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Created June 1, 2023 10:56
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An R script to generate summary data about data providers on the NBN Atlas using the faceting functionality in the occurrence API endpoint
# Get a list of data providers
response <- GET("")
content <- content(response, "text")
data_providers <- fromJSON(content) # Parse the JSON response into a dataframe
#define query
dp <- "dp239"
facets <- c(
# temporal
# metadata
url <- paste0("",
facets %>%paste0(collapse=","),
# get facets for dp
response <- GET(url)
# Get the content from the response
content <- content(response, "text")
# Parse the JSON response into a dataframe
facet_content <- fromJSON(content)
facet_data <- facet_content$facetResults$fieldResult %>%lapply(FUN = function(x){x %>% select(label,count) %>% arrange(label)})
names(facet_data) <- facets
#do whatever plotting of the data you like eg
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