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Created March 9, 2016 23:28
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  • Save simong/16c8fe13d39df63b2823 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save simong/16c8fe13d39df63b2823 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sg555 at simong in ~/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux on guests-not-tenant*
$ grunt test --qunit-host
Running "startDependencies" task
Running "exec:startDependencies" (exec) task
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/Release/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/default/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/Debug/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
{"name":"before-tests","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Dropping keyspace \"oaeTest\" to clean up before tests","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.048Z","v":0}
{"name":"before-tests","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Flushing redis DB index \"1\" to clean up before tests","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.491Z","v":0}
{"name":"oae","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Starting OAE","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.494Z","v":0}
{"name":"oae-modules","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Starting modules: oae-util, oae-logger, oae-telemetry, oae-config, oae-tenants, oae-authentication, oae-search, oae-discussions, oae-email, oae-emitter, oae-folders, oae-following, oae-google-analytics, oae-library, oae-activity, oae-content, oae-messagebox, oae-mixpanel, oae-preview-processor, oae-principals, oae-release-tools, oae-resource, oae-rest, oae-context, oae-authz, oae-doc, oae-tests, oae-tincanapi, oae-ui, oae-uservoice, oae-mediacore","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.595Z","v":0}
{"name":"signature","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":40,"msg":"You are using the default key to sign URLs, this is NOT secure and should be changed immediately.\nThe system will continue to function, but it is strongly recommended that you change your key.\n","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.674Z","v":0}
{"name":"mq","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Initializing RabbitMQ connector","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.676Z","v":0}
{"name":"mq","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Connection to RabbitMQ established.","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.690Z","v":0}
{"name":"mq","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"queueName":"oae-util-mq-redeliverqueue","msg":"Created/Retrieved a RabbitMQ queue","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.695Z","v":0}
{"name":"mq","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"queueName":"oae-util-mq-redeliverqueue","msg":"Purging queue","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.696Z","v":0}
{"name":"oae-modules","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Initialized module oae-util","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:22.699Z","v":0}
Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
68 | }
^ Missing semicolon.
106 | var path = $target.attr('href')
^ Missing semicolon.
131 | }
^ Missing semicolon.
189 | var state = History.getState()
^ Missing semicolon.
460 | }
^ Missing semicolon.
66 | .value()
^ Missing semicolon.
577 | }
^ Missing semicolon.
>> 7 errors in 165 files
Warning: Task "jshint:files" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Running "" (qunit) task
Running "contrib-qunit:all" (contrib-qunit) task
Testing Fatal error: spawn /usr/local/bin/phantomjs ENOENT
Running "ghost:dist" (ghost) task
casperjs test node_modules/oae-admin/adminheader/tests/adminheader.js node_modules/oae-admin/adminlogin/tests/adminlogin.js node_modules/oae-admin/configuration/tests/configuration.js node_modules/oae-admin/confirmdialog/tests/confirmdialog.js node_modules/oae-admin/createuser/tests/createuser.js node_modules/oae-admin/importusers/tests/importusers.js node_modules/oae-admin/maintenance/tests/maintenance.js node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js node_modules/oae-admin/skinning/tests/skinning.js node_modules/oae-admin/tenants/tests/tenants.js node_modules/oae-core/aboutcontent/tests/aboutcontent.js node_modules/oae-core/aboutdiscussion/tests/aboutdiscussion.js node_modules/oae-core/aboutfolder/tests/aboutfolder.js node_modules/oae-core/aboutgroup/tests/aboutgroup.js node_modules/oae-core/changepic/tests/changepic.js node_modules/oae-core/comments/tests/comments.js node_modules/oae-core/contentlibrary/tests/contentlibrary.js node_modules/oae-core/createcollabdoc/tests/createcollabdoc.js node_modules/oae-core/creatediscussion/tests/creatediscussion.js node_modules/oae-core/createfolder/tests/createfolder.js node_modules/oae-core/creategroup/tests/creategroup.js node_modules/oae-core/createlink/tests/createlink.js node_modules/oae-core/deletecomment/tests/deletecomment.js node_modules/oae-core/deleteresource/tests/deleteresource.js node_modules/oae-core/deleteresources/tests/deleteresources.js node_modules/oae-core/discussion/tests/discussion.js node_modules/oae-core/discussionslibrary/tests/discussionslibrary.js node_modules/oae-core/editcontent/tests/editcontent.js node_modules/oae-core/editdiscussion/tests/editdiscussion.js node_modules/oae-core/editfolder/tests/editfolder.js node_modules/oae-core/editgroup/tests/editgroup.js node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js node_modules/oae-core/filepreview/tests/filepreview.js node_modules/oae-core/footer/tests/footer.js node_modules/oae-core/leavegroup/tests/leavegroup.js node_modules/oae-core/lhnavigation/tests/lhnavigation.js node_modules/oae-core/linkpreview/tests/linkpreview.js node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js node_modules/oae-core/members/tests/members.js node_modules/oae-core/memberships/tests/memberships.js node_modules/oae-core/network/tests/network.js node_modules/oae-core/notifications/tests/notifications.js node_modules/oae-core/preferences/tests/preferences.js node_modules/oae-core/revisions/tests/revisions.js node_modules/oae-core/setpermissions/tests/setpermissions.js node_modules/oae-core/share/tests/share.js node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js node_modules/oae-core/tenantlandingpage/tests/tenantlandingpage.js node_modules/oae-core/termsandconditions/tests/termsandconditions.js node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js node_modules/oae-core/unfollow/tests/unfollow.js node_modules/oae-core/upload/tests/upload.js node_modules/oae-core/uploadnewversion/tests/uploadnewversion.js shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js ui/tests/content.js --includes=tests/casperjs/util/include/admin.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/config.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/discussions.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/folders.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/follow.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/groups.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/users.js,tests/casperjs/util/include/util.js --pre=tests/casperjs/util/prep.js
Test file: /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/prep.js
# Prepare environment for tests
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/adminheader/tests/adminheader.js
# Widget - Admin Header
# Verify admin header elements
PASS Verify the admin header container is present on the global administration page as an anonymous user
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the global administration page as an anonymous user
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the global administration page as an anonymous user
PASS Verify the admin header logout button is not present on the global administration page as an anonymous user
PASS Verify the admin header container is present on the global administration page
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the global administration page
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the global administration page
PASS Verify the admin header logout button is present on the global administration page
PASS Verify the admin header container is present on the tenant administration page
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the tenant administration page
PASS Verify the admin header breadcrumb link is present on the tenant administration page
PASS Verify the admin header breadcrumb link takes the user back to the global administration page
PASS Verify the admin header breadcrumb text is present on the tenant administration page
PASS Verify the admin header title is present on the tenant administration page
PASS Verify the admin header logout button is present on the tenant administration page
# Verify logging out of the administration interface
PASS Verify the admin header logout button works and logs the administrator out of the administration interface
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/adminlogin/tests/adminlogin.js
# Widget - Login
# Verify logging in to the administration interface
PASS Successfully logged in to the administration interface
