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Last active November 29, 2023 19:32
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Timeline for machine learning fairness implementations in tidymodels

Fair machine learning with tidymodels: timeline

For context on this document, see the fairness reading group summary.

Releases, round 1: Assessment and critique

The first component of fairness metrics functionality, assessment, is completed and merged into the main dev versions of tidymodels.

Getting this functionality on CRAN will require yardstick and tune releases.

This functionality should be accompanied by long-form documentation demonstrating the approaches to critique noted in the group summary:

Content Packages Scope Location Status
Group-wise metrics yardstick Concepts only yardstick vignette Merged, available on the dev tidymodels website
Applied analysis (Are GPT detectors fair?) yardstick Assessment only Pull request made, draft available on a deploy preview
Applied analysis (Hospital readmission) yardstick + tune Assessment only Pull request made, draft available on a deploy preview
Fair machine learning with tidymodels yardstick Concepts only, very much about the social aspects tidyverse blog Not yet drafted, but can be based off of the reading group summary

Releases, round 2: functionality

Implementing mitigation would require another round of development. The approach would follow Algorithm 1 in “A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification” (2018), described at a higher level on page 5 of a white paper from the authors of Fairlearn. Given how that functionality is described in the latter paper and a follow-up analysis—and how much more of a maintenance burden it would entail than assessment—it may be worth starting a conversation with Fairlearn maintainers to learn from their experience.

If we do implement this functionality, we’re envisioning that this will likely look like another tidymodels package (or just a stacks release, if there’s enough shared functionality). Taking in a trained (with save_pred = TRUE) workflowset as input, the algorithm would return a weighted ensemble of the workflowset.

Once we’ve implemented mitigation, additional documentation could look like:

Content Packages Scope Location Status
Applied analysis yardstick + tune + mitigation Assessment and mitigation New package vignette Not yet drafted

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