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Last active November 21, 2019 00:14
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Experiments with gcc auto instrumentration of C/C++ source code for run-time function call tree tracing continued...

What are we trying to do?

  • In the original experiments [1] we managed to auto instrument C but not C++.
  • So now it's back to the drawing board to figure out how to do the same for C++.

[1] Original auto instrumentation experiments

Why can't we use the same technique used for C for C++ ?

  • There are several reasons:
  • (a) There's only -aux-info for the C compiler but not C++ compiler.
  • (b) We want the techinque to be line number neutral, meaning that auto instrumentated files will not changing the line numbers of original source code.
  • Being line number neutral with C was easy because we can either force include a file 'before' the original source code, or append new function after the original source code; whatever, the original source code line numbers remain the same.
  • However, assuming we found a way to generate wrapper functions in C++ without -aux-info, then C++ wants class functions defined within the same single class scope.
  • This means the wrapper function needs to be inserted into the class itself which disrupts line numbers, e.g. class Foo { bar(...){...} wrap_bar(...){...} };

Perhaps there's a not yet explored technique which works for both C and C++ ?

  • Apparently there's a GCC compiler extension which supports RAII [1] for C [2], allowing e.g. the possibility of tracing function entry and exit points [3] [4] etc.
  • Since the attribute cleanup RAII extension works when compiling both C and C++, this means we are half way there to auto instrument both C and C++ code with the same technique.
  • The other good thing about the technique is that it's line number neutral.
  • Now we just need to figure out a way to auto insert a preprocessor macro at the start of every function.

[1] Resource acquisition is initialization [2] RAII in C: cleanup gcc compiler extension [3] Create macro in C that traces current scope [4] Poor man’s function_graph trace for C programs

Next problem: How to automatically insert a preprocessor macro at the start of every C or C++ function?

  • This is a difficult problem because C and C++ are notoriously difficult to parse, and we don't want to go to the trouble of creating a new parser.
  • Turns out that there is a tool called CastXML [1] (successor to GCC-XML [2]) which describes much of C and C++ files in XML format.
  • 'Much of' includes a list of all functions including constructors and destructors.
  • So by using CastXML we can get a list of all functions and the exact file and line number where the source code of the function can be found.
  • This makes the task of finding the insertion point for the instrumentation macros much easier, and it can be done with a simpler regex, rather than writing an own C or C++ parser.
  • However, there is still the issue of figuring out the exact number of source files which need to be changed.

[1] CastXML is a C-family abstract syntax tree XML output tool [2] Welcome to GCC-XML, the XML output extension to GCC

Next problem: How to figure out which source files need to be automatically instrumented?

  • Because CastXML only includes a subset of C and C++ info as XML data, it doesn't always list all the source files necessary to compile an individual object file.
  • For this we must go back to the compiler and ask it to tell us all the dependents using the -MM [1] option, e.g. [2].
  • In this way we can generate an exact list of dependent files without worrying that CastXML has excluded one or more of them because it contains no relevant info for CastXML.

[1] -MM [2] how to generate the dependency between files automatically?

Next problem: How to associate static data with each function entry and exit?

  • The previous mechanism, e.g., counted the number of function calls and displayed in upon exit.
  • If data is only stored on the stack for the duration of the function call, how to store the function call number data?
  • Also, in the future, further info will be stored such as the verbosity level.
  • The instrumentation script, which inserts the macros, can also create a static variable per macro insertion and pass the address of the variable to the macro.
  • The definition for the static variable can be appended to the main source file being compiled.
  • This can cause an issue if a function from a header file is included in two or more main source files being compiled.
  • The issue can be fixed by defining the static variable multiple times, but using attribute weak [1] linking.


Next problem: How to instrument a file dependent only once even if it is used by multiple source files?

  • For example, baz.hpp might be used by foo.cpp and bar.cpp.
  • Todo!

Practical example illustrating auto instrumentation of both C and C++ example source code

  • Note: The illustration does not include pretending to be gcc or g++ to work with any makefile.
  • Note: The illustration does not include fancy instrumentation formatting and folding, etc.
  • Note: The illustration does not include any mechanism to control the verbosity at run-time, or exclude instrumentation at compile time.
  • Note: This is purely to illustrate the automatic instrumentation of source code using the above described techniques.