# Verify logging out of the administration interface
PASS Successfully logged out of the administration interface
# Verify log in form validation
PASS Log in form successfully validated empty form - username
PASS Log in form successfully validated empty form - password
PASS Log in form successfully validated empty username field
PASS Log in form successfully validated empty password field
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/configuration/tests/configuration.js
# Widget - Configuration
# Verify the tenant configuration settings present
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/configuration/tests/configuration.js
# subject: false
# Verify the tenant configuration settings can be changed
FAIL The form is present for the Tenant configuration
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/configuration/tests/configuration.js:23
# code: test.assertExists('#configuration-container .admin-table-striped-toggle[title="Edit OAE Tenant Module"] + div form.configuration-form', 'The form is present for the Tenant configuration');
# subject: false
# selector: "#configuration-container .admin-table-striped-toggle[title=\"Edit OAE Tenant Module\"] + div form.configuration-form"
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/confirmdialog/tests/confirmdialog.js
# Widget - Confirm Dialog
# Verify confirm dialog elements and parameters
PASS Verify the confirm dialog opens when the `oae.trigger.confirmdialog` event is triggered
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has a title
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has the correct title as passed into the widget
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has a message
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has the correct message as passed into the widget
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has a submit button
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has the correct submit button text as passed into the widget
PASS Verify the confirm dialog has a cancel button
PASS Verify the confirm dialog can be successfully cancelled
PASS Verify the confirm dialog can be successfully confirmed
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/createuser/tests/createuser.js
# Widget - Create user
# Verify opening create user modal on the global tenant
PASS Create user trigger exists
PASS The create user modal is shown after trigger
# Verify create user form elements
PASS The create user form is present
PASS The create user form firstName field is present
PASS The create user form lastName field is present
PASS The create user form email field is present
PASS The create user form username field is present
PASS The create user form password field is present
PASS The create user form password_repeat field is present
# Verify create user form validation
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, firstName error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, lastName error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, email error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, username error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, password error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty create user form, password_repeat error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, firstName error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty first name, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, lastName error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty last name, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, email error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty email, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, username error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty username, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, password error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty password, password_repeat error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty repeated password, password_repeat error is visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect repeated password, password_repeat error is visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, email error is visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating invalid email, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, username error is not visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, password error is visible
PASS Verify validating too short password, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, username error is visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating incorrect username, password_repeat error is not visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, firstName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, lastName error is not visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, email error is not visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, username error is visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, password error is not visible
PASS Verify validating taken username, password_repeat error is not visible
# Verify creating a user on the global tenant
PASS Verify submit create user form button exists and submit
PASS Verify new user has been successfully created
# Verify creating a user on a regular tenant
PASS Verify submit create user form button exists and submit
PASS Verify new user has been successfully created
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/importusers/tests/importusers.js
# Widget - Import Users
# Verify open import users modal
PASS Import users trigger exists
PASS Import users pane is showing after trigger
# Verify import users elements
PASS Verify the import users modal has a header title
PASS Verify the import users modal header title reads 'Import users'
PASS Verify the import users modal has a form
PASS Verify the import users modal has an expected format description container
PASS Verify the import users modal has an authentication method dropdown
PASS Verify the import users modal form has a CSV upload field
PASS Verify the import users modal has a cancel button
PASS Verify the import users modal form has a submit button
# Verify import users form validation
PASS Verify only CSV files can be uploaded
# Verify import users CSV upload
PASS Verify that CSV files can be uploaded
# Verify CSV import results in usable users
PASS Verify the imported user has a functional account
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/maintenance/tests/maintenance.js
# Widget - Maintenance
# Verify maintenance elements
Verify title
PASS Verify that the maintenance header is present
PASS Verify that the maintenance header reads 'Maintenance'
Verify that there are 2 tabs
PASS Verify that the tabs are present
PASS Verify that the content previews tab is present
PASS Verify that the content previews tab is active by default
PASS Verify that the first tab reads 'Content previews'
PASS Verify that the search tab is present
PASS Verify that the second tab reads 'Search'
PASS Verify that the content previews tab content is present
PASS Verify that the content previews tab content is active by default
PASS Verify that the search tab content is present
Verify first tab's elements
PASS Verify that the content previews tab has a 'Reprocess for user' section
PASS Verify that the content previews tab has a 'Reprocess in date range' section
PASS Verify that the content previews tab has a 'Reprocess failed content previews' section
PASS Verify that the content previews tab has a 'Reprocess specific content types' section
PASS Verify that the content previews tab has a 'Reprocess specific mime types' section
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess for user' section has the correct button title
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess in date range' section has the correct button title
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess failed content previews' section has the correct button title
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has the correct button title
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific mime types' section has the correct button title
Verify elements within sections of the first tab
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess for user' section has an autosuggest field
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess for user' section has a submit button
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess in date range' section has a form
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess in date range' section has a 'From' field
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess in date range' section has a 'To' field
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess in date range' section has a submit button
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess failed content previews' section has a submit button
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has a form
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has a 'Documents' checkbox
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has a 'Links' checkbox
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has a 'Files' checkbox
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific content types' section has a submit button
