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Created July 10, 2014 11:54
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K-means clustering using Haskell (monadic) Union Find data structure
-- where the target number k of clusters is set to 4.
-- What is the maximum spacing of a 4-clustering?
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Heap as H
import System.Environment
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.STRef
type Start = Int
type End = Int
type Dist = Int -- dist must be symmetric
--EdgesHeap: Edges, ordered by Dist and containing start and end
type EdgesHeap = H.MinPrioHeap Dist (Start, End)
main = do
args <- getArgs -- :main "fred"
--iHeap <- getGraph "q1test.txt"
iHeap <- getGraph $ head args
len = 500
res = runST $ do
uf <- newUnionFind (len + 1)
findNext uf (len - 4) iHeap
return $ H.viewHead res
--return res
findNext :: (UnionFind s) -> Int -> EdgesHeap -> ST s EdgesHeap
findNext uf c hp = do
let Just ((_,(s,f)), hp') = H.view hp
test <- find uf s f
if test then -- true if top of heap in same cluster
findNext uf c hp'
else if c > 0 then do
unite uf s f
findNext uf (c-1) hp'
else return hp
getGraph :: String -> IO EdgesHeap
getGraph path = do
lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile path
let triples = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
return $ H.fromList [(d, (e,s)) | [s, e, d] <- triples]
-- ####################################################################################
-- Code from
data UnionFind s = UnionFind {
ids:: STUArray s Int Int
, szs:: STUArray s Int Int
newUnionFind :: Int -> ST s (UnionFind s)
newUnionFind n = liftM2 UnionFind (newListArray (0, n-1) [0..n-1]) (newArray (0, n-1) 1)
find :: (UnionFind s) -> Int -> Int -> ST s Bool
find uf p q = liftM2 (==) (root uf p) (root uf q)
root :: (UnionFind s) -> Int -> ST s Int
root uf i = do
id <- readArray (ids uf) i
if (id /= i)
then do
gpid <- readArray (ids uf) id
writeArray (ids uf) i gpid
root uf id
else return i
unite :: (UnionFind s) -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
unite uf p q = do
i <- root uf p
j <- root uf q
szi <- readArray (szs uf) i
szj <- readArray (szs uf) j
if (szi < szj)
then do
writeArray (ids uf) i j
writeArray (szs uf) j (szi + szj)
else do
writeArray (ids uf) j i
writeArray (szs uf) i (szj + szi)
-- start with each point in individual clusters
-- loop
--find next cut (heap can contain internal links)
--find min spacing between clusters
--merge these two clusters
-- remove all internal links?
-- stop when have k-clusters (= n-k rounds)
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