Example source code to instrument which can be compiled as either C or C++

  • Example main source files if compiling everything as C:
$ cat --number c-example-1.c
     1  #include "cpp-example-1.cpp"

$ cat --number c-example-2.c
     1  #include "cpp-example-2.cpp"
  • Example main source files if compiling everything as C++:
$ cat --number cpp-example-1.cpp
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     2  #include <stdlib.h>
     3  #include "cpp-example-1.hpp"
     5  void clean_up(int * my_int) { printf("- my_int=%d\n", *my_int); }
     6  void bye_baz (void        ) { printf("- called via atexit() via baz()\n"); }
     7  void bye     (void        ) { printf("- called via atexit() via main()\n"); }
     8  int  baz     (int a       ) { atexit(bye_baz); return     a ; }
     9  int  bar     (int a       ) {                  return baz(a); }
    11  #ifdef __cplusplus
    12  class Foo {
    13      private:
    14      my_struct my_struct_3;
    15  #endif
    16      int my_private(int a) { return bar(a); }
    18  #ifdef __cplusplus
    19      public:
    20      Foo(const char* arg1) : my_struct_3("my_struct_3", arg1) { printf("- constructing Foo\n"); }
    21      ~Foo() { printf("- deconstructing Foo\n"); }
    22  #endif
    23      int my_public(int a) { return my_private(a); }
    24  #ifdef __cplusplus
    25  };
    26  #endif
    28  int main() {
    29      atexit(bye);
    30      int my_int __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(clean_up))) = 1;
    31      my_int = 5;
    32      printf("- hello world\n");
    33      int b = baz(1);
    34  #ifdef __cplusplus
    35      int x,y;
    36      get_max <int> (x,y);
    37      my_struct my_struct_2("my_struct_2");
    38      Foo foo_1("a");
    39      Foo foo_2("b");
    40      return bar(foo_1.my_public(0));
    41  #else
    42      return bar(      my_public(0));
    43  #endif
    44  }

$ cat --number cpp-example-2.cpp
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     2  #include "cpp-example-1.hpp"
     4  #ifdef __cplusplus
     5  my_struct my_struct_1("my_struct_1");
     6  #endif
  • Example header file that CastXML would miss / not list in its XML output:
$ cat cpp-example-1.hpp
#include "cpp-example-2.hpp"
  • Example header file containing C++ functions to auto instrument:
$ cat cpp-example-2.hpp
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct my_struct {
   my_struct(const char *f               ) { f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
   my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) { f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
  ~my_struct(                            ) {         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }
  const char *f_;

template <class my_type>
my_type get_max (my_type a, my_type b) {
    return (a>b?a:b);

Compiling the code without instrumentation as C

$ rm -f ./c-example
$ gcc -g -o c-example-1.o -c c-example-1.c
$ gcc -g -o c-example-2.o -c c-example-2.c
$ gcc -g -o c-example c-example-1.o c-example-2.o && ./c-example
- hello world
- my_int=5
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via main()

Compiling the code without instrumentation as C++

$ rm -f ./cpp-example
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example-1.o -c cpp-example-1.cpp
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example-2.o -c cpp-example-2.cpp
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example cpp-example-1.o cpp-example-2.o -lstdc++ && ./cpp-example
- hello world
- my_int=5
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via main()
--- compile and run C++ ---
- constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_1
- hello world
- constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_2
- constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_3 arg2:a
- constructing Foo
- constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_3 arg2:b
- constructing Foo
- deconstructing Foo
- deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_3
- deconstructing Foo
- deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_3
- deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_2
- my_int=5
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via baz()
- called via atexit() via main()
- deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_1