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific mime types' section has a form
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific mime types' section has various mimetype checkboxes
PASS Verify that the 'Reprocess specific mime types' section has a submit button
Verify that switching tabs switches the active tab and content pane
PASS Verify that the content previews tab is deactivated after switching tabs
PASS Verify that the content previews tab content is deactivated after switching tabs
PASS Verify that the search tab is active after clicking it
PASS Verify that the search tab content is active after clicking it
Verify second tab's elements
PASS Verify that the 'Reindex the search index' button is present
# Verify maintenance functionality
Verify 'Reprocess for user' functionality
PASS Verify reprocessing for a user can be started successfully
Verify 'Reprocess in date range' functionality
PASS Verify that an empty 'From' field is properly validated
PASS Verify that an empty 'To' field is properly validated
PASS Verify that an invalid date in the 'From' field is properly validated
PASS Verify that an invalid date in the 'To' field is properly validated
PASS Verify that a valid 'From' field is properly validated
PASS Verify that a valid 'To' field is properly validated
PASS Verify reprocessing in a date range can be started successfully
Verify 'Reprocess failed content previews' functionality
PASS Verify reprocessing failed content previews can be started successfully
Verify 'Reprocess specific content types' functionality
PASS Verify reprocessing specific content types needs at least 1 specified content type
PASS Verify reprocessing specific content types can be started successfully
Verify 'Reprocess specific mime types' functionality
PASS Verify reprocessing specific mime types needs at least 1 specified mime type
PASS Verify reprocessing specific mime types can be started successfully
Verify 'Reindex the search index' functionality
PASS Verify reindexing the search index can be started successfully
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js
# Widget - Manage user
# Verify open manage user modal
PASS Manage user trigger exists
PASS Manage user pane is showing after trigger
# Verify manage user elements
Verify profile tab elements
FAIL Verify that the profile tab is present
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:38
# code: test.assertExists('#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-editprofile-form"]', 'Verify that the profile tab is present');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href=\"#manageuser-editprofile-form\"]"
Verify email tab elements
FAIL Verify that the email tab is present
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:79
# code: test.assertExists('#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-email-form"]', 'Verify that the email tab is present');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href=\"#manageuser-email-form\"]"
Verify actions tab elements
FAIL Verify that the actions tab is present
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:108
# code: test.assertExists('#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-actions-form"]', 'Verify that the actions tab is present');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href=\"#manageuser-actions-form\"]"
Verify password tab elements
FAIL Verify that the password tab is present
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:131
# code: test.assertExists('#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-password-form"]', 'Verify that the password tab is present');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href=\"#manageuser-password-form\"]"
# Verify updating the user profile
FAIL Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-editprofile-form"]
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
# error: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-editprofile-form"]
# CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-editprofile-form"]
# at mouseEvent (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1355)
# at click (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:462)
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:169
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:297
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify updating the email settings
FAIL Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-email-form"]
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
# error: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-email-form"]
# CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-email-form"]
# at mouseEvent (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1355)
# at click (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:462)
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:203
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:302
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify updating the actions settings
FAIL Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-actions-form"]
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
# error: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-actions-form"]
# CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-actions-form"]
# at mouseEvent (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1355)
# at click (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:462)
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:226
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:307
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify updating the password
FAIL Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-password-form"]
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
# error: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-password-form"]
# CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-password-form"]
# at mouseEvent (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1355)
# at click (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:462)
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:264
# at node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:312
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/skinning/tests/skinning.js
# Widget - Skinning
# Verify that the skinning elements are present
PASS Verify that the skinning header title is present
PASS Verify that skinning has the correct header title
PASS Verify that the skinning form is present
PASS Verify that skinning subsection titles are present
PASS Verify that skinning subsection titles have a descriptive title
PASS Verify that skinning subsections are present
PASS Verify that the skinning subsections are divided into individual skinning value groups
PASS Verify that the individual skinning value groups have a label
PASS Verify that the individual skinning value group labels have a descriptive title
PASS Verify that the individual skinning value groups have a revert button
PASS Verify that the 'institutional-logo-url' is an input field
PASS Verify that the 'institutional-logo-url' input field has the correct default value
PASS Verify that the 'body-background-color' skinning option is a color picker
PASS Verify that the 'body-background-color' color picker has the correct default value
PASS Verify that the skinning form submit button is present
# Verify the skinning functionality
PASS Verify that skin values can be changed successfully
PASS Verify that the 'institutional-logo-url' update persists after a page reload
PASS Verify that the 'body-background-color' update persists after a page reload
PASS Verify that skin values can be changed successfully
PASS Verify that the 'institutional-logo-url' input field was reverted to the default value
PASS Verify that the 'body-background-color' color picker was reverted to the default value
Test file: node_modules/oae-admin/tenants/tests/tenants.js
# Widget - Tenants
# Verify the create tenant form validation
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-admin/tenants/tests/tenants.js
# subject: false
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/aboutcontent/tests/aboutcontent.js
# Widget - About Content
Could not create Test collabdoc title. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/aboutcontent/tests/aboutcontent.js:32
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js:32
# at node_modules/oae-core/aboutcontent/tests/aboutcontent.js:150
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js:257
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
Verify open about content modal
PASS About content trigger exists
PASS About content pane is showing after trigger
Verify about content elements for files
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'About'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who added the file
PASS Verify that the modal shows the picture of the user who added the file
PASS Verify that the modal shows the name of the user who added the file
PASS Verify that the correct name is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the tenant of the user who added the file
PASS Verify that the metadata shows the tenant name
PASS Verify that the modal shows title of the file
PASS Verify that the correct file title is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows when the file was added
