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Created August 15, 2011 08:43
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Save simonjefford/1145912 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
info it worked if it ends with ok
verbose cli [ 'node',
verbose cli '/Users/simon/code/npm/cli.js',
verbose cli 'install',
verbose cli '-g',
verbose cli '-f' ]
info using npm@1.0.24
info using node@v0.5.4
verbose config file /Users/simon/.npmrc
verbose config file /usr/local/etc/npmrc
verbose mkdir exists /usr
silly stat(/usr) { dev: 234881026,
silly stat(/usr) ino: 934381,
silly stat(/usr) mode: 48672,
silly stat(/usr) nlink: 183,
silly stat(/usr) uid: 0,
silly stat(/usr) gid: 0,
silly stat(/usr) rdev: 0,
silly stat(/usr) size: 0,
silly stat(/usr) blksize: 0,
silly stat(/usr) blocks: 1307990819,
silly stat(/usr) atime: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT,
silly stat(/usr) mtime: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT,
silly stat(/usr) ctime: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT }
verbose isDirectory() false
ERR! Error: Failed to mkdir /usr: File exists
ERR! at STATCB (/Users/simon/code/npm/lib/utils/mkdir-p.js:168:14)
ERR! at cb (/Users/simon/code/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js:31:9)
ERR! Report this *entire* log at:
ERR! <>
ERR! or email it to:
ERR! <>
ERR! System Darwin 11.0.0
ERR! command "node" "/Users/simon/code/npm/cli.js" "install" "-g" "-f"
ERR! cwd /Users/simon/code/npm
ERR! node -v v0.5.4
ERR! npm -v 1.0.24
verbose exit [ 1, true ]
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