Compiling the code with instrumentation as C

  • The script takes the C or C++ file to be compiled and creates a CastXML command line, and runs it, and loads in the generated XML.
  • In the case of C then we tell CastXML to use C, and also to 'disable' C++ via -U__cplusplus.
  • The script runs the compiler using -MM to create a list of local dependencies.
  • For each local dependency, the script modifies it including adding the macros and changing the include names to the modified file names.
  • Finally the newly written modified source files can be compiled and ran.
  • Note: In this example, the non-instrumentated printf() output appears 'magically' indented because we override printf() to make the output look nicer.
$ perl c-example-1.c
- cpp_file=c-example-1.c
- grab AST in XML via command: castxml --verbose --castxml-cc-gnu gcc -std=c89 -U__cplusplus --castxml-gccxml -o c-example-1.c.xml c-example-1.c 2>&1
  > Ubuntu clang version 3.7.1-1ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_371/final) (based on LLVM 3.7.1)
  > Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > Thread model: posix
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Candidate multilib: .;@m64
  > Selected multilib: .;@m64
  > clang -cc1 version 3.7.1 based upon LLVM 3.7.1 default target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > #include "..." search starts here:
  > #include <...> search starts here:
  >  /usr/include/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/c++/5/backward
  >  /usr/share/castxml/clang/include
  >  /usr/local/include
  >  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
  >  /usr/include
  > End of search list.
- xml bytes: 130968
- xml_lines=1538
- cpp file local deps via command: gcc -MM -g c-example-1.c: c-example-1.o: c-example-1.c cpp-example-1.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
- looping over 4 local deps: c-example-1.c cpp-example-1.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: c-example-1.c
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-1.cpp with cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
    - wrote file: c-example-1.c.cwrap.2.c
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.cpp
    - cpp_lines=44
    - file_id=f22
    - call_lines=8
    - line    5+0: context ::        :: name clean_up            : what Function    1: void clean_up(int * my_int) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_clean_up_5, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "clean_up", "5"); printf("- my_int=%d\n", *my_int); }
    - line    6+0: context ::        :: name bye_baz             : what Function    1: void bye_baz (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_baz_6, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye_baz", "6"); printf("- called via atexit() via baz()\n"); }
    - line    7+0: context ::        :: name bye                 : what Function    1: void bye     (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_7, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye", "7"); printf("- called via atexit() via main()\n"); }
    - line    8+0: context ::        :: name baz                 : what Function    1: int  baz     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_baz_8, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "baz", "8"); atexit(bye_baz); return     a ; }
    - line    9+0: context ::        :: name bar                 : what Function    1: int  bar     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bar_9, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bar", "9");                  return baz(a); }
    - line   16+0: context ::        :: name my_private          : what Function    1: int my_private(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_my_private_16, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "my_private", "16"); return bar(a); }
    - line   23+0: context ::        :: name my_public           : what Function    1: int my_public(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_my_public_23, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "my_public", "23"); return my_private(a); }
    - line   28+0: context ::        :: name main                : what Function    1: int main() {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_main_28, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "main", "28");
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-1.hpp with cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.hpp
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-2.hpp with cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - cpp_lines=13
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
- appending 8 function contexts to: c-example-1.c.cwrap.2.c
- wrote file: cwrap.h

$ perl c-example-2.c
- cpp_file=c-example-2.c
- grab AST in XML via command: castxml --verbose --castxml-cc-gnu gcc -std=c89 -U__cplusplus --castxml-gccxml -o c-example-2.c.xml c-example-2.c 2>&1
  > Ubuntu clang version 3.7.1-1ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_371/final) (based on LLVM 3.7.1)
  > Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > Thread model: posix
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Candidate multilib: .;@m64
  > Selected multilib: .;@m64
  > clang -cc1 version 3.7.1 based upon LLVM 3.7.1 default target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > #include "..." search starts here:
  > #include <...> search starts here:
  >  /usr/include/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/c++/5/backward
  >  /usr/share/castxml/clang/include
  >  /usr/local/include
  >  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
  >  /usr/include
  > End of search list.
- xml bytes: 58169
- xml_lines=716
- cpp file local deps via command: gcc -MM -g c-example-2.c: c-example-2.o: c-example-2.c cpp-example-2.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
- looping over 4 local deps: c-example-2.c cpp-example-2.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: c-example-2.c
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-2.cpp with cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
    - wrote file: c-example-2.c.cwrap.2.c
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.cpp
    - cpp_lines=6
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-1.hpp with cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.hpp
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-2.hpp with cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - cpp_lines=13
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
- appending 0 function contexts to: c-example-2.c.cwrap.2.c
- wrote file: cwrap.h

$ rm -f ./c-example
$ gcc -g -o c-example-1.o -c c-example-1.c.cwrap.2.c -include cwrap.h
$ gcc -g -o c-example-2.o -c c-example-2.c.cwrap.2.c -include cwrap.h
$ gcc -g -o c-example c-example-1.o c-example-2.o && ./c-example
+ main() {
  - hello world
  + baz() {
    } // baz() #1
  + my_public() {
    + my_private() {
      + bar() {
        + baz() {
          } // baz() #2
        } // bar() #1
      } // my_private() #1
    } // my_public() #1
  + bar() {
    + baz() {
      } // baz() #3
    } // bar() #2
  + clean_up() {
    - my_int=5
    } // clean_up() #1
  } // main() #1
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #1
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #2
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #3
+ bye() {
  - called via atexit() via main()
  } // bye() #1