PASS Verify that the correct time when the content was created is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the description of the file
PASS Verify that the correct file description is shown
Verify about content elements for links
PASS About content trigger exists
PASS About content pane is showing after trigger
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'About'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who added the link
PASS Verify that the modal shows the picture of the user who added the link
PASS Verify that the modal shows the name of the user who added the link
PASS Verify that the correct name is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the tenant of the user who added the link
PASS Verify that the metadata shows the tenant name
PASS Verify that the modal shows title of the link
PASS Verify that the correct link title is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows when the file was added
PASS Verify that the correct time when the link was created is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the description of the link
PASS Verify that the correct link description is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows link URL
PASS Verify that the link title is the URL of the link
PASS Verify that the link points to the correct URL and opens in a new window
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/aboutdiscussion/tests/aboutdiscussion.js
# Widget - About Discussion
Verify open about discussion modal
PASS About discussion trigger exists
PASS About discussion pane is showing after trigger
Verify about discussion elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'About'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who added the discussion
PASS Verify that the modal shows the picture of the user who added the discussion
PASS Verify that the modal shows the name of the user who added the discussion
PASS Verify that the correct name is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the tenant of the user who added the discussion
PASS Verify that the metadata shows the tenant name
PASS Verify that the modal shows title of the discussion
PASS Verify that the correct discussion title is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows when the discussion was added
PASS Verify that the correct time when the discussion was created is shown
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/aboutfolder/tests/aboutfolder.js
# Widget - About Folder
Verify open about folder modal
PASS About folder trigger exists
PASS About folder pane is showing after trigger
Verify about folder elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'About'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who created the folder
PASS Verify that the modal shows the picture of the user who created the folder
PASS Verify that the modal shows the name of the user who created the folder
PASS Verify that the correct name is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the tenant of the user who created the folder
PASS Verify that the metadata shows the tenant name
PASS Verify that the modal shows title of the folder
PASS Verify that the correct folder title is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows when the folder was created
PASS Verify that the modal shows the description of the folder
PASS Verify that the correct folder description is shown
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/aboutgroup/tests/aboutgroup.js
# Widget - About Group
Verify open about group modal
PASS About group trigger exists
PASS About group pane is showing after trigger
Verify about group elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'About'
PASS Verify that the modal shows title of the group
PASS Verify that the correct group title is shown
PASS Verify that the modal shows the description of the group
PASS Verify that the correct group description is shown
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/changepic/tests/changepic.js
# Widget - Change picture
# Verify open change picture modal
PASS Change picture trigger exists
PASS Change picture pane is showing after trigger
# Verify picture upload
PASS The change picture form is present
PASS Some help is shown to users that have no profile picture yet
PASS The image is showing in the cropping area
PASS The 'Set picture' button is present
PASS Picture successfully submitted and stored
# Verify pictures over 10MB aren't accepted
PASS Change picture trigger exists
PASS Change picture pane is showing after trigger
PASS The change picture form is present
PASS Pictures over 10MB are rejected
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/comments/tests/comments.js
# Widget - Comments
# Verify placing a new comment
PASS The comments form is present
PASS The comments comment textarea is present
PASS The comments submit button is present
PASS The comment was successfully placed
PASS The reply button is present on the new comment
PASS The delete button is present on the new comment
# Verify replying to a comment
PASS The reply form is present
PASS The reply textarea is present
PASS The reply submit button is present
PASS The reply was successfully placed
PASS The reply button is present on the new reply
PASS The delete button is present on the new reply
# Verify deleting a comment
PASS The confirmation message is shown in the delete comment modal
PASS The cancel button is shown in the delete comment modal
PASS The confirmation button is shown in the delete comment modal
PASS The top level comment was successfully soft deleted
PASS The reply to the top level comment was successfully deleted
# Verify formatting a comment
PASS Links are correcty formatted
PASS Absolute links have correct href attributes
PASS Relative links have correct href attributes
PASS Tenant links have relative href attributes
PASS Images are correcty embedded
PASS Images have correct src attributes
PASS Images have correct alt attributes
PASS List items are correcty formatted
PASS Emphasized text is correcty formatted
PASS Strong text is correcty formatted
PASS Preformatted text is correcty formatted
PASS First-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Second-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Third-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Fourth-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Fifth-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Sixth-level headings are correcty formatted
PASS Paragraphs are correctly formatted
PASS Line breaks are correcty embedded in paragraphs
PASS Scripts are correcty escaped
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/contentlibrary/tests/contentlibrary.js
# Widget - Content library
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/contentlibrary/tests/contentlibrary.js
# subject: false
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/createcollabdoc/tests/createcollabdoc.js
# Widget - Create collab doc
# Verify open create collab doc modal
PASS Create collab doc trigger exists
PASS Create collab doc pane is showing after trigger
# Verify create collab doc
PASS The create collab doc form is present
PASS The collab doc name field is present
PASS The 'change permissions' button is present
PASS The 'change permissions' radio button group is present
PASS The 'share' input field is present
PASS The 'Update' button is present
PASS At least one suggestion for 'user-oYwPNmbhot' was returned from the server
PASS The 'Create document' button is present
FAIL Content profile is shown after creation of collab doc
# type: assertVisible
# file: node_modules/oae-core/createcollabdoc/tests/createcollabdoc.js:80
# code: test.assertVisible('#content-clip-container', 'Content profile is shown after creation of collab doc');
# subject: false
# selector: "#content-clip-container"
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/creatediscussion/tests/creatediscussion.js
# Widget - Create discussion
# Verify open create discussion modal
PASS create discussion trigger exists
PASS create discussion pane is showing after trigger
# Verify create discussion
PASS The create discussion form is present
PASS The discussion name field is present
PASS The discussion topic field is present
PASS The 'change permissions' button is present
PASS The 'change permissions' radio button group is present
PASS The 'share' input field is present
PASS The 'Update' button is present
PASS At least one suggestion for 'user-hMkBIThKOg' was returned from the server
PASS The 'Create discussion' button is present
PASS Discussion profile is shown after creation of discussion
PASS Title matches 'Testing tools'
# Verify create discussion validation
PASS create discussion trigger exists
PASS create discussion pane is showing after trigger
PASS Successfully validated empty topic
PASS Successfully validated empty title
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/createfolder/tests/createfolder.js
# Widget - Create folder
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/creategroup/tests/creategroup.js
# Widget - Create group
# Verify open create group modal
PASS Create group trigger exists
PASS Create group pane is showing after trigger
# Verify create group
PASS The create group form is present
PASS The group name field is present
PASS The 'Create group' button is present
