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C versus CPP versus Java; the performance failings of naive OO
//package com.dnene.josephus;
// $ javac && java Chain
public class Chain
private Person first = null;
public Chain(int size)
Person last = null;
Person current = null;
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
current = new Person(i);
if (first == null) first = current;
if (last != null)
last = current;
public Person kill(int nth)
Person current = first;
int shout = 1;
while(current.getNext() != current)
shout = current.shout(shout, nth);
current = current.getNext();
first = current;
return current;
public Person getFirst()
return first;
public static void main(String[] args)
int ITER = Integer.parseInt(System.getenv("ITERATIONS")); // 1000000;
int personCount = Integer.parseInt(System.getenv("PERSON_COUNT")); // 40;
Person last = null;
long start = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++)
Chain chain = new Chain(personCount);
last = chain.kill(3);
long end = System.nanoTime();
double seconds = ((double)(end - start) / 1000000000);
System.out.format("Java: Time for %d iterations = %.9f seconds\n", ITER, seconds);
System.out.format("Java: Time iteration = %.9f seconds\n", seconds / ITER);
System.out.format("Java: Last man standing is # %d out of %d\n", last.getCount() + 1, personCount);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
//01 modify bignotti alberto 2008-08-18
#include <stack>
#include <assert.h>
// $ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead-fixed mem-alloc-overhead-fixed.cpp && ./mem-alloc-overhead-fixed
class Person;
typedef std::stack<Person*> SaveArea;
class Person
Person(int count) : _next(NULL), _prev(NULL) { _count = count; }
//02 modify bignotti alberto 2008-08-18
void reset(int count)
int shout(int shout, int nth)
if (shout < nth) return (shout + 1);
_prev->_next = _next;
_next->_prev = _prev;
return 1;
int count() { return _count; }
Person* next() { return _next; }
void next(Person* person) { this->_next = person ; }
Person* prev() { return _prev; }
void prev(Person* person) { this->_prev = person; }
int _count;
Person* _next;
Person* _prev;
class Chain
//03 modify bignotti alberto 2008-08-18
Chain(int size,SaveArea& reusePersons) : _first(NULL)
Person* current = NULL;
Person* last = NULL;
for(int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
if(! reusePersons.empty() )
current =;
current = new Person(i);
if (_first == NULL) _first = current;
if (last != NULL)
last = current;
//04 modify bignotti alberto 2008-08-18
Person* kill(int nth,SaveArea& reusePersons)
Person* current = _first;
int shout = 1;
while(current->next() != current)
Person* tmp = current;
shout = current->shout(shout,nth);
current = current->next();
if (shout == 1)
//delete tmp;
_first = current;
return current;
Person* first() { return _first; }
Person* _first;
double get_time_in_seconds(void)
struct timeval tv;
assert(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) >= 0);
return (double)tv.tv_sec + 1.e-6 * (double)tv.tv_usec;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ITER = atoi(getenv("ITERATIONS")); // 1000000;
int personCount = atoi(getenv("PERSON_COUNT")); //40;
Chain* chain;
Person* last;
double start = get_time_in_seconds();
SaveArea reusePersons;
for(int i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++)
chain = new Chain(personCount, reusePersons);
last = chain->kill(3, reusePersons);
delete chain;
double end = get_time_in_seconds();
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Fixed: Time for %u iterations = %f seconds\n", ITER, end - start);
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Fixed: Time per iteration = %.9f seconds\n", (end - start) / ITER);
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Fixed: Last man standing is # %d out of %d\n", (last->count() + 1), personCount);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <assert.h>
// $ # see
// $ gcc -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.c && ./mem-alloc-overhead
double get_time_in_seconds(void)
struct timeval tv;
assert(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) >= 0);
return (double)tv.tv_sec + 1.e-6 * (double)tv.tv_usec;
typedef struct PERSON {
int next;
int prev;
PERSON * person;
int person_first;
int person_used;
int new_person(int count)
//printf("- new_person(count=%d)\n", count);
person_used ++;
return person_used;
int person_shout(int shout, int nth, int person_current)
if (shout < nth) { /* printf("- %d = person_shout(shout=%d, nth=%d, %2d=person_current)\n", shout + 1, shout, nth, person_current); */ return (shout + 1); }
//printf("- 1 = person_shout(shout=%d, nth=%d, %2d=person_current) // killed!\n", shout, nth, person_current);
int next = person[person_current].next;
int prev = person[person_current].prev;
person[prev].next = next;
person[next].prev = prev;
return 1;
void new_chain(int size)
//printf("- new_chain(size=%d)\n", size);
person_first = -1;
person_used = -1;
int person_last = -1;
for(int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
int person_current = new_person(i);
person_first = -1 == person_first ? person_current : person_first;
if (-1 != person_last)
person[person_last].next = person_current;
person[person_current].prev = person_last;
person_last = person_current;
person[person_first].prev = person_last;
int chain_kill(int nth)
int person_current = person_first;
int shout = 1;
//printf("- chain_kill(nth=%d) // loop until 1 person alive!\n", nth);
while (person[person_current].next != person_current)
shout = person_shout(shout, nth, person_current);
person_current = person[person_current].next;
//printf("- chain_kill(nth=%d) // person alive is %d!\n", nth, person_current);
person_first = person_current;
return person_current;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ITER = atoi(getenv("ITERATIONS")); // 1000000;
int person_count = atoi(getenv("PERSON_COUNT")); //40;
person = malloc(sizeof(PERSON) * person_count);
double start = get_time_in_seconds();
for(int i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++)
double end = get_time_in_seconds();
fprintf(stdout,"C: Array: Time for %u iterations = %f seconds\n", ITER, end - start);
fprintf(stdout,"C: Array: Time per iteration = %.9f seconds\n", (end - start) / ITER);
fprintf(stdout,"C: Array: Last man standing is # %d out of %d\n", person_first + 1, person_count);
//for(int i = 0 ; i < person_count ; i++)