Compiling the code with instrumentation as C++

$ perl cpp-example-1.cpp
- cpp_file=cpp-example-1.cpp
- grab AST in XML via command: castxml --verbose --castxml-cc-gnu gcc -std=gnu++98 --castxml-gccxml -o cpp-example-1.cpp.xml cpp-example-1.cpp 2>&1
  > Ubuntu clang version 3.7.1-1ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_371/final) (based on LLVM 3.7.1)
  > Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > Thread model: posix
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Candidate multilib: .;@m64
  > Selected multilib: .;@m64
  > clang -cc1 version 3.7.1 based upon LLVM 3.7.1 default target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > #include "..." search starts here:
  > #include <...> search starts here:
  >  /usr/include/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/c++/5/backward
  >  /usr/share/castxml/clang/include
  >  /usr/local/include
  >  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
  >  /usr/include
  > End of search list.
- xml bytes: 168661
- xml_lines=1956
- cpp file local deps via command: gcc -MM -g cpp-example-1.cpp: cpp-example-1.o: cpp-example-1.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
- looping over 3 local deps: cpp-example-1.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.cpp
    - cpp_lines=44
    - file_id=f23
    - call_lines=11
    - line    5+0: context ::        :: name clean_up            : what Function    1: void clean_up(int * my_int) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_clean_up_5, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "clean_up", "5"); printf("- my_int=%d\n", *my_int); }
    - line    6+0: context ::        :: name bye_baz             : what Function    1: void bye_baz (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_baz_6, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye_baz", "6"); printf("- called via atexit() via baz()\n"); }
    - line    7+0: context ::        :: name bye                 : what Function    1: void bye     (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_7, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye", "7"); printf("- called via atexit() via main()\n"); }
    - line    8+0: context ::        :: name baz                 : what Function    1: int  baz     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_baz_8, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "baz", "8"); atexit(bye_baz); return     a ; }
    - line    9+0: context ::        :: name bar                 : what Function    1: int  bar     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bar_9, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bar", "9");                  return baz(a); }
    - line   12+0: context ::        :: name Foo                 : what Class       1: class Foo {
    - line   28+0: context ::        :: name main                : what Function    1: int main() {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_main_28, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "main", "28");
    - line   16+0: context Foo       :: name my_private          : what Method      1: int my_private(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_private_16, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::my_private", "16"); return bar(a); }
    - line   20+0: context Foo       :: name Foo                 : what Constructor 1: Foo(const char* arg1) : my_struct_3("my_struct_3", arg1) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_foo_20, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::Foo", "20"); printf("- constructing Foo\n"); }
    - line   21+0: context Foo       :: name Foo                 : what Destructor  1: ~Foo() {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_un_foo_21, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::~Foo", "21"); printf("- deconstructing Foo\n"); }
    - line   23+0: context Foo       :: name my_public           : what Method      1: int my_public(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_public_23, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::my_public", "23"); return my_private(a); }
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-1.hpp with cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.hpp
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-2.hpp with cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - cpp_lines=13
    - file_id=f22
    - call_lines=5
    - line    2+0: context ::        :: name my_struct           : what Struct      1: struct my_struct {
    - line   10+0: context ::        :: name get_max             : what Function    1: my_type get_max (my_type a, my_type b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_get_max_10, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "get_max", "10");
    - line    3+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f               ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "3"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
    - line    4+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "4"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
    - line    5+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Destructor  1: ~my_struct(                            ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::~my_struct", "5");         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
- appending 14 function contexts to: cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
- wrote file: cwrap.h

$ perl cpp-example-2.cpp
- cpp_file=cpp-example-2.cpp
- grab AST in XML via command: castxml --verbose --castxml-cc-gnu gcc -std=gnu++98 --castxml-gccxml -o cpp-example-2.cpp.xml cpp-example-2.cpp 2>&1
  > Ubuntu clang version 3.7.1-1ubuntu4 (tags/RELEASE_371/final) (based on LLVM 3.7.1)
  > Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > Thread model: posix
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.4.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6.0.0
  > Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7.4.0
  > Candidate multilib: .;@m64
  > Selected multilib: .;@m64
  > clang -cc1 version 3.7.1 based upon LLVM 3.7.1 default target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  > #include "..." search starts here:
  > #include <...> search starts here:
  >  /usr/include/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5
  >  /usr/include/c++/5/backward
  >  /usr/share/castxml/clang/include
  >  /usr/local/include
  >  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed
  >  /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
  >  /usr/include
  > End of search list.
- xml bytes: 69560
- xml_lines=837
- cpp file local deps via command: gcc -MM -g cpp-example-2.cpp: cpp-example-2.o: cpp-example-2.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
- looping over 3 local deps: cpp-example-2.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.cpp
    - cpp_lines=6
    - file_id=f10
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-1.hpp with cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-1.hpp
    - cpp_lines=1
    - file_id=
    - call_lines=0
    - replaced 1 times: cpp-example-2.hpp with cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
    - wrote file: cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - cpp_lines=13
    - file_id=f9
    - call_lines=4
    - line    2+0: context ::        :: name my_struct           : what Struct      1: struct my_struct {
    - line    3+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f               ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "3"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
    - line    4+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "4"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
    - line    5+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Destructor  1: ~my_struct(                            ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::~my_struct", "5");         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }
    - wrote file: cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
- appending 3 function contexts to: cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
- wrote file: cwrap.h