PASS Group profile is shown after creation of the group
PASS Title matches 'CasperJS test group'
# Verify create group validation
PASS Create group trigger exists
PASS Create group pane is showing after trigger
PASS Create group form successfully validated empty form
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/createlink/tests/createlink.js
# Widget - Create link
# Verify createlink modal
PASS Createlink trigger exists
PASS Createlink pane is showing after trigger
# Verify creating single link
PASS The link dump area is present
PASS The 'Next' button is present
PASS The 'Next' button is enabled
PASS The 'Add link(s)' button is present
PASS Link successfully added
PASS The link to the content profile is shown in the notification
PASS Notification link value is ''
# Verify creating multiple links
PASS Createlink trigger exists
PASS Createlink pane is showing after trigger
PASS The link dump area is present
PASS The 'Next' button is present
PASS The 'Next' button is enabled
PASS The 'Add link(s)' button is present
PASS Links successfully created
# Verify renaming link
PASS Createlink trigger exists
PASS Createlink pane is showing after trigger
PASS The editable link name field is present
PASS Selected link has name ''
PASS The link name form is present after click
PASS Renamed link has name 'OAE Project'
PASS Link successfully created
PASS The link to the content profile is shown in the notification
PASS Notification link value is 'OAE Project'
PASS The created link has the correct renamed title
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/deletecomment/tests/deletecomment.js
# Widget - Delete comment
# Verify open delete comment modal
PASS Verify the delete comment trigger is present
PASS Delete comment pane is showing after trigger
# Verify delete comment elements
PASS Verify that the modal header is present
PASS Verify that the modal header has the correct title
PASS Verify that the modal subheader is present
PASS Verify that the modal subheader has the correct title
PASS Verify that the warning message is present
PASS Verify that the warning message has the correct message
PASS Verify that the cancel button is present
PASS Verify that the submit button is present
# Verify deleting a comment
@see comments tests for verifying delete comment functionality
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/deleteresource/tests/deleteresource.js
# Widget - Delete resource
Could not create Collabdoc YlHZeRmKcV. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/deleteresource/tests/deleteresource.js:32
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js:32
# at node_modules/oae-core/deleteresource/tests/deleteresource.js:133
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js:257
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify open delete resource modal
PASS The delete resource trigger is present
PASS Delete resource pane is showing after trigger
# Verify delete resource elements
PASS Verify that a warning header is shown
PASS Verify that a warning alert text is shown
PASS Verify that the cancel button is shown
PASS Verify that the delete button is shown
# Verify deleting a content item
PASS The content was successfully deleted
PASS User gets redirected to / after the content is deleted
# Verify deleting a link
PASS The link was successfully deleted
PASS User gets redirected to / after the link is deleted
# Verify deleting a discussion
PASS The discussion was successfully deleted
PASS User gets redirected to / after the discussion is deleted
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/deleteresources/tests/deleteresources.js
# Widget - Delete resources
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/deleteresources/tests/deleteresources.js
# subject: false
# Verify open delete resources modal
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/discussion/tests/discussion.js
# Widget - Discussion
# Verify discussion elements
PASS Verify the discussion topic container is present
PASS Verify the discussion topic container holds the correct discussion topic
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/discussionslibrary/tests/discussionslibrary.js
# Widget - Discussion library
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/discussionslibrary/tests/discussionslibrary.js
# subject: false
# Verify discussion library elements present
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/editcontent/tests/editcontent.js
# Widget - Edit content
# Verify open edit content modal
PASS The edit content trigger is present
PASS The edit content pane is showing after trigger
# Verify edit content elements
PASS Verify that the edit content form is present
PASS Verify that the content name field is present
PASS Verify that the content description field is present
PASS Verify that the content cancel button present
PASS Verify that the content `Edit content` button present
# Verify edit content form validation
PASS Empty form content name is properly validated
PASS Empty form description is properly validated
PASS Form content name is properly validated when only submitting a description
PASS Empty form content description is properly validated when only submitting a description
PASS Form content name is properly validated when only submitting spaces
PASS Empty form content description is properly validated when only submitting spaces
# Verify content can be edited
PASS Verify that editing content succeeds
PASS The content was successfully renamed to 'New content name'
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/editdiscussion/tests/editdiscussion.js
# Widget - Edit discussion
# Verify editdiscussion modal
PASS Edit discussion trigger exists
PASS Edit discussion pane is showing after trigger
# Verify editdiscussion form elements
PASS The edit discussion form is present
PASS The edit discussion name field is present
PASS The edit discussion topic field is present
PASS The edit discussion form submit button is present
# Verify editdiscussion form validation
PASS Verify validating empty form, name-error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty form, topic-error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty topic, name-error is not visible
PASS Verify validating empty topic, topic-error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty name, name-error is visible
PASS Verify validating empty name, topic-error is not visible
# Verify discussion can be edited
PASS The discussion details were successfully saved
PASS The discussion name was successfully renamed to 'New discussion name'
PASS The discussion topic was successfully changed to 'New discussion topic'
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/editfolder/tests/editfolder.js
# Widget - Edit folder
# Verify editfolder modal
PASS Edit folder trigger exists
PASS Edit folder pane is showing after trigger
# Verify editfolder form elements
PASS The edit folder form is present
PASS The edit folder name field is present
PASS The edit folder description field is present
PASS The edit folder form submit button is present
# Verify editfolder form validation
PASS Verify validating empty name, name-error is visible
# Verify folder can be edited
PASS The folder details were successfully updated
PASS The folder name was successfully renamed to 'New folder name'
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/editgroup/tests/editgroup.js
# Widget - Edit group
# Verify editgroup modal
PASS The edit group trigger is present
PASS Edit group pane is showing after trigger
# Verify editgroup form elements
PASS The edit group form is present
PASS The edit group name field is present
PASS The edit group description field is present
PASS The editgroup joinable options are present
PASS The edit group form submit button is present
# Verify editgroup form validation
PASS Verify validating empty form, name error
PASS Verify validating form without name
# Verify group can be edited
PASS The group details were successfully saved
PASS The group was successfully renamed to 'New group name'
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js
# Widget - Edit profile
# Verify open edit profile modal
PASS Edit profile trigger exists
PASS Edit profile pane is showing after trigger
# Verify edit profile
FAIL The edit profile form is present
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js:38
# code: test.assertExists('form#editprofile-form', 'The edit profile form is present');
# subject: false
# selector: "form#editprofile-form"
# Verify edit profile validation
PASS Edit profile trigger exists
PASS Edit profile pane is showing after trigger
FAIL Errors encountered while filling form: form not found
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js:802
# error: Errors encountered while filling form: form not found
# CasperError: Errors encountered while filling form: form not found
# at fillForm (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:802)
# at fillNames (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:862)
# at node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js:73
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/filepreview/tests/filepreview.js
# Widget - File preview
Could not create Collabdoc rFvFQKdFjX. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/filepreview/tests/filepreview.js:32