// printf("- %2d=prev %2d=person %2d=next; %2d=person_first\n", person[i].prev, i, person[i].next, person_first);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <assert.h>
// $ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.cpp && ./mem-alloc-overhead
class Person
Person(int count) : _next(NULL), _prev(NULL) { _count = count; }
int shout(int shout, int nth)
if (shout < nth) return (shout + 1);
_prev->_next = _next;
_next->_prev = _prev;
return 1;
int count() { return _count; }
Person* next() { return _next; }
void next(Person* person) { this->_next = person ; }
Person* prev() { return _prev; }
void prev(Person* person) { this->_prev = person; }
int _count;
Person* _next;
Person* _prev;
class Chain
Chain(int size) : _first(NULL)
Person* current = NULL;
Person* last = NULL;
for(int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
current = new Person(i);
if (_first == NULL) _first = current;
if (last != NULL)
last = current;
Person* kill(int nth)
Person* current = _first;
int shout = 1;
while(current->next() != current)
Person* tmp = current;
shout = current->shout(shout,nth);
current = current->next();
if (shout == 1)
delete tmp;
_first = current;
return current;
Person* first() { return _first; }
Person* _first;
double get_time_in_seconds(void)
struct timeval tv;
assert(gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) >= 0);
return (double)tv.tv_sec + 1.e-6 * (double)tv.tv_usec;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ITER = atoi(getenv("ITERATIONS")); // 1000000;
int personCount = atoi(getenv("PERSON_COUNT")); //40;
Chain* chain;
Person* last;
double start = get_time_in_seconds();
for(int i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++)
chain = new Chain(personCount);
last = chain->kill(3);
delete chain;
double end = get_time_in_seconds();
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Dynamic: Time for %u iterations = %f seconds\n", ITER, end - start);
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Dynamic: Time per iteration = %.9f seconds\n", (end - start) / ITER);
fprintf(stdout,"CPP: Dynamic: Last man standing is # %d out of %d\n", last->count() + 1, personCount);
return 0;
//package com.dnene.josephus;
public class Person
int count;
private Person prev = null;
private Person next = null;
public Person(int count)
this.count = count;
public int shout(int shout, int deadif)
if (shout < deadif) return (shout + 1);
return 1;
public int getCount()
return this.count;
public Person getPrev()
return prev;
public void setPrev(Person prev)
this.prev = prev;
public Person getNext()
return next;
public void setNext(Person next)
{ = next;
| 10M interation / 40 person | wallclock | RSS KB | Minor faults | User s | Sys S | Notes |
| C Array | 2.595171 | 1,516 | 61 | 2.59 | 0.00 | |
| CPP Fixed | 3.060870 | 315,388 | 78,238 | 2.94 | 0.12 | |
| Java GC +n | 4.143983 | 361,680 | 86,489 | 4.12 | 0.15 | default GC |
| Java GC +1 | 4.142188 | 362,224 | 86,717 | 4.11 | 0.11 | best GC |
| Java GC +serial | 4.138099 | 45,020 | 7,869 | 4.19 | 0.03 | best GC |
| CPP Dynamic | 10.061743 | 315,392 | 78,238 | 9.98 | 0.08 | |
| 40 interation / 10M person | wallclock | RSS KB | Minor faults | User s | Sys S | Notes |
| C Array | 5.523370 | 79,748 | 19,595 | 5.50 | 0.01 | 1 thread |
| CPP Fixed | 153.253313 | 396,568 | 99,090 | 153.11 | 0.14 | 1 thread |
| Java GC +n | 50.260279 | 1,023,508 | 263,613 | 261.25 | 5.78 | 8 threads, default GC |
| Java GC +1 | 59.405543 | 979,616 | 247,019 | 59.12 | 0.34 | 2 threads |
| Java GC +serial | 41.308497 | 736,492 | 474,564 | 40.82 | 0.59 | 2 threads, best GC |
| CPP Dynamic | 186.309237 | 315,448 | 78,237 | 189.17 | 0.10 | 1 thread |
| 40 interation / 1M person | wallclock | RSS KB | Minor faults | User s | Sys S | Notes |
| C Array | 0.479585 | 9,280 | 2,015 | 0.47 | 0.00 | 1 thread |
| CPP Fixed | 11.307122 | 42,064 | 9,999 | 11.26 | 0.03 | 1 thread |
| Java GC +n | 1.364553 | 213,592 | 49,596 | 2.75 | 0.08 | 8 threads, default GC |
| Java GC +1 | 1.570767 | 237,088 | 55,495 | 1.59 | 0.08 | 2 threads, best GC |
| Java GC +serial | 2.939497 | 102,084 | 37,878 | 2.95 | 0.07 | 2 threads |
| CPP Dynamic | 14.820864 | 33,988 | 7,922 | 14.99 | 0.01 | 1 thread |
| 40 interation / 100k person | wallclock | RSS KB | Minor faults | User s | Sys S | Notes |
| C Array | 0.038181 | 2,248 | 258 | 0.03 | 0.00 | 1 thread |
| CPP Fixed | 0.236402 | 6,836 | 2,181 | 0.23 | 0.00 | 1 thread |
| Java GC +n | 0.096783 | 63,660 | 11,945 | 0.19 | 0.01 | 8 threads, default GC |
| Java GC +1 | 0.105271 | 63,360 | 11,855 | 0.17 | 0.02 | 2 threads, best GC |
| Java GC +serial | 0.097546 | 47,780 | 8,054 | 0.17 | 0.02 | 2 threads, best GC |
| CPP Dynamic | 0.307559 | 6,072 | 893 | 0.31 | 0.00 | 1 thread |
$ # Results for 40 persons and 10 million iterations
$ gcc -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.c && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(C:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
C: Array: Time for 10000000 iterations = 2.595171 seconds
C: Array: Time per iteration = 0.000000260 seconds
C: Array: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 2.59
System time (seconds): 0.00
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1516
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 61
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 180
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead-fixed mem-alloc-overhead-fixed.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead-fixed 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Fixed: Time for 10000000 iterations = 3.060870 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Time per iteration = 0.000000306 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 2.94
System time (seconds): 0.12
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 315388
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 78238
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 11
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v java Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 10000000 iterations = 4.143983493 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.000000414 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 4.12
System time (seconds): 0.15
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 361680
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 86489
Voluntary context switches: 1554
Involuntary context switches: 653
