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Created December 4, 2012 07:56
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Another Version
def digit_to_roman digit, one, five, ten
case d = digit % 10
when 0..3 then one * d
when 4 then one + five
when 5..8 then five + one * (d - 5)
when 9 then one + ten
def to_roman n
digit_to_roman(n / 1000, 'M', '', '') +
digit_to_roman(n / 100, 'C', 'D', 'M') +
digit_to_roman(n / 10, 'X', 'L', 'C') +
digit_to_roman(n, 'I', 'V', 'X')
def from_roman n
@roman_to_arabic ||= Hash[(1..3999).map{|i| [to_roman(i), i]}]
def convert n
n =~ /\d/ ? to_roman(n.to_i) : from_roman(n)
ARGF.each_line {|l| puts convert(l)} if $0 == __FILE__
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