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js:32
# at node_modules/oae-core/filepreview/tests/filepreview.js:84
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js:257
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify image preview elements present
PASS The file preview container is present
PASS The image container is present
PASS The image is shown on the content profile page
# Verify video preview elements present
PASS The file preview container is present
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/footer/tests/footer.js
# Widget - Footer
# Verify that the footer shows on the page
PASS The footer exists on the page
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/leavegroup/tests/leavegroup.js
# Widget - Leave group
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/leavegroup/tests/leavegroup.js
# subject: false
# Verify leave group modal
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/lhnavigation/tests/lhnavigation.js
# Widget - Left hand navigation
# Verify home page navigation
PASS The left hand navigation container is present
PASS The left hand navigation list is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My library' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My library' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My library' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My discussions' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My discussions' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My discussions' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My groups' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My groups' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'My groups' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for my 'My network' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for my 'My network' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for my 'My network' has the correct text
# Verify /user/:tenantID/:userID navigation
PASS The left hand navigation container is present
PASS The left hand navigation list is present
PASS Recent activity is not shown when viewing other user's profile
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Groups' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Groups' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Groups' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Network' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Network' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Network' has the correct text
# Verify /group/:tenantID/:groupID navigation
PASS The left hand navigation container is present
PASS The left hand navigation list is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Recent activity' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Library' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Discussions' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Members' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Members' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Members' has the correct text
# Verify global administration navigation
PASS The left hand navigation container is present
PASS The left hand navigation list is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenants' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenants' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenants' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Maintenance' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Maintenance' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Maintenance' has the correct text
# Verify tenant administration navigation
PASS The left hand navigation container is present
PASS The left hand navigation list is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenant' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenant' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Tenant' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Configuration' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'User management' has the correct text
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Skinning' is present
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Skinning' has a link
PASS The left hand navigation list item for 'Skinning' has the correct text
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/linkpreview/tests/linkpreview.js
# Widget - Link preview
# Verify link preview elements present
PASS The link preview container is present
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js
# Widget - Manage access
# Verify open manage access modal
PASS The manage access trigger is present
PASS The manage access pane is showing after trigger
# Verify manage access elements
PASS Verify that the visibility container is present
PASS Verify that the current visiblity setting is shown
PASS Verify that the visibility setting 'change' button is shown
PASS Verify that the shared container is showing
PASS Verify that the '+ Add more' button is showing
FAIL Verify that there is at least one member showing in the shared container
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:45
# code: test.assertExists('#manageaccess-modal #manageaccess-overview ul#manageaccess-overview-selected li', 'Verify that there is at least one member showing in the shared container');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageaccess-modal #manageaccess-overview ul#manageaccess-overview-selected li"
# Verify access can be edited
FAIL Verify that user 2 has been added to the list
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:118
# code: test.assertExists('#manageaccess-modal #manageaccess-overview ul#manageaccess-overview-selected li select[data-id="' + + '"]', 'Verify that user 2 has been added to the list');
# subject: false
# selector: "#manageaccess-modal #manageaccess-overview ul#manageaccess-overview-selected li select[data-id=\"u:test:NJSP8C9Fnl\"]"
# Verify at least one manager is present
PASS The manage access trigger is present
PASS The manage access pane is showing after trigger
FAIL Verify that there needs to be at least one manager on the content
# type: assertExists
# file: node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:158
# code: test.assertExists('#oae-notification-container .alert.alert-error', 'Verify that there needs to be at least one manager on the content');
# subject: false
# selector: "#oae-notification-container .alert.alert-error"
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/members/tests/members.js
# Widget - Members
# Verify members elements present
PASS Initial dummy list item is present
PASS The first list item has a 'Add members' trigger
PASS The first list item has a 'Manage access' trigger
PASS The list options are present
PASS The 'Compact' list view button is present
PASS The 'Details' list view button is present
PASS The 'Grid' list view button is present
PASS The search box is present
PASS The manageaccess widget can be triggered to add members
PASS The manageaccess widget can be triggered to manage access
# Verify members view modes
PASS Members can be switched to compact view
PASS Members can be switched to details view
PASS Members can be switched to grid view
# Verify members search
PASS No results are returned for non-matching search and a message is shown
PASS 1 result is returned for 'oVtmPiGgII'
PASS The returned user has the name 'oVtmPiGgII'
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/memberships/tests/memberships.js
# Widget - Memberships
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/memberships/tests/memberships.js
# subject: false
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/network/tests/network.js
# Widget - Network
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/network/tests/network.js
# subject: false
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/notifications/tests/notifications.js
# Widget - Notifications
# Verify notifications popover
PASS The notifications trigger is present
PASS The notifications popover opens on click
PASS the 'no notifications' alert is shown when there are no notifications
# Verify notifications list
PASS The notification count is shown
PASS The notification count reads '3'
PASS There are 3 unread notifications shown in the list
PASS The notification count is removed after reading the list
PASS There are no unread notifications shown in the list when reopening
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/preferences/tests/preferences.js
# Widget - Preferences
# Verify open preferences modal
PASS Preferences trigger exists
PASS Preferences pane is showing after trigger
# Verify changing email and language preferences
PASS The account form is present
PASS Account form has a submit button
PASS Language is the one expected
PASS Email preferences is the one expected
PASS Account form successfully submitted and stored
PASS Preferences trigger exists
PASS Preferences pane is showing after trigger
# Verify changing password
PASS The password form is present
PASS Password form has a submit button
PASS Password form successfully submitted and stored
# Verify form validation
PASS Preferences trigger exists
PASS Preferences pane is showing after trigger
PASS Password form successfully validated empty form
PASS Password form successfully validated incorrect current password
