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Last active June 12, 2019 11:47
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#houdini #vex #wrangle
// point wrangle using 'lage' attribute generated from L-System SOP
// looping over points is like doing a promote max sop
// get the max by looping over the points
float lage_max = 0;
// get point count
int pc = npoints(0);
// loop over points
for(int i=0; i < pc; i++) {
int result;
float pl = pointattrib(0, 'lage', i, result);
// update lage_max variable if current value is larger
if (pl > lage_max) {
lage_max = pl;
// make attribute
f@lage_max = lage_max;
// normalise the initial attr
float normlaised_lage = fit(@lage, 0, lage_max, 0,1);
// do stuff
float falloff = chramp('lage_falloff', normlaised_lage);
vector n = fit01(noise((v@P * ch('n_scale'))), -1,1) * chv('n_amp');
vector push_base = chv('push_base');
vector push = (push_base + n) * falloff;
v@P += push;
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