon
sed 's/Icon=sublime-text/Icon=\/opt\/sublime_text\/Icon\/128x128\/sublime-text.png/g' > $HOME/.local/share/applications/sublime_text.desktop
echo '
Sublime Text 3 installed successfully!
Run with: subl
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@praneethng here you go. I made 2 changes at lines #35 and #36
But I'm not really sure does it work or not.

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I've updated the script to no longer install Package Control, as it can now be installed very easily by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing "package control".

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AdmiralAsshat commented May 28, 2017

Sublime Text appears to have an official repo for installing on Fedora now. Does this still need to exist? It has served me well, but at this point I just want migration/removal instructions so that I can safely switch to the official repo.

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Nice, finally, thanks for pointing that out.

For the migration, unless you have fancy stuff, all you need to do is save your user configuration somewhere (e.g. one convention is to have a dotfiles repository, but you might as well just make a gist or keep it somewhere else), also keep note of your plugins and themes. When you're ready just do rm -rf $(which subl).

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