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 10000000 iterations = 4.142188205 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.000000414 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 4.11
System time (seconds): 0.11
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 362224
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 86717
Voluntary context switches: 920
Involuntary context switches: 558
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:+UseSerialGC Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 10000000 iterations = 4.138099093 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.000000414 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 4.19
System time (seconds): 0.03
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 45020
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 7869
Voluntary context switches: 3025
Involuntary context switches: 2529
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=10000000 ; export PERSON_COUNT=40 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Dynamic: Time for 10000000 iterations = 10.061743 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Time per iteration = 0.000001006 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Last man standing is # 28 out of 40
User time (seconds): 9.98
System time (seconds): 0.08
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 315392
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 78238
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 49
$ # Results for 10 million persons and 40 iterations
$ gcc -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.c && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(C:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
C: Array: Time for 40 iterations = 5.523370 seconds
C: Array: Time per iteration = 0.138084251 seconds
C: Array: Last man standing is # 3093013 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 5.50
System time (seconds): 0.01
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 79748
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 19595
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 10
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead-fixed mem-alloc-overhead-fixed.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead-fixed 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Fixed: Time for 40 iterations = 153.253313 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Time per iteration = 3.831332821 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Last man standing is # 3093025 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 153.11
System time (seconds): 0.14
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 396568
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 99090
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 258
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 50.260279144 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 1.256506979 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 3093025 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 261.25
System time (seconds): 5.78
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1023508
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 263613
Voluntary context switches: 4634
Involuntary context switches: 17885
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 59.405543721 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 1.485138593 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 3093025 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 59.12
System time (seconds): 0.34
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 979616
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 247019
Voluntary context switches: 2016
Involuntary context switches: 1598
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:+UseSerialGC Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 41.308497086 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 1.032712427 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 3093025 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 40.82
System time (seconds): 0.59
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 736492
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 474564
Voluntary context switches: 1318
Involuntary context switches: 986
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=10000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Dynamic: Time for 40 iterations = 186.309237 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Time per iteration = 4.657730925 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Last man standing is # 3093025 out of 10000000
User time (seconds): 189.17
System time (seconds): 0.10
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 315448
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 78237
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 178
$ # Results for 1 million persons and 40 iterations
$ gcc -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.c && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(C:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
C: Array: Time for 40 iterations = 0.479585 seconds
C: Array: Time per iteration = 0.011989623 seconds
C: Array: Last man standing is # 637792 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 0.47
System time (seconds): 0.00
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 9280
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 2015
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 28
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead-fixed mem-alloc-overhead-fixed.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead-fixed 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Fixed: Time for 40 iterations = 11.307122 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Time per iteration = 0.282678050 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Last man standing is # 637798 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 11.26
System time (seconds): 0.03
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 42064
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 9999
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 380
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 1.364553010 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.034113825 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 637798 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 2.75
System time (seconds): 0.08