$ rm -f ./cpp-example
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example-1.o -c cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp -include cwrap.h
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example-2.o -c cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp -include cwrap.h
$ gcc -g -o cpp-example cpp-example-1.o cpp-example-2.o -lstdc++ && ./cpp-example
+ my_struct::my_struct() {
  - constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_1
  } // my_struct::my_struct() #1
+ main() {
  - hello world
  + baz() {
    } // baz() #1
  + my_struct::my_struct() {
    - constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_2
    } // my_struct::my_struct() #2
  + my_struct::my_struct() {
    - constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_3 arg2:a
    } // my_struct::my_struct() #1
  + Foo::Foo() {
    - constructing Foo
    } // Foo::Foo() #1
  + my_struct::my_struct() {
    - constructing my_struct: arg1:my_struct_3 arg2:b
    } // my_struct::my_struct() #2
  + Foo::Foo() {
    - constructing Foo
    } // Foo::Foo() #2
  + Foo::my_public() {
    + Foo::my_private() {
      + bar() {
        + baz() {
          } // baz() #2
        } // bar() #1
      } // Foo::my_private() #1
    } // Foo::my_public() #1
  + bar() {
    + baz() {
      } // baz() #3
    } // bar() #2
  + Foo::~Foo() {
    - deconstructing Foo
    } // Foo::~Foo() #1
  + my_struct::~my_struct() {
    - deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_3
    } // my_struct::~my_struct() #1
  + Foo::~Foo() {
    - deconstructing Foo
    } // Foo::~Foo() #2
  + my_struct::~my_struct() {
    - deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_3
    } // my_struct::~my_struct() #2
  + my_struct::~my_struct() {
    - deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_2
    } // my_struct::~my_struct() #3
  + clean_up() {
    - my_int=5
    } // clean_up() #1
  } // main() #1
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #1
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #2
+ bye_baz() {
  - called via atexit() via baz()
  } // bye_baz() #3
+ bye() {
  - called via atexit() via main()
  } // bye() #1
+ my_struct::~my_struct() {
  - deconstructing my_struct: my_struct_1
  } // my_struct::~my_struct() #4

Example source file after instrumentation

  • Note: The local include files get updated to their instrumentated counterparts.
  • Note: The CWRAP_ENTRY() macros get inserted after the { of every function.
  • Note: The CWRAP_ENTRY() macros are given the static function variable address and other strings.
  • Note: The static function variables are appended to the end of the file.
$ cat --number cpp-example-1.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     2  #include <stdlib.h>
     3  #include "cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp"
     5  void clean_up(int * my_int) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_clean_up_5, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "clean_up", "5"); printf("- my_int=%d\n", *my_int); }
     6  void bye_baz (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_baz_6, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye_baz", "6"); printf("- called via atexit() via baz()\n"); }
     7  void bye     (void        ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_7, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bye", "7"); printf("- called via atexit() via main()\n"); }
     8  int  baz     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_baz_8, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "baz", "8"); atexit(bye_baz); return     a ; }
     9  int  bar     (int a       ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bar_9, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "bar", "9");                  return baz(a); }
    11  #ifdef __cplusplus
    12  class Foo {
    13      private:
    14      my_struct my_struct_3;
    15  #endif
    16      int my_private(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_private_16, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::my_private", "16"); return bar(a); }
    18  #ifdef __cplusplus
    19      public:
    20      Foo(const char* arg1) : my_struct_3("my_struct_3", arg1) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_foo_20, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::Foo", "20"); printf("- constructing Foo\n"); }
    21      ~Foo() {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_un_foo_21, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::~Foo", "21"); printf("- deconstructing Foo\n"); }
    22  #endif
    23      int my_public(int a) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_public_23, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "Foo::my_public", "23"); return my_private(a); }
    24  #ifdef __cplusplus
    25  };
    26  #endif
    28  int main() {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_main_28, "cpp-example-1.cpp", "main", "28");
    29      atexit(bye);
    30      int my_int __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(clean_up))) = 1;
    31      my_int = 5;
    32      printf("- hello world\n");
    33      int b = baz(1);
    34  #ifdef __cplusplus
    35      int x,y;
    36      get_max <int> (x,y);
    37      my_struct my_struct_2("my_struct_2");
    38      Foo foo_1("a");
    39      Foo foo_2("b");
    40      return bar(foo_1.my_public(0));
    41  #else
    42      return bar(      my_public(0));
    43  #endif
    44  }
    45  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bar_9 = {NULL};
    46  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_baz_8 = {NULL};
    47  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_7 = {NULL};
    48  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_bye_baz_6 = {NULL};
    49  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_clean_up_5 = {NULL};
    50  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_foo_20 = {NULL};
    51  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_private_16 = {NULL};
    52  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_my_public_23 = {NULL};
    53  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_foo_un_foo_21 = {NULL};
    54  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_1_cpp_main_28 = {NULL};
  • Note: Here the static function variables used by the struct constructor and destructor functions are duplicated, but without compiler errors due to the extern weak attribute in the CWRAP_ENTRY() macro:
$ cat --number cpp-example-2.cpp.cwrap.2.cpp
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     2  #include "cpp-example-1.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp"
     4  #ifdef __cplusplus
     5  my_struct my_struct_1("my_struct_1");
     6  #endif