PASS Password form successfully validated non-matching retyped password
PASS Preferences trigger exists
PASS Preferences pane is showing after trigger
# Verify the password tab is hidden for non-locale users
PASS The tabs are hidden
PASS The password tab is hidden
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/revisions/tests/revisions.js
# Widget - Revisions
Could not create Collabdoc DpnpRLDnmj. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/revisions/tests/revisions.js:32
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js:32
# at node_modules/oae-core/revisions/tests/revisions.js:126
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js:257
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify revisions modal
PASS Revisions trigger exists
PASS Revisions pane is showing after trigger
# Verify content revisions elements
PASS The list of content revisions is present
PASS There is at least one content revision present
PASS The current content revision cannot be restored
PASS All other content revisions can be restored
PASS The download button for each content revision is present
PASS The content revision preview container is present
PASS The content revision preview image is present
# Verify restoring content revision
PASS The content revision can be restored
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/setpermissions/tests/setpermissions.js
# Widget - Set permissions
@see Widgets integrating this widget for tests
PASS explicit call to pass()
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/share/tests/share.js
# Widget - Share
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/share/tests/share.js
# subject: false
# Verify content library share popover
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js
# Widget - Shared With
Verify open discussion shared modal
PASS Shared with trigger exists for content
PASS Shared with pane is showing after trigger for content
Verify discussion shared elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'Shared with'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who the resource is shared with
PASS Verify that the modal shows the pictures of the members
FAIL Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
# type: assertSelectorHasText
# file: node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
# code: test.assertSelectorHasText('#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id="' + + '"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3', user1.displayName, 'Verify that the manager is shown in the members list');
# subject: false
# selector: "#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id=\"u:test:41gWyiY3l\"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3"
# text: "aivcfhcgIQ"
# actualContent: ""
Verify open discussion shared modal
PASS Shared with trigger exists for discussion
PASS Shared with pane is showing after trigger for discussion
Verify discussion shared elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'Shared with'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who the resource is shared with
PASS Verify that the modal shows the pictures of the members
FAIL Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
# type: assertSelectorHasText
# file: node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
# code: test.assertSelectorHasText('#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id="' + + '"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3', user1.displayName, 'Verify that the manager is shown in the members list');
# subject: false
# selector: "#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id=\"u:test:41gWyiY3l\"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3"
# text: "aivcfhcgIQ"
# actualContent: ""
Verify open discussion shared modal
PASS Shared with trigger exists for folder
PASS Shared with pane is showing after trigger for folder
Verify discussion shared elements
PASS Verify that the modal has a header
PASS Verify that the modal header reads 'Shared with'
PASS Verify that the modal shows who the resource is shared with
PASS Verify that the modal shows the pictures of the members
FAIL Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
# type: assertSelectorHasText
# file: node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
# code: test.assertSelectorHasText('#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id="' + + '"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3', user1.displayName, 'Verify that the manager is shown in the members list');
# subject: false
# selector: "#sharedwith-modal .modal-body ul.oae-list li[data-id=\"u:test:41gWyiY3l\"] .oae-listitem-metadata h3"
# text: "aivcfhcgIQ"
# actualContent: ""
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/tenantlandingpage/tests/tenantlandingpage.js
# Widget - Tenant Landing Page
# Verify that the landing page is visible to anonymous users
PASS Extra small landing page is present
PASS Small landing page is present
PASS Medium landing page is present
PASS Large landing page is present
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/termsandconditions/tests/termsandconditions.js
# Widget - Terms and Conditions
# Verify terms and conditions modal
PASS Terms and conditions trigger exists in the footer
PASS The terms and conditions modal is shown after trigger
PASS The terms and conditions are shown in the modal
PASS The terms and conditions have a close button
# Verify the terms and conditions are shown in the register widget
Could not log out. Error 400: You need to be logged in, in order to log out
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/termsandconditions/tests/termsandconditions.js
# subject: false
# Verify markdown rendering
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js
# Widget - Top navigation
# Verify top navigation elemens as an anonymous user
Could not log out. Error 400: You need to be logged in, in order to log out
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js
# subject: false
# Verify logging in through the top navigation
FAIL Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #topnavigation-signin
# type: uncaughtError
# file: node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js:1355
# error: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #topnavigation-signin
# CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #topnavigation-signin
# at mouseEvent (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1355)
# at click (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:462)
# at node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js:58
# at node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js:158
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
# Verify top navigation elemens as a logged in user
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/unfollow/tests/unfollow.js
# Widget - Unfollow
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: node_modules/oae-core/unfollow/tests/unfollow.js
# subject: false
# Verify unfollowing modal
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/upload/tests/upload.js
# Widget - Upload
# Verify upload modal
PASS Upload trigger exists
PASS Upload pane is showing after trigger
# Verify uploading single file
PASS The upload form is present
PASS The selected file was rendered in a list
PASS The 'Upload file(s)' button is present
PASS File successfully uploaded
PASS The link to the content profile is shown in the notification
PASS The uploaded file has the correct title
# Verify uploading multiple files
PASS Upload trigger exists
PASS Upload pane is showing after trigger
PASS The upload form is present
PASS The selected file was rendered in a list
PASS The 'Upload file(s)' button is present
PASS Files successfully uploaded
# Verify renaming selected file
PASS Upload trigger exists
PASS Upload pane is showing after trigger
PASS The selected file was rendered in a list
PASS The editable file name field is present
PASS Selected file has name 'balloons.jpg'
PASS The file name form is present after click
PASS Renamed file has name 'Balloons in the sky'
PASS The 'Upload file(s)' button is present
PASS File successfully uploaded
PASS The link to the content profile is shown in the notification
PASS Notification link value is 'Balloons in the sky'
PASS The uploaded file has the correct renamed title
Test file: node_modules/oae-core/uploadnewversion/tests/uploadnewversion.js
# Widget - Upload new version
Verify upload new version modal
PASS Upload new version trigger exists
PASS Upload new version pane is showing after trigger
Verify uploading a new version
PASS The upload new version form is present
PASS New version successfully uploaded
Test file: shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js
# Macro - List Metadata
Could not create Collabdoc MvVCSVvliF. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL Test timed out after 30000 ms
# type: fail
# file: shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js
# subject: false
Verify content item metadata
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js:24
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating '')
# at shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js:24
# at shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js:91
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
Test file: ui/tests/content.js
