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Data usage when post-processing workflows

Simon Couch

# with tidymodels/container#12 and tidymodels/workflows#225
── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────────── tidymodels 1.2.0 ──

✔ broom      ✔ recipes
✔ dials        1.2.1           ✔ rsample      1.2.1      
✔ dplyr        1.1.4           ✔ tibble       3.2.1      
✔ ggplot2      3.5.1           ✔ tidyr        1.3.1      
✔ infer      ✔ tune         1.2.1      
✔ modeldata    1.3.0           ✔ workflows 
✔ parsnip      ✔ workflowsets 1.1.0      
✔ purrr        1.0.2           ✔ yardstick    1.3.1      

── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────────── tidymodels_conflicts() ──
✖ purrr::discard() masks scales::discard()
✖ dplyr::filter()  masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()     masks stats::lag()
✖ recipes::step()  masks stats::step()
• Use suppressPackageStartupMessages() to eliminate package startup messages

The introduction of postprocessors in workflows introduces new questions about how data is allotted during workflow fitting.

# create example data
y <- seq(0, 7, .1)
dat <- data.frame(y = y, x = y + (y-3)^2)

plot(dat$x, dat$y)

# construct workflows
post <- container::container("regression", "regression")
post <- container::adjust_numeric_calibration(post, "linear")

wflow_simple <- workflow(y ~ ., parsnip::linear_reg())
wflow_post <- add_container(wflow_simple, post)

# train workflow
wf_simple_fit <- fit(wflow_simple, dat)
wf_post_fit <- fit(wflow_post, dat)

wf_simple_fit has trained the preprocessor and model on dat. wf_post_fit has trained both of those as well as the postprocessor on dat.

Note that (calibration) postprocessors are trained on model predictions. So, in this case, when fitting wf_post_fit:

  • The workflow trains the preprocessor and model on dat as usual.

  • Then, workflows re-predicts dat with the preprocessor and model (identical to output that would be returned from predict(wf_simple_fit, dat)) and trains the post-processor on those re-predictions.

Confirming this is what actually happens:

wflow_simple_preds <- augment(wf_simple_fit, dat)
post_trained <- fit(post, wflow_simple_preds, y, .pred)
wflow_manual_preds <- predict(post_trained, wflow_simple_preds)

wflow_post_preds <- predict(wf_post_fit, dat)

all(wflow_manual_preds[".pred"] == wflow_post_preds)
[1] TRUE

What we actually want is to train the post-processor on predictions generated from the preprocessor/model that that pair wasn’t trained on.


This is not an issue for workflows that don’t have postprocessors or workflows whose postprocessor don’t require training. As of now, calibration adjustments (adjust_*_calibration()) are the only postprocessors that require training.

We haven’t encountered this probably directly in tune as, for computational efficiency reasons, it trains the preprocessor and model (and now postprocessor) separately rather than using fit.workflow(), so we can just pass different data to each. workflows will need to address this problem somehow, though.

Option 1: Make an “internal” split

This approach would mirror tune’s current approach. Internally, tidymodels takes care of splitting data up for training the two components and (in an interface we haven’t figured out yet in tune) shows curious users how that split was determined.

So, the user still just supplies dat to fit.workflow() and workflows does a fancy version of initial_split(dat) internally; one portion trains the preprocessor and model, and then that partially trained workflow predicts on the second portion and those predictions are used to train the postprocessor.

Some notable pros here:

  • Users can still just supply data as usual—I think that data as a type-stable argument here is actually really important as both users and ourselves can programmatically pass data to fit a workflow without accounting for the edge case that the workflow has a postprocessor and that postprocessor has a calibrator (and thus needs training).
  • tidymodels protects users from re-prediction under the hood.

Cons here:

  • Users (and we) can’t control which data ends up in which split.

    • This is especially a bummer (and even dangerous) when data is the output of a resampling function that affects statistical independence of rows. i.e. if data is training(bootstraps(dat)$splits[[1]]), then data will contain duplicate rows that could end up in both the training sets for the preprocessor/model and the postprocessor. Similarly problematic story for time series.

It is worth noting that this approach can be reproducible and auditable. Re auditable, note that:

# currently:
[1] "actions" "post"   

We can just add a split slot to document the splits that were used to train either. Doing so would make that split accessible in tuning results via control_*(extract).

Option 2: Allow passing a split to a workflow as data

Require the user to pass a split to the workflow as data when the workflow contains a postprocessor that requires training.


  • Allows for fine-grained control of which data is used to train which elements of the workflow.


  • I can certainly imagine users just supplying initial_split(data) to that argument even in problematic situations like those mentioned above.

Option 3: Just train the postprocessor on re-predicted data


Option 4: Combination of 1 and 2

I think that a combination of 1 and 2 is likely most helpful here.

  • fit.workflow() can take in data-frame data and will make an internal split when it needs to. (Notably, as a happy path—I’d argue no need to message or warn here.)

  • fit.workflow() can also take rsplit data in the case when a post-processor that requires training is present.

    • We’d likely want to warn or error here when the workflow doesn’t actually require data to be supplied as an rsplit.

Edge case

One last point that seems worth thinking through is the possibility of a “partially trained” workflow. Postprocessors, theoretically, could be added, updated, removed, and/or trained without any need for changing the underlying preprocessor and model fit. That said, the same is technically true for preprocessors in the context of model fits, but the package currently doesn’t accommodate workflows where the preprocessor is trained but the model isn’t.

My thought here is that the .fit_*() functions, which allow for training only the preprocessor, model, and now postprocessor—and are the functions used by tune to do so—are the sole interface to partially train workflows and likely ought to stay this way.

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