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sg555 at simong in ~/projects/apereo/oae/3akai-ux on guests-not-tenant*
$ grunt test --qunit-host
Running "startDependencies" task
Running "exec:startDependencies" (exec) task
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/Release/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/default/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
>> { [Error: Cannot find module './build/Debug/DTraceProviderBindings'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }
{"name":"before-tests","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Dropping keyspace \"oaeTest\" to clean up before tests","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.048Z","v":0}
{"name":"before-tests","hostname":"simong.local","pid":15564,"level":30,"msg":"Flushing redis DB index \"1\" to clean up before tests","time":"2016-03-09T23:12:21.491Z","v":0}

The JSON I'd like to end up with:

        "name": "HeadingsResult",
        "score": 0.813,
        "data": {
            "levels": {
 "h1": 0,
var opts = {
'url': someUrl,
'method': 'POST'
var r = request(opts, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, response.headers.location);
var fabric = require('fabric').fabric;
var fs = require('fs');
// A set of images that will be added on the canvas
var urls = [
Asset.belongsToMany(User, {'as': 'users', 'through': 'asset_users'});
User.belongsToMany(Asset, {'as': 'assets', 'through': 'asset_users'});
// Query:
// Get all the assets that belong to user X AND check whether there is a like or dislike activity for the current user (can only be 1)
var queryOptions = {
* Mock the requests the google passport strategy will make
* @param {String} [email] The email address of the user that will sign in. If null, no email will be returned in the mocked response
* @api private
var _mockGoogleResponse = function(email) {
// Require nock in-line as it messes with the HTTP stack
// We only want this to happen in a controlled environment
D, [2015-03-19T12:05:05.834396 #3862] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in `[]' Returning cached plugin connector_plugin with class MCollective::Connector::Activemq
D, [2015-03-19T12:05:05.834578 #3862] DEBUG -- : activemq.rb:437:in `publish' Sending a broadcast message to ActiveMQ target '/topic/mcollective.registration.agent' with headers '{"timestamp"=>"1426766705000", "expires"=>"1426766775000", "reply-to"=>"/queue/mcollective.reply.qa2_3862.0", "mc_sender"=>"qa2"}'
D, [2015-03-19T12:09:23.762113 #3862] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:49:in `received' Incrementing total stat
D, [2015-03-19T12:09:23.762334 #3862] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in `[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class MCollective::Security::Psk
D, [2015-03-19T12:09:23.762582 #3862] DEBUG -- : runnerstats.rb:38:in `validated' Incrementing validated stat
D, [2015-03-19T12:09:23.762739 #3862] DEBUG -- : pluginmanager.rb:83:in `[]' Returning cached plugin security_plugin with class MCollective::Security::Psk
D, [2015-03-19T12:09:23.762
simong / gist:f35e01d7a3caf0d7e19a
Created April 3, 2015 13:36
Unique locations in
12 Mill Lane LR4
6 'the classroom’ (in Dept of Architecture)
9 (See sign up sheets)
6 (See sign-up sheets)
144 1.02
194 1.04
94 1.11
34 1.16
16 1.16/2.04
// npm install underscore
// npm install xml2js
// npm install oae-rest
// wget
// Run this script:
var _ = require('underscore');
* Assert that a user can be created
* @param {RestContext} restCtx The REST context of a user who can create a user account
* @param {Object} params The parameters to create the user with
* @param {Function} callback Invoked when the user has been created an the verification email has been sent
* @param {String} callback.user The created user
* @param {String} [callback.token] The email verification token. Is omitted when a tenant administrator is create a user
* @throws {AssertionError} Thrown if the create is unsuccessful