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Last active November 12, 2022 09:08
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flatten()/unflatten() - now available as json-flatten on PyPI, see
flatten() and unflatten()
A pair of functions that can convert an arbitrary JSON object into a
flat name/value pair dictionary and back again, preserving type
information and handling both nested lists and nested dictionaries.
For example:
"this": {
"is": {
"nested": [{
"nested_dict_one": 10
}, {
"nested_dict_two": 20.5
"other_types": {
"true": True,
"false": False,
"none": None,
Flattens to:
"$int": "10",
"$float": "20.5",
"this.other_types.true$bool": "True",
"this.other_types.false$bool": "False",
"this.other_types.true$none": "None"
import re
def _object_to_rows(obj, prefix=None):
rows = []
dot_prefix = (prefix and (prefix + '.') or '')
if isinstance(obj, dict):
if not obj:
rows.append(((prefix or '') + '$empty', '{}'))
for key, item in obj.items():
rows.extend(_object_to_rows(item, prefix=dot_prefix + key))
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
for i, item in enumerate(obj):
rows.extend(_object_to_rows(item, prefix=dot_prefix + str(i)))
elif obj is None:
rows.append(((prefix or '') + '$none', 'None'))
elif isinstance(obj, bool):
rows.append(((prefix or '') + '$bool', str(obj)))
elif isinstance(obj, int):
rows.append(((prefix or '') + '$int', str(obj)))
elif isinstance(obj, float):
rows.append(((prefix or '') + '$float', str(obj)))
rows.append((prefix, str(obj)))
return rows
def flatten(obj):
return dict(_object_to_rows(obj))
_types_re = re.compile(r'.*\$(none|bool|int|float|empty)$')
def unflatten(data):
obj = {}
for key, value in data.items():
current = obj
bits = key.split('.')
path, lastkey = bits[:-1], bits[-1]
for bit in path:
current[bit] = current.get(bit) or {}
current = current[bit]
# Now deal with $type suffixes:
if _types_re.match(lastkey):
lastkey, lasttype = lastkey.rsplit('$', 2)
value = {
'int': int,
'float': float,
'empty': lambda v: {},
'bool': lambda v: v.lower() == 'true',
'none': lambda v: None
}.get(lasttype, lambda v: v)(value)
current[lastkey] = value
# We handle, foo.1.two syntax in a second pass,
# by iterating through our structure looking for dictionaries
# where all of the keys are stringified integers
def replace_integer_keyed_dicts_with_lists(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
if obj and all(k.isdigit() for k in obj):
return [i[1] for i in sorted([
(int(k), replace_integer_keyed_dicts_with_lists(v))
for k, v in obj.items()
return dict(
(k, replace_integer_keyed_dicts_with_lists(v))
for k, v in obj.items()
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [replace_integer_keyed_dicts_with_lists(v) for v in obj]
return obj
obj = replace_integer_keyed_dicts_with_lists(obj)
# Handle root units only, e.g. {'$empty': '{}'}
if list(obj.keys()) == ['']:
return obj.values()[0]
return obj
test_examples = [
# test_name, unflattened, flattened
('simple', {
'foo': 'bar'
}, {
'foo': 'bar'
('nested', {
'foo': {
'bar': 'baz'
}, {
'': 'baz'
('list_with_one_item', {
'foo': [
}, {
'foo.0': 'item'
('nested_lists', {
'foo': [
}, {
'foo.0.0': 'item'
('list', {
'foo': {
'bar': ['one', 'two']
}, {
'': 'one',
'': 'two'
('int', {
'foo': 5
}, {
'foo$int': '5'
('none', {
'foo': None,
}, {
'foo$none': 'None',
('bool_true', {
'foo': True,
}, {
'foo$bool': 'True'
('bool_false', {
'foo': False
}, {
'foo$bool': 'False'
('float', {
'foo': 2.5
}, {
'foo$float': '2.5'
('complex', {
'this': {
'is': {
'nested': [{
'nested_dict_one': 10
}, {
'nested_dict_two': 20.5
'other_types': {
'false': False,
'true': True,
'none': None
}, {
'$int': '10',
'$float': '20.5',
'this.other_types.true$bool': 'True',
'this.other_types.false$bool': 'False',
'this.other_types.none$none': 'None'
('dollar_signs_that_are_not_type_indicators', {
'foo': [
'emails': [
'phones': {
'_$!<home>!$_': '555-555-5555'
}, {
'foo.0.emails.0': '',
'foo.0.phones._$!<home>!$_': '555-555-5555',
('empty_object', {}, {'$empty': '{}'}),
('nested_empty_objects', {
'nested': {
'foo': {},
'bar': {},
}, {
'$empty': '{}',
'$empty': '{}',
# Dynamically construct the TestCase, to ensure each flatten/unflatten
# method has the correct name (so test failures will be displayed nicely)
import unittest
class FlattenUnflattenTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_integers_with_gaps_does_not_create_sparse_array(self):
# This test doesn't round-trip, so it can't be created using
# the _make_test_pair function
'list.10': 'three',
'list.5': 'two',
'list.0': 'one',
}), {
'list': ['one', 'two', 'three']
def _make_test_pair(test_name, unflattened, flattened):
def test_flatten(self):
self.assertEqual(flatten(unflattened), flattened)
def test_unflatten(self):
self.assertEqual(unflatten(flattened), unflattened)
return test_flatten, test_unflatten
for test_name, unflattened, flattened in test_examples:
test_flatten, test_unflatten = _make_test_pair(test_name, unflattened, flattened)
test_flatten.__name__ = 'test_flatten_%s' % test_name
test_unflatten.__name__ = 'test_unflatten_%s' % test_name
setattr(FlattenUnflattenTests, test_flatten.__name__, test_flatten)
setattr(FlattenUnflattenTests, test_unflatten.__name__, test_unflatten)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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