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Last active October 26, 2017 15:11
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Check that a normal object upload is replicating as we'd expect.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Openstack Swift Object Live Replication Test
# straill (SwiftStack) 2017/10/26
# Setup:
# - Ensure you have a swift account created - see SWIFT_USER below.
# - Then set the config varibles below for your endpoints and password.
# We push a test object into a swift cluster, then use swift-get-nodes to see where the replicas actually are.
# If they are not in the primary parition locations we'd expect, then throw a WARNING error.
# This will use the default storage policy.
# Install this script on every PROXY node - not on the SwiftStack controller.
# Configure these.
SWIFT_HOST= # hostname[:port]
SWIFT_PROTO=http # ( http | https )
RING_FILE=/etc/swift/object-1.ring.gz # This should be /etc/swift/object-${INDEX}.ring.gz, where INDEX is the
# Storage policy index of your *default* storage policy. See
# for more details if required.
# The object name to be used for our test.
# We want to be uploading a fresh one every time, so we add the current unixtime to the name .
# When we upload these things we provide an X-Delete-At header 1 minute in the future to ensure Swift cleans them up for us.
NOW=$( date +'%s' )
DELETE_AT=$(( ${NOW} + 60 )) # Delete our test object after 1 minute.
VERBOSE=false # Get some output on success
. /opt/ss/etc/profile.d/
# Leave these alone (at least if using local SwiftStack Auth)
BYTES=5000000 # 5MB
if [ -f ${UPLOAD_FILE} ]; then
if [ $( du -b ${UPLOAD_FILE} | awk '{print $1}' ) -ne ${BYTES} ]; then
[ ! -e ${UPLOAD_FILE} ] && fallocate -l ${BYTES} ${UPLOAD_FILE}
debug() {
if [ "$VERBOSE" = 'true' ]; then
echo $1
fail() {
echo "1 swift_live_replication - WARNING - Test object ${OBJECT_NAME} was NOT found in all of its primary replica locations after upload."
exit 1
# Get auth token; use default storage URL.
TOKEN=$( curl -s -i "${SWIFT_PROTO}://${SWIFT_HOST}/auth/v1.0" -H "x-auth-user: ${SWIFT_USER}" -H "x-auth-key: ${SWIFT_PASSWORD}" 2>/dev/null | egrep '^X-Auth-Token' | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\x0D$//' ) # Fun times with carriage returns
# Create a container if required.
curl -s -i -X PUT -H "x-auth-token: ${TOKEN}" "${SWIFT_STORAGE_URL}/replication_container" | egrep '^(HTTP/1.1 201 Created)|(HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted)' >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
fail "Failed to create swift container ${SWIFT_STORAGE_URL}/replication_container"
debug "Created swift container ${SWIFT_STORAGE_URL}/replication_container OK."
# PUT our object, and set a delete-at header to have it removed in 1 minutes time.
curl -s -i -X PUT -H "X-Delete-At: ${DELETE_AT}" -H "x-auth-token: ${TOKEN}" -s "${SWIFT_STORAGE_URL}/replication_container/replication_object_${NOW}" --data-binary @${UPLOAD_FILE} | egrep '^(HTTP/1.1 201 Created)|(HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted)' >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
fail "Failed to upload ${SWIFT_STORAGE_URL}/replication_container/replication_object_${NOW}"
# Get the primary replica locations from swift-get-nodes - the places where our object *should be* - and check each in turn to ensure our object has gone there.
export OIFS=${IFS}
export IFS="|"
# Sleep for 10 seconds. With a 5 MB object this should be enouh to ensure all our replicas have a chance to be written.
sleep 10
for CURL_COMMAND in $( swift-get-nodes ${RING_FILE} ${OBJECT_NAME} | egrep '^curl -g ' | grep -v Handoff ); do
( eval ${CURL_COMMAND} -s 2>/dev/null | egrep '^HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ) >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
fail "Could not find object ${OBJECT_NAME} in one of its primary replica locations."
exit 1
# If we get here, we're good.
echo "0 swift_live_replication - OK - Test object ${OBJECT_NAME} was found in all of its primary replica locations after upload."
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