$ cat --number cpp-example-2.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp
     1  #ifdef __cplusplus
     2  struct my_struct {
     3     my_struct(const char *f               ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "3"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
     4     my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "4"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
     5    ~my_struct(                            ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::~my_struct", "5");         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }
     6    const char *f_;
     7  };
     9  template <class my_type>
    10  my_type get_max (my_type a, my_type b) {
    11      return (a>b?a:b);
    12  }
    13  #endif
    14  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3 = {NULL};
    15  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4 = {NULL};
    16  CWRAP_DATA cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5 = {NULL};

Another issue to solve with the above technique

  • Unfortunately, CastXML only lists templates if they are used, whereas, e.g. it'll list structs whether they are used or not! [1].
  • This means the above technique creates two different cpp-example.hpp.cwrap.2.hpp files; one for cpp-example-1.cpp and one for cpp-example-2.cpp.
  • Unfortunately they are different, because only cpp-example-1.cpp actually uses the template, whereas cpp-example-2.cpp does not use the template:
$ perl cpp-example-1.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - line    2+0: context ::        :: name my_struct           : what Struct      1: struct my_struct {
    - line   10+0: context ::        :: name get_max             : what Function    1: my_type get_max (my_type a, my_type b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_get_max_10, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "get_max", "10");
    - line    3+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f               ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "3"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
    - line    4+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "4"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
    - line    5+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Destructor  1: ~my_struct(                            ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::~my_struct", "5");         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }

$ perl cpp-example-2.cpp
  - cpp_file_local_dep: cpp-example-2.hpp
    - line    2+0: context ::        :: name my_struct           : what Struct      1: struct my_struct {
    - line    3+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f               ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_3, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "3"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s\n"        , f_   ); }
    - line    4+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Constructor 1: my_struct(const char *f, const char *b) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_my_struct_4, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::my_struct", "4"); f_ = f; printf("- ""constructing my_struct: arg1:%s arg2:%s\n", f_, b); }
    - line    5+0: context my_struct :: name my_struct           : what Destructor  1: ~my_struct(                            ) {CWRAP_ENTRY(cwrap_cpp_example_2_hpp_my_struct_un_my_struct_5, "cpp-example-2.hpp", "my_struct::~my_struct", "5");         printf("- deconstructing my_struct: %s\n"             , f_   ); }
  • This is a tricky and annoying issue to solve, and needs some brain-storming.
  • Idea #1: Create a unique version of cpp-example-2.hpp for each source file that includes it.
  • Cons: This might become messy. If 100+ source files include a particular header then we'll end up with 100+ intrumentated versions of the header; many of them the same.
  • Idea #2: Like idea #1 except we SHA256 each header to find the unique ones, which are the only versions to be persisted on disk.
  • Cons: A header file full of templates might still result in very many instrumentated versions of the header.
  • Idea #3: Only have one version of the header file but incrementally update it as different source files using it get compiled.
  • In the example above, the first source file processed updates the header and adds 4 CWRAP_ENTRY() macros, including the one for the template.
  • If we somehow remembered those 4 macros added, when it comes to processing the next source file, we'd only update the already instrumented header, and only if a new macro needs adding.
  • Cons: We'd need to use the timestamp of the original header file to decide if the instrumented header version needs to start from scratch again. Is this enough to make enough work as expected?

