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Created August 23, 2023 01:47
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Script for reviewing every change to every file in a current Git repo and rejecting or keeping it
# Get the list of changed files
files=$(git diff --name-only)
# Loop through each changed file
for file in $files; do
# Show the diff of the file
git diff $file
# Ask the user if they want to abandon the change
read -p "Abandon this change? y/n: " response
if [ "$response" = "y" ]; then
git checkout -- "$file"
echo "Changes in $file abandoned."
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simonw commented Aug 23, 2023

Generated here


Write me a bash script that does the following:

Identify which file paths have changed using git diff

Loop through each one, and for each one display the diff of just that file and ask "Abandon this change? y/n"

If the user says y, use "git checkout filepath" to abandon the changes. Otherwise do nothing

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