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 213592
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 49596
Voluntary context switches: 717
Involuntary context switches: 1512
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 1.570767788 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.039269195 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 637798 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 1.59
System time (seconds): 0.08
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 237088
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 55495
Voluntary context switches: 391
Involuntary context switches: 91
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:+UseSerialGC Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 2.939497528 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.073487438 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 637798 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 2.95
System time (seconds): 0.07
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 102084
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 37878
Voluntary context switches: 407
Involuntary context switches: 73
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=1000000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Dynamic: Time for 40 iterations = 14.820864 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Time per iteration = 0.370521599 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Last man standing is # 637798 out of 1000000
User time (seconds): 14.99
System time (seconds): 0.01
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 33988
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 7922
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 34
$ # Results for 100k persons and 40 iterations
$ gcc -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.c && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(C:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
C: Array: Time for 40 iterations = 0.038181 seconds
C: Array: Time per iteration = 0.000954521 seconds
C: Array: Last man standing is # 91912 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.03
System time (seconds): 0.00
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 2248
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 258
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 8
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead-fixed mem-alloc-overhead-fixed.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead-fixed 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Fixed: Time for 40 iterations = 0.236402 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Time per iteration = 0.005910051 seconds
CPP: Fixed: Last man standing is # 92620 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.23
System time (seconds): 0.00
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 6836
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 2181
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 0
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 0.096783994 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.002419600 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 92620 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.19
System time (seconds): 0.01
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 63660
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 11945
Voluntary context switches: 381
Involuntary context switches: 114
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 0.105271219 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.002631780 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 92620 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.17
System time (seconds): 0.02
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 63360
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 11855
Voluntary context switches: 292
Involuntary context switches: 32
$ javac && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v java -XX:+UseSerialGC Chain 2>&1 | egrep "(Java:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
Java: Time for 40 iterations = 0.097546259 seconds
Java: Time iteration = 0.002438656 seconds
Java: Last man standing is # 92620 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.17
System time (seconds): 0.02
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 47780
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 8054
Voluntary context switches: 269
Involuntary context switches: 27
$ g++ -O3 -o mem-alloc-overhead mem-alloc-overhead.cpp && (export ITERATIONS=40 ; export PERSON_COUNT=100000 ; /usr/bin/time -v ./mem-alloc-overhead 2>&1 | egrep "(CPP:|Max|User|System|page|context)")
CPP: Dynamic: Time for 40 iterations = 0.307559 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Time per iteration = 0.007688975 seconds
CPP: Dynamic: Last man standing is # 92620 out of 100000
User time (seconds): 0.31
System time (seconds): 0.00
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 6072
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 893
Voluntary context switches: 1
Involuntary context switches: 2
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vostok01 commented May 21, 2019

Fast and small pure C implementation:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

struct person {
	struct person *next;

int kill(int size, int nth)
	struct person *chain_array;
	struct person *cur, *last, *prev;
	int n;

	if (size == 1)
		return 0;

	chain_array = malloc(sizeof(*chain_array) * size);
	if (chain_array == NULL)
		return -1;

	last = chain_array + size - 1;
	for(cur = chain_array; cur < last; cur++ )
		cur->next = cur + 1;
	cur->next = chain_array;

	n = nth;
	prev = last;
	cur = chain_array;
	while(1) {
		if (!--n) {
			cur = cur->next;
			if (prev == cur)

			prev->next = cur;
			n = nth;

		prev = cur;
		cur = cur->next;

	return cur - chain_array;

#define ITER 1000000

int main(void)
	int last;
        struct timeval start, end, delta;

        gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
        for (int i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++){
		last = kill(40, 3);
        gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

	timersub(&end, &start, &delta);

        fprintf(stdout, "Time = %d microseconds\n",
		(int) (delta.tv_sec * 1000000 + delta.tv_usec));

        fprintf(stdout,"Last man standing is %d\n", last + 1);

	return 0;

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