[1] CastXML behaviour: templates vs structs

Integrate this auto instrumentation technique with the latest cwrap script supporting C and corountines

  • Todo!
use strict;
my ($cpp_file) = ($ARGV[0]);
printf qq[- cpp_file=%s\n], $cpp_file; die qq[ERROR: file does not exist: $cpp_file\n] if (not -e $cpp_file);
my $c_or_cpp = ($cpp_file =~ m~\.c$~) ? "-std=c89 -U__cplusplus" : "-std=gnu++98"; # see and
my $xml_file = "$cpp_file.xml";
my $cpp_file_xml_command = "castxml --verbose --castxml-cc-gnu gcc $c_or_cpp --castxml-gccxml -o $xml_file $cpp_file 2>&1"; # --castxml-start not necessary?
printf qq[- grab AST in XML via command: %s\n], $cpp_file_xml_command;
my $cpp_file_xml_output = `$cpp_file_xml_command`;
$cpp_file_xml_output =~ s~\s+$~~s;
$cpp_file_xml_output =~ s~^(.*)$~ > $1~gm;
printf qq[%s\n], $cpp_file_xml_output; # if gcc does not match castxml: sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
my $xml_bytes = `cat $xml_file`;
printf qq[- xml bytes: %u\n], length $xml_bytes;
my @xml_lines = split(m~\n~, $xml_bytes);
printf qq[- xml_lines=%d\n], scalar @xml_lines;
my $cpp_files_local_deps_command = "gcc -MM -g $cpp_file";
my $cpp_files_local_deps_output = `$cpp_files_local_deps_command`; # e.g. cpp-example.o: cpp-example.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
chomp $cpp_files_local_deps_output;
$cpp_files_local_deps_output =~ s~(\s+)\\\s+~$1~gs; # join lines split with \ at end
printf qq[- cpp file local deps via command: %s: %s\n], $cpp_files_local_deps_command, $cpp_files_local_deps_output;
my ($cpp_files_local_deps_non_object) = $cpp_files_local_deps_output =~ m~:\s*(.*)$~; # e.g. cpp-example.cpp cpp-example-1.hpp cpp-example-2.hpp
my @cpp_files_local_deps = split(m~\s+~, $cpp_files_local_deps_non_object);
printf qq[- looping over %d local deps: @cpp_files_local_deps\n], scalar @cpp_files_local_deps;
my $h_old_2_new;
foreach my $cpp_file_local_dep (@cpp_files_local_deps) {
my ($ext) = $cpp_file_local_dep =~ m~\.([^\.]+)$~;
my $cpp_file_out = sprintf qq[%s.cwrap.2.%s], $cpp_file_local_dep, $ext;
$h_old_2_new->{$cpp_file_local_dep} = $cpp_file_out;
my $h_id_2_class;
$h_id_2_class->{'_1'} = "::";
foreach my $cpp_file_local_dep (@cpp_files_local_deps) {
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($cpp_file_local_dep);
my $cpp_file_local_dep_mtime = $mtime;
printf qq[ - cpp_file_local_dep: %s # last modified at %u\n], $cpp_file_local_dep, $cpp_file_local_dep_mtime;
my $cpp_file_out = $h_old_2_new->{$cpp_file_local_dep};
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($cpp_file_out);
my $cpp_file_out_mtime = $mtime;
printf qq[ - cpp_file_out: %s # last modified at %u\n], $cpp_file_out, $cpp_file_out_mtime;
my @cpp_lines = `cat $cpp_file_local_dep`;
printf qq[ - cpp_lines=%d\n], scalar @cpp_lines;
my ($file_id) = $xml_bytes =~ m~File id="([^"]+)" name="[^"]*$cpp_file_local_dep"~; # <File id="f29" name="./cpp-example.cpp"/>
printf qq[ - file_id=%s\n], $file_id;
my @call_lines_plus_artificial = grep( m~<(Struct|Class|Function|Method|Constructor|Destructor) .*file="$file_id"~, @xml_lines);
my @call_lines = grep(!m~ artificial=~ , @call_lines_plus_artificial);
printf qq[ - call_lines=%d\n], scalar @call_lines;
my @function_contexts;
foreach my $call_line (@call_lines) {
#printf qq[- %s\n], $call_line;
my ($id ) = $call_line =~ m~ id="([^"]+)"~;
my ($context) = $call_line =~ m~ context="([^"]+)"~;
my ($what ) = $call_line =~ m~<([^\s]+)\s~;
my ($line ) = $call_line =~ m~ line="(\d+)"~;
my ($name ) = $call_line =~ m~ name="([^"]+)"~;
if ($what =~ m~(Struct|Class)~) {
$h_id_2_class->{$id} = $name;
my $result;
foreach my $i (0..2) {
if ($what =~ m~(Struct|Class)~) {
$result = 1;
