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Last active May 27, 2021 14:47
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May-June 2021 Crypto Bag

My Bag 2021 May/June After the 55% bitcoin correction.

Not Investment Advice

  • This is my strategy and my holdings, not advice.
  • This is my life strategy: "Never sell all. Only sell 50% when it's life changing money."
  • My day to day strategy is, 90% cold storage, 10% on an exchange (FTX) so i can buy the dips.
  • I no-longer trade derivatives or use leverage.

Cold Storage - Diamond Hands - Moon Bag

60% ETH - Gas fees suck, but it's overwhelmingly won the developer community now and will probably be the "java" for a long time. I'm convinced regulated central bank backed but privately issued stable coins will come to ETH first. I'm also convinced that the Ethereum Foundation is on the right track with EIP1559, Eth2-PoS and Sharding. I think Ethereum ends up being the main chain for everything, and ICP + many EVM L2 ZKRollup chains will depened on it for security.

30% Bitcoin - for the brand. Digital gold. will probably move mine into wBTC on ETH or an equivalent if i can find a trustless one. I actually expect ETH to Flip BTC in the next 5 years, and to absorb Bitcoin (wBTC or at a protocol level once ZKs and cross chain becomes a thing all chains need to have).

These two make up the bulk of my holding. I was 50:50 but Eth got stronger (the first "flippening meme") and then weaker and now is rising again. I don't plan on rebalancing or touching this part of my bag until selling half is life changing money.

The remaining 10%

In order of how much i rate the projects (not necessesarily how much i hold)

Sol - Solana

Super fast blockchain, fast enough for global trading systems to be built. Backed by FTX founders so unlikely to go away. Uses synchronised clocks and proof of stake, along with ideas taken from mobile phone networks (time division multi access) to achieve very high throughput.

ICP - Dfinity

Like Solana i consider this to be one of the best 3rd gen blockchains. On ICP, Compute and Storage is cheap (relative to Eth). ICP can also host web pages and allows for the server to pay for things, enabling people with new, empty wallets to interact with services. This will go a long way to enabling "freemium" type SaaS products that can benefit from permissionlessness, censorship resistance and immutability. I've locked/staked my ICP token for a year but am currently down 50% because i bought too early (and wasn't a 2017 airdrop investor).

Matic - Polygon

The EVM (ethereum virtual machine) compatible chains will eventually become ZKRollups hanging off the main ETH2 chain, and i think the matic/polygon team is the most advanced and likely to be first to gain traction in this L2 future.

Rune - Thorchain

I wanted to swap some wETH for SOL and couldn't. Thorchain is the answer, multichain, cross chain trades. Shapeshift and Matcha are also interesting but i haven't bought any.

TreeDAO Trees and NFTrees

It's my own project so obvs i hold a bunch. Trees is a token; 1/5000th of a DAO that owns a woodland near salsbury in the UK.

1 Treetoken can also convert to 1 NFT on Ethereum (soon; Matic or some other chain as well).

NFTs make good gifts, and also get you access to the members governance site. It's only traded OTC, so you'll have to tweet @thetreedao if you want some.


ZCash - Despite having met Zooko and knowing Jack Gavigan, i no-longer hold zcash.. I think ZKSnarks were amazing tech, but that tech is widely distributed now. Monero seems to have wider "privacy coin" adoption, and zcash is just another non-smart-contract coin. It's gen 1.5 tech now.

AAVE LINK UNI SUSHI All good projects that i think are over valued (or were before the big correction)

Doge - Doge has as much brand as Bitcoin (nearly) but the continuous issuance means Doge will eventually drift to 0. Apart from that it has no interesting tech (it's a 30 minute fork of an old version of bitcoin)

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