# Page - Content
Could not create Collabdoc LSKlnrqxYN. Error 500: connect ECONNREFUSED
FAIL TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# type: uncaughtError
# file: ui/tests/content.js:32
# error: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/ui.js:32
# at ui/tests/content.js:256
# at /Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/tests/casperjs/util/include/content.js:257
# at runStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:1553)
# at checkStep (/usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/modules/casper.js:399)
# stack: not provided
Verify file clip buttons as a manager
PASS The `Download` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Manage access` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Share` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Edit details` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Upload new version` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Revisions` button is available for managers of a file
PASS The `Delete` button is available for managers of a file
PASS Verify that there are exactly 8 buttons in the file clip
Verify file clip buttons as a viewer
PASS The `Download` button is available on a file
PASS The `About` button is available on a file
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a file
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available on a file
PASS The `Share` button is available on a file
PASS Verify that there are exactly 5 buttons in the file clip
Verify file clip buttons as a logged in non-viewer user
PASS The `Download` button is available on a file
PASS The `About` button is available on a file
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a file
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available on a file
PASS The `Share` button is available on a file
PASS Verify that there are exactly 5 buttons in the file clip
Verify file clip buttons as an anonymous user
PASS The `Download` button is available on a file
PASS The `About` button is available on a file
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a file
PASS The `Share` button is not available on a file for anonymous users
PASS The `Add to folder` button is not available on a file for anonymous users
PASS Verify that there are exactly 3 buttons in the file clip for anonymous users
Verify link clip buttons as a manager
PASS The `Manage access` button is available for managers of a link
PASS The `Share` button is available for managers of a link
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available for managers of a link
PASS The `Edit details` button is available for managers of a link
PASS The `Delete` button is available for managers of a link
PASS Verify that there are exactly 5 buttons in the link clip
Verify link clip buttons as a viewer
PASS The `About` button is available on a link
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a link
PASS The `Share` button is available on a link
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available on a link
PASS Verify that there are exactly 4 buttons in the link clip
Verify link clip buttons as a logged in non-viewer user
PASS The `About` button is available on a link
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a link
PASS The `Share` button is available on a link
PASS The `Add to folder` button is available on a link
PASS Verify that there are exactly 4 buttons in the link clip
Verify link clip buttons as an anonymous user
PASS The `About` button is available on a link
PASS The `Shared with` button is available on a link
PASS The `Share` button is not available on a link for anonymous users
PASS The `Add to folder` button is not available on a link for anonymous users
PASS Verify that there are exactly 2 buttons in the link clip for anonymous users
FAIL 753 tests executed in 729.442s, 718 passed, 35 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped.
Details for the 35 failed tests:
In node_modules/oae-admin/configuration/tests/configuration.js
Widget - Configuration
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:38
Widget - Manage user
assertExists: Verify that the profile tab is present
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:79
Widget - Manage user
assertExists: Verify that the email tab is present
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:108
Widget - Manage user
assertExists: Verify that the actions tab is present
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:131
Widget - Manage user
assertExists: Verify that the password tab is present
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
Widget - Manage user
uncaughtError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-editprofile-form"]
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
Widget - Manage user
uncaughtError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-email-form"]
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
Widget - Manage user
uncaughtError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-actions-form"]
In node_modules/oae-admin/manageuser/tests/manageuser.js:1355
Widget - Manage user
uncaughtError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: #manageuser-modal #manageuser-tab-container a[href="#manageuser-password-form"]
In node_modules/oae-admin/tenants/tests/tenants.js
Widget - Tenants
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/aboutcontent/tests/aboutcontent.js:32
Widget - About Content
uncaughtError: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
In node_modules/oae-core/contentlibrary/tests/contentlibrary.js
Widget - Content library
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/createcollabdoc/tests/createcollabdoc.js:80
Widget - Create collab doc
assertVisible: Content profile is shown after creation of collab doc
In node_modules/oae-core/deleteresource/tests/deleteresource.js:32
Widget - Delete resource
uncaughtError: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
In node_modules/oae-core/deleteresources/tests/deleteresources.js
Widget - Delete resources
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/discussionslibrary/tests/discussionslibrary.js
Widget - Discussion library
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js:38
Widget - Edit profile
assertExists: The edit profile form is present
In node_modules/oae-core/editprofile/tests/editprofile.js:802
Widget - Edit profile
uncaughtError: Errors encountered while filling form: form not found
In node_modules/oae-core/filepreview/tests/filepreview.js:32
Widget - File preview
uncaughtError: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
In node_modules/oae-core/leavegroup/tests/leavegroup.js
Widget - Leave group
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:45
Widget - Manage access
assertExists: Verify that there is at least one member showing in the shared container
In node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:118
Widget - Manage access
assertExists: Verify that user 2 has been added to the list
In node_modules/oae-core/manageaccess/tests/manageaccess.js:158
Widget - Manage access
assertExists: Verify that there needs to be at least one manager on the content
In node_modules/oae-core/memberships/tests/memberships.js
Widget - Memberships
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/network/tests/network.js
Widget - Network
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/revisions/tests/revisions.js:32
Widget - Revisions
uncaughtError: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
In node_modules/oae-core/share/tests/share.js
Widget - Share
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
Widget - Shared With
assertSelectorHasText: Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
In node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
Widget - Shared With
assertSelectorHasText: Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
In node_modules/oae-core/sharedwith/tests/sharedwith.js:48
Widget - Shared With
assertSelectorHasText: Verify that the manager is shown in the members list
In node_modules/oae-core/termsandconditions/tests/termsandconditions.js
Widget - Terms and Conditions
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/topnavigation/tests/topnavigation.js
Widget - Top navigation
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In node_modules/oae-core/unfollow/tests/unfollow.js
Widget - Unfollow
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In shared/oae/macros/tests/metadata.js
Macro - List Metadata
fail: Test timed out after 30000 ms
In ui/tests/content.js:32
Page - Content
uncaughtError: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'collabdocProfile.profilePath')
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///usr/local/Cellar/casperjs/1.1-beta3/libexec/bin/bootstrap.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Fatal error:
>> Exited with code: 7.
Warning: Task "exec:startDependencies" failed. Use --force to continue.
Error: Task "exec:startDependencies" failed.
at Task.<anonymous> (/Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:205:15)
at null._onTimeout (/Users/sg555/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux/node_modules/grunt/lib/util/task.js:241:33)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:119:15)
Aborted due to warnings.
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