else {
my $context_name = $h_id_2_class->{$context};
my $function_name;
$function_name = sprintf qq[%s::], $context_name if ($context_name ne '::');
$function_name .= sprintf qq[%s%s], ($what eq 'Destructor') ? "~" : "", $name;
my $unique_var = sprintf qq[cwrap %s %s %s], $cpp_file_local_dep, $function_name, $line;
$unique_var =~ s~\~~un_~gs; # handle destructor!
$unique_var = lc($unique_var);
$unique_var =~ s~([^a-z0-9_])+~_~gs;
$unique_var =~ s~_+~_~gs;
push @function_contexts, $unique_var;
if ($i == 0) { $result = $cpp_lines[$line - 1 + $i] =~ s~($name[^\{]+\{)~$1CWRAP_ENTRY($unique_var, "$cpp_file_local_dep", "$function_name", "$line");~s; }
elsif ($i > 0) { $result = $cpp_lines[$line - 1 + $i] =~ s~(\{)~$1CWRAP_ENTRY($unique_var, "$cpp_file_local_dep", "$function_name", "$line");~s; }
my $cpp_line_pretty = $cpp_lines[$line - 1 + $i];
$cpp_line_pretty =~ s~^\s+~~;
$cpp_line_pretty =~ s~\s+$~~;
printf qq[ - line %4d+%d: context %-10s:: name %-20s: what %-11s %d: %s\n], $line, $i, $h_id_2_class->{$context}, $name, $what, $result, $cpp_line_pretty;
goto EARLY_OUT if($result);
my $cpp_lines_joined = join("", @cpp_lines);
foreach my $old_name (keys %{ $h_old_2_new }) {
my $new_name = $h_old_2_new->{$old_name};
my $times = $cpp_lines_joined =~ s~(include.*)$old_name~$1$new_name~gm;
printf qq[ - replaced %d times: %s with %s\n], $times, $old_name, $new_name if ($times > 0);
open(my $out_fd, '>', $cpp_file_out) || die sprintf qq[ERROR: cannot open file: %s; $!\n], $cpp_file_out;
syswrite($out_fd, $cpp_lines_joined, length($cpp_lines_joined));
foreach my $function_context (sort @function_contexts) {
printf $out_fd qq[CWRAP_DATA %s = {NULL};\n], $function_context;
close $out_fd;
printf qq[ - wrote file: %s\n], $cpp_file_out;
#my $cpp_file_local_dep = $cpp_files_local_deps[0]; # C/C++ file being compiled e.g. c-example.c
#my $cpp_file_out = $h_old_2_new->{$cpp_file_local_dep};
#printf qq[- appending %d function contexts to: %s\n], scalar @function_contexts, $cpp_file_out;
#open(my $out_fd, '>>', $cpp_file_out) || die sprintf qq[ERROR: cannot open file for appending: %s; $!\n], $cpp_file_out;
#foreach my $function_context (sort @function_contexts) {
# printf $out_fd qq[CWRAP_DATA %s = {NULL};\n], $function_context;
#close $out_fd;
my $cwrap_h = "cwrap.h";
open(my $out_fd, '>', $cwrap_h) || die sprintf qq[ERROR: cannot open file: %s; $!\n], $cwrap_h;
printf $out_fd <<EOL;
#include <stdio.h>
__attribute__((weak)) int cwrap_indent = 0;
__attribute__((weak)) const char * cwrap_spaces = " ";
typedef struct CWRAP_DATA {
const char * function;
int calls;
__attribute__((weak)) void cwrap_enter(CWRAP_DATA * cd) { printf("%%.*s%%.*s+ %%s() {\\n" , cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces, cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces, cd ->function ); cwrap_indent ++; }
__attribute__((weak)) void cwrap_leave(CWRAP_DATA ** cd) { (*cd)->calls ++; printf("%%.*s%%.*s} // %%s() #%%d\\n", cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces, cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces, (*cd)->function, (*cd)->calls); cwrap_indent --; }
#define CWRAP_ENTRY(VAR, FILE, FUNCTION, LINE) extern __attribute__((weak)) CWRAP_DATA VAR; __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(cwrap_leave))) CWRAP_DATA * cwrap_entry_ ## __LINE__ = &VAR; if(NULL == VAR.function) { VAR.function = FUNCTION; VAR.calls = 0; } cwrap_enter(&VAR)
#define printf(...) { \\
printf("%%.*s%%.*s", cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces, cwrap_indent, cwrap_spaces); \\
printf(__VA_ARGS__); \\
close $out_fd;
printf qq[- wrote file: %s\n], $